"Bees... Honey? "

Miriam's eyes lit up, and she subconsciously licked her red lips.

Honey dessert, but her favorite food.

What if there's great food here?

It's a very nice place.

He turned his head and looked at the deep pit he had just smashed.

Miriam suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Limulu saw her embarrassment and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's just a square, and it can be repaired in half a day at most." "

Although he was just an ordinary employee in his previous life and had no management experience, he was not enough to worry about this little thing.

Elder Bai sighed, as the oldest old man in the group, he knew the Demon King more deeply than everyone else.

Miriam is an absolutely invincible existence for the current Lord Rimlu.

Since everyone can live in peace, it is even better.

Since Chu Feng had nodded, under the leadership of Limulu, Milim stepped into the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

As soon as she entered, she was attracted by the table full of food, her eyes bulging, staring intently at the grilled meats, fruit salads and drinks on the table.

"Wow~so much delicious~~"

Miriam exclaimed.

The aroma that permeates the room.

The deliciousness of these foods has been described.

And there are many dishes that she has never seen before.

"These are all done by Boss Chu."

Limulu straightened her waist proudly.

If this sentence is not spoken.

Everyone thought he made all these dishes.

In fact, Limulu does feel quite proud.

After all, it was because of him that Chu Feng chose to open a branch in the Demon Kingdom Federation.

To be able to get acquainted with a god like Boss Chu, it's not too much to be a little proud.

Milim did not take Lilimlu, but turned his head to look at Chu Feng.

"What about honey? What about honey desserts."

As if realizing that she just happened to meet everyone eating, it was a little inappropriate to ask such a question, and she quickly added: "You are a restaurant here, right?" Don't worry, I'll pay. "

After living for so many years, Miriam still knows the most basic common sense, and it is necessary to give money to eat.

"It's okay."

Chu Feng said with a smile: "Say that this meal is a treat, and there is no money." As for dessert, let's make you a cherry blossom coconut glazed jelly. "


Miriam tilted her head.

The dishes she had never heard of before made her unable to imagine what this dessert would look like.

But it's okay~

As long as there's honey in it.

Miriam's request for dessert is as simple as that.

Cherry blossom coconut glazed jelly!

In fact, it is a beautiful jelly.

Mix white cool powder, cherry blossoms, cherries, coconut milk and honey, and finally set and molded.

Not for a moment.

A crystal clear cherry blossom coconut scented glazed jelly appeared in front of Miriam.

The round jelly on the plate looks incredibly elastic.

With a slight yellowish color, you can clearly see the cherries and cherry blossoms wrapped inside.

The seemingly random embellishments are just right and give people a refreshing feeling. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Anyway, Miriam had never seen such good-looking food, and she was almost a little reluctant to eat it.

But what kind of person is she, impatient and simple, rude and rude destroying tyrant.

The look of affection only stayed in her eyes for a second, and then disappeared.

Picking up the spoon and dragging the bottom of the jelly, Miriam opened her mouth directly.

The corners of both mouths quickly split into strange arcs, and the palm-sized jelly was put into the mouth in one bite.

Alice, who was standing beside Chu Feng, pouted.

It feels like these people from another world don't know how to taste food at all.

The dessert made by Boss Chu himself was actually swallowed in one bite.

It's just a cow chewing peony, and I don't know how to appreciate it at all.

But Miriam doesn't care what other people think right now.

Cherry blossom coconut scented glass jelly in one mouth.

The unparalleled bullet shook her all over her body.

The sweet and sour taste is even more unique, and it is constantly amplified on the tip of her tongue.

No chewing is required, just gently press with the upper and lower jaws.

Miriam had just felt the elasticity of the jelly, and the other party automatically disintegrated like a mischievous elf.

The unimaginable delicacy flows through the mouth and enters the esophagus like gurgling water, and then every part feels as if you have experienced a wonderful taste that has never been seen before.

"What kind of fruit was that red just now? Also What honey did you add? I've never tasted like this, have I? "

Mirim quickly came back to his senses and stared at Chu Feng and asked.

What kind of strange mouth fetish are you?

Listen to the other person's mouth.

Chu Feng couldn't help but shake his head and smile.

I always feel that the so-called Ancient Demon King is like a child who does not grow up.

"It was a cherry, a delicious fruit. As for honey, I use the honey of jade bees, which you don't have in this world, if you want to eat it, please visit our Maple Leaf Pavilion more in the future. "

"Ahhhh~~ honey that we don't have in this world? Aren't you from this world? "

As long as she mentions (of) Miriam's favorite, she always reacts the fastest.

But after asking, she suddenly thought, had she never heard of this powerful man and woman before.

Seeing Chu Feng nodding, Miriam didn't ask more.

Is the other party a person from this world?

It doesn't matter at all, okay.

She only cares about what kind of bee is the jade bee?

Honey is so delicious!

Sweet, sticky, as if one bite could melt her heart.

No, no, no, I must patronize Boss Chu's business every day in the future.

If she couldn't eat this delicious dessert in the future, Miriam felt like she was going crazy.

Seeing Miriam's unfinished look.

Chu Feng knew~

This Ancient Demon King has sunk...

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