"Is this delicious?" What is it made of? "

"Puffer fish whales? What a strange name, but it's delicious. "

"And this and this... Cream? It's so sweet..."

"Dada ~~ The barbecue is also great!!"

Miriam was happy.

It seems that hundreds of years combined have not been as happy as today.

Eat so many delicious things in one go.

The smile on her face never stopped from the beginning.

Seeing Miriam fit into the celebration so quickly.

Limulu, Red Pill, Bai Lao and the others also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

I just didn't expect that the destruction of tyrants turned out to be like this.

Don't say it's terrible, live like a beautiful and cute foodie girl.

Except for the tablet hardware that makes people can't bear to look at directly, the rest is no different from ordinary girls.

Everyone really can't understand, such a cute girl, what is there to be afraid of? 017

Only Chu Feng, who is familiar with the plot of the original work, knows how terrifying Miriam's strength is.

To be honest, he and Thor didn't fight Miriam, and they don't know what the odds are when they fight alone?

Of course, if he uses divine techniques such as not cutting to death and not pulling out the sword, he should be able to solve the other party.

However, Miriam has left everyone with the impression that people and animals are harmless like foodies.

It is basically impossible to contradict the people of the Demon Kingdom Federation again.

As for the Maple Leaf Pavilion?

Don't make trouble~

Chu Feng is now her food and clothing parents.

How could Miriam be malicious to Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Even during the banquet, she had already pulled out a box of gold bars and paid the long-term rent.

The banquet soon ended, and the unfinished Limulu and the others returned to their residences.

Although Chu Feng's cuisine is not enough to eat.

But Limulu, who has been to the Maple Leaf Pavilion a few times, is very good (badc) to understand Chu Feng's personality.

Add to that the fact that lunch is already free, so you can't ask for too much.

At dusk, the square destroyed by Miriam had been restored to its original state.

One of the ten demon kings, the messenger of the lion king of the beast kingdom of Yurazania, the three beasts of Forbio, Alves, and Sophia visited the Demon Federation, with the intention of winning over the demons who defeated the pig-headed clan.

Originally, the three beasts wanted to test the strength of Limulu and the others, but when they came, they happened to meet Miriam who was wandering around after eating and drinking.

At this time, the three beasts were not calm, and they were by the side of the beast king Kallion all year round, and the three of them were no strangers to Limulu.

After all, although he is also a top ten demon king, Kallion is only a demon king species, and has not yet awakened to become a real demon king, only equivalent to the demon queen.

In the face of one of the three oldest demon kings, even the presence of Calion should remain fearful.

Not to mention the three beasts, the moment they saw Miriam, their faces turned pale with fright.

The alliance between the Beast Kingdom Yurazania and the Demon Kingdom Federation was surprisingly smooth.

Alves, the head of the three beasts, took it upon himself to make great concessions in this regard.

The two sides helped each other and reached a series of agreements smoothly.

Chu Feng was not interested in this.

Quietly watch the plot go away from the original.

Following. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Learn the real reason why Miriam stayed in the Demon Federation.

Almicros became interested in the tiny Maple Leaf Pavilion.

A restaurant could make the Federation Chief and the Ancient Demon King pay so much attention.

It was really a bit unexpected by the three beasts.

Black Panther Tooth Forbio, in particular, did not believe that the inaccessible Gula Forest could have decent food.

The Beast Kingdom Yurazania is a big place, he has never seen any kind of cuisine, and he can't look at the small restaurant in the Demon Kingdom Federal City.

In his opinion, Miriam was either deceived by the Demon Kingdom Federation, or he had never seen real food, so he would nostalgic for this kind of broken place.

That's right, among the three beasts, Forbio is a staunch opponent of the alliance between the Beast Kingdom and the Demon Federation.

His childhood sweetheart, Alves, agrees with Callion's decision, while Sophia, the white tiger claw, remains neutral.

Anyway, whether the two countries are allied or not, it has no effect on her.

But no matter how much Forbio opposes, it has no impact on the overall situation.

Because the Beast Kingdom is the territory of Kallion, the will of the Beast King is everything.

So even though he was very upset, Forbio came.

Just standing at the door of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, looking at the three gold-painted characters on the plaque, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth and sneered: "It's okay, just let me see the cuisine of the Demon Kingdom Federation." "

Although he looked like he was looking forward to it, he did not hide his sarcasm.

A trace of anger flashed in Ziyuan's eyes, and he was about to reprimand the other party for being polite, but was stopped by the red pill next to him with his eyes.

Although he also respected Boss Chu, he couldn't see others looking down on the cuisine of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

But now in the Maple Leaf Pavilion, no matter what happens, it should be handled by the master's family, and the red pill is not good to overstep.

That's right.

After discussing with everyone, Limulu had already assigned this land to Chu Feng's name and no longer fell under the jurisdiction of the Demon Kingdom Federation.

As for whether Forbio will offend Boss Chu, what will be the consequences after that?

The red pill means irrelevant.

Anyway, the two countries have already established states.

He had reminded the other party before.

If Fobio continues to insist on doing his own thing, he will bear any consequences.

Anyway...... Red Maru has long been dissatisfied with this guy's contemptuous attitude.

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