There were many countries in the entire continent, and the countries of the East and the West combined were more than the world before Chu Feng.

Around the Great Forest of Jiula, there is the beast kingdom Yurazania in the west, and the armed country of Devagang in the east.

And the world in which Limulu lives is judged by its harmfulness.

The hazard level is calculated based on the scale of the victim.

Special S level is also known as natural disaster level, some demon kings and dragon species are special S, and a single country cannot deal with it.

Humanity must cross national barriers and cooperate with each other, desperate to survive.

S-class, also known as calamity level, usually refers to the demon king, small countries can not deal with, large countries can only deal with the possibility of coping.

Special A is also known as the calamity level, high-level demon people, and high-level demons all belong to this level, and they have the danger of turning the country upside down.

A generally refers to the disaster level, which can easily ~ destroy an ordinary town.

The three beasts of the Beast Kingdom Yurazania are high-level demons of the calamity level, and their strength is second only to the Beast King Kallion.

Alves and the others followed Red Pill into the Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The décor is different from the current era and refreshing.

The neat dining environment made Alvesi, who had already begun to learn human aristocratic etiquette, nodded slightly.

As the strongest of the three beasts, she has always given the impression that she is very good at commanding, but in fact melee combat is her specialty.

With the special skill Sky Snake Eyes, she can paralyze and petrify all enemies in sight, and also has the ability to transform twice.

If it weren't for the different world background, Chu Feng even thought that this woman also had the bloodline of Medusa.

A little more look, definitely not because Alwesi is bigger than the white tiger claw Sophia.

Alweis, who was tall, well-proportioned and beautiful, did not mind Chu Feng's gaze.

Smiling slightly at the other party, he spoke, "Listen to Lord Limulu, you can order anything here?" "

Seeing Chu Feng and Alweisi's eyebrows going back and forth, Forbio, who thought that he was with the latter's childhood sweetheart, snorted coldly and grinned: "The cuisine of our beast kingdom, you will too?" "

Chu Feng glanced at the suddenly hostile Forbio strangely, and shrugged, "As long as you can name the dish." "

In fact, just now, he had heard the conversation between Red Pill and Forbio at the door of the store, and after a little thought, he knew why the other party had malice towards him.

However, in line with the business philosophy of valuing harmony, Chu Feng was too lazy to calculate with the other party for the time being.

If the other party is really ignorant, just blast it out.

"Then let's smoke a sheep's head."

Forbio took a deep look at Chu Feng, and then spoke.

Smoked sheep's head?

Chu Feng quickly thought of a strange Norwegian dish.

The whole fresh sheep's head is dehaired over fire, marinated, smoked, and cooked for a few hours before eating.

It's just that the shape of the whole dish is a bit mad, imagine that a bloody sheep's head in the big plate is staring at you without blindness, it is estimated that few people can get out of the mouth.

After searching the system mall, Chu Feng unexpectedly found that the smoked sheep's head of the beast kingdom was actually similar to the Norwegian kind.

The only difference is that the ingredients used here are a magical beast called Ogunu Black Mountain Antelope.

This kind of Warcraft level is very low, not even A-level, and the strength is equivalent to a dozen ordinary people at most.

But its meat is tender and loved by the nobility.

It's just that Ogunu Black Mountain antelope generally only grows in the northeast of the beast kingdom and is an important export of the beast kingdom.

Forbio likes to smoke sheep's heads, plus he knows that there is no such monster in the Great Forest of Jiula, and he deliberately embarrasses Chu Feng.

Nodding slightly, Chu Feng did not take Forbio, but looked at Alves and Sophia.

Wearing a split cheongsam and holding a magic wand, Alweisi lightly opened her red lips: "I don't need to order, Boss Chu will look at it." "

The main thing is that she has nothing she particularly wants to eat, and she doesn't know what specialties are here, so she simply wants to make it easier for the boss to play freely.

Sophia, who was dressed in a cool clothes, tilted her head and thought about it, and said with a smile: "Ah yes, I don't know what to eat, the boss looks at it, as long as it is meat." "

As a meat eater, Sophia is meatless, and as for what kind of meat and what form of cooking, she doesn't care at all.

Seeing that neither Alwesi nor Sophia indicated the ingredients, Chu Feng shrugged indifferently and turned around and walked into the kitchen.

On the way, I opened the system mall and took a look, Ogunu Black Mountain antelope meat costs five hundred points, which translates to five million yen.

0 ask for flowers

Chu Feng felt that charging them a thousand gold coins for a dish shouldn't be expensive!?

In the world where Limulu lives, the currency is mainly gold and silver. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chu Feng didn't like silver, he preferred gold.

Since the price is secretly set, the ingredients must at least be able to match it.

Thinking that there were still several ingredients in his warehouse that he had collected casually when he went to the food world, Chu Feng fortunately took them out.

Colorful striped fish and smiling manatees.

They are all dreamy ingredients with delicious meat.

【Name】: Colorful ribbon fish

Capture level: 10

[Habitat]: Deep sea or cave beach

【Body length】: 50cm-1m

【Weight】: 3kg-5.2kg

【Price】: 1kg/5 points

[The colorful ribbon fish living in the deep sea, with a slender and long body, because of its colorful fluttering like colorful flots, they can hardly be seen in the deep sea, and they are the ingredients that test food luck. Usually, I hide in the reef and coral crevices. Its meat is very fresh, fried best, and steamed is also a good dish. The most fun thing is that their fins are very similar to kelp, and they also have the taste of high-grade kelp when cooked. 】


【Name】: Smiling manatee

Capture level: 24

[Habitat]: Ice hell or extremely cold seas

【Body height】: 20cm-34cm

【Body length】: 15cm-48cm

【Weight】: 6kg-10kg

【Price】: 1kg/12 points

[The world's first pacifist is the smiling manatee, who will not quarrel and fight in his life, but spend every day peacefully and gently, even in the face of murderous predators, the smiling manatee will smile to face the final doom, the meat of the smiling manatee is incomparable to any food, even high-grade ingredients such as puffer fish whales and demon snakes, the meat quality is not comparable to it...]

Selecting the right ingredients, Chu Feng began to cook.

Since Almicros is suspected of having snake bloodline, she should be very interested in fish.

And the meat devil Sophia should not refuse the smiling manatee with delicious meat.

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