【Sweet Fruit +3】

Just as Hanku was feasting.

Several invisible golden words appeared above the head.

Chu Feng glanced at it and felt that this guy was lucky.

It is already relatively rare to get more than two gifts for the first time you visit your own business.

Addicted to food, Hancock soon discovered his abnormality.

At this moment, her understanding of the sweet fruit suddenly increased by several percent.

Don't underestimate this improvement.

The development of Devil Fruit by the ability is different from the cultivation of the normal system.

What is needed is a flash of light, it is possible to think of an idea, and the strength can be immediately leapfrogged.

But if you don't have that little inspiration, it may be like that for a lifetime.

So a few percent improvement, Hancock is already ecstatic.

"Chu ~ Boss Chu?"

Hancock looked up.

The corners of the mouth are still sticky with egg yolks.

She has always paid attention to image, but she can't care about anything else at this time.

"Congratulations, you got the gift."

Chu Feng nodded with a smile.

The pirate female emperor with a stunned look with ingredients sticking to the corners of her mouth looked a little cute.

[Congratulations on getting a skill draw opportunity.] 】

[Overlord color domineering, naval seven style, sweet fruit...]

[Skills are being extracted...]

[Congratulations on drawing the Petrification Curse and triggering a thousandfold critical attack...]

【You get the blood of Medusa (Dragon Blood)】

Hey? Items of the same attribute?

The prompt sound that sounded in his mind made Chu Feng slightly stunned.

Originally, he thought that he would still gain skills, but he did not expect that after a thousandfold critical attack, he brushed out the Medusa bloodline.

In fact, brushing skills from Han Cook, the last thing Chu Feng wanted was sweet fruit.

After all, this ability with seduction and petrification effects looks a bit girly.

And the Medusa bloodline, if it directly affects himself, he will also choose to give up.

With many divine skills in hand, he couldn't see a dragon-level bloodline, and he didn't want the blood of a banshee.

However, since it is something that can be taken out, it is also good to give it to the clerk.

Looking at the Xiaolin gentian not far away, Chu Feng had a plan in his heart.

At the same time, Hancock finally reacted, hurriedly wiped the yolk from the corner of his mouth, lowered his head a little embarrassed, and his breathing became rapid.

It's a shame, I was actually seen by Boss Chu on his unsightly side, and I blamed him for making something too delicious.

Wait, what's this dish called?

Creamy banana custard.

Why haven't you heard of it before?

Hancock, whose face was slightly red, quickly raised his head and asked the doubts in his heart.

"Because, in general, this is a nutritional supplement for small babies."

With a strange glance at Han Cook, Chu Feng, who was in a good mood, lost the mind to tease Han Cook and answered straightforwardly.


What do little babies eat?

What do you mean?

Am I like a baby?

A series of question marks popped up in Hancock's mind. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I always feel that the other person is connotating myself.

But she didn't care about these just after receiving benefits.

Now Hancock just wanted to find a place to experiment with the enhancement.

Maple Leaf Pavilion is certainly not a hands-on place.

The general Akainu was struck by the man in front of him.

Hancock, though arrogant, does not yet consider himself better than Sakaski.

After paying the bill, Hancock walked out of the Maple Leaf Pavilion on his long legs.

But she did not leave the island of forgetfulness.

Instead, he found a place where no one was testing petrochemical capabilities.

It is impossible to leave.

After asking if the Maple Leaf Pavilion can stay for a long time.

The wealthy Hancock directly packed for a month.

She had already decided that she would eat Chu Feng's cooking every day during this time.

As for other times, it's a big deal to go back to the ship and make do with it.

Hancock does desperately need to improve his strength.

At the age of 12, she was abducted by human traffickers from the ship of the Hydra Pirates and sold to the world nobility along with her two younger sisters, Boya Sanda Sonia and Boya Marigorud, and has been branded as a slave ever since.

Later, he was forced to eat "Sweet Fruit" in an after-action show, and while gaining petrification ability, his own charm reached the extreme.

Four years later, a man named Fisher Teg climbed the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands to Marichoa, the holy land of the Draco's residence, and liberated the slaves who were suffering there regardless of race.

The three Hancock sisters were rescued and returned to the Nine Snakes with the help of Renly and Xia Qi and others.

After returning home, the three sisters used their ability to eat the devil fruit to deceive the people of the country and keep the secret that they had been slaves.

In the end, in order to protect the Amazon from infringement, Hancock accepted the invitation of the world government to join His Majesty the Seven Warriors.


There are still many indigenous Amazonians in exile today.

The title of a female fighting nation made the Amazonian natives a hot commodity in the eyes of the nobility.

Almost every year, at the large auctions of the Chambord Islands, there are the figures of the indigenous people of Yama (Dezhao Zhao).

Hancock often went in and out of auction houses in order to redeem his people.

However, even if you were an emperor, you could not buy all the enslaved Amazons.

So Hancock needs strength, stronger strength, and looks forward to one day saving all his people.

But she knows that her talent is not outstanding, and she has a little luck in growing up to this point.

Because of this, she is also troubled day by day, and she does not know how to do well in the future.

But Chu Feng's appearance brought her great hope.

Eating improves strength.

As long as you are not afraid to eat fat.

One day you will have the strength to make your wishes come true.

Hancock is confident in his figure.

How can a pirate female emperor eat fat? .

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