Smoked sheep's head, steamed fish, braised manatee.

These three dishes were the dishes prepared by Chu Feng for the three beasts.

Ogunu black goat's head, with two thick antelope horns, is quietly placed on a huge dinner plate.

Due to the direction of the plate, a pair of dead eyes stared straight at Forbio.

A slightly purple bright red sauce drizzled on the sheep's head, as if outlining the miserable appearance of the Ogunu Black Mountain antelope before it died.

It's not the first time Forbio has eaten this kind of dish, although the shape of the smoked sheep's head makes even the orcs palpitate, but he just likes the taste.

However, I thought that I was used to this kind of cooking, but at this moment, Forbio still felt a feeling of hair in my heart.

I don't know if it's my own delusion, I always feel that the other party is not dead, and he is still staring at him, the culprit of ordering, with malice. "Nine Eight Zero"

Ya, why do the dishes made by this chef look so realistic?

Forbio suddenly regretted ordering this dish.

I always feel that the Maple Leaf Pavilion boss is deliberately targeting himself.

But the aroma of the slightly drunken lamb has been wafting towards him with the air flowing to the door.

The incomparably wonderful smell seemed to be unstoppable, and it drilled into his nostrils.

Forbio, who had palpitations, subconsciously took a deep breath.

It was definitely the best smoked lamb he'd ever smelled.


Almicros was also attracted by the steamed fish in front of her.

The colorful and brightly colored ribbon fish lies in the whole area on an oval-shaped plate.

As if asleep, there was a thick heat and a light fragrance all over his body.

The tip of Alvesi's nose twitched twice, feeling that this fragrance smelled good.

Even if the flavor of smoked lamb is strong, it cannot hide this light aroma.

In contrast, the cuisine in front of Sophia looks a little ordinary.

A pot of soup can vaguely see a part of the meat sticking out, although it is a little fragrant, you can also see that the meat is white and red, but the visual perception and taste sensation are not as obvious as the other two.

Sophia glanced at Chu Feng with a tilt of her head and muttered, "Isn't the boss perfunctory to me?" What kind of dish is this? "

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Braised pork." "

"What meat is burned?"

"Smiling Manatee!"


Sophia looked confused, sure it was an ingredient she had never heard of.

Chu Feng didn't explain, but replied faintly: "You know it after eating." "

Sophia nodded slowly, no longer delving into the origin of the ingredients.

Anyway, for her, as long as there is meat.

The three began to taste their own dishes.

Although I can't look at the restaurants of the Demon Kingdom Federation.

But Forbio had to admit.

This smoked lamb's head is definitely the most delicious I have ever tasted.

The strong smell completely penetrates the sheep's head.

The nameless spices raise the umami of lamb's head to the extreme.

If it weren't for the difference in position, he definitely couldn't help but applaud.

But who told him to oppose the alliance between the Beast Kingdom and the Demon Federation.

So much so that there is a bit of hostility towards the restaurants here.

In fact, Forbio did not have any opinion about Calion.


He is the most loyal of the three beasts to Calion, and he also loves the beast kingdom of Yurazania deeply.

It's just that the Demon Kingdom Federation suddenly appeared, and Lord Calion actually thought that the other party could be on an equal footing with the Beast Kingdom, which was the most unbearable thing for Forbio.

Yurazania has developed into the point where it is today after countless years of hardship, and is one of the largest powers on the continent. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The newly established Demon Kingdom Federation, how can He De be compared with Yurazania?

What's more, childhood sweetheart Al Microsi, who has always thought that she is on her side, even supported Lord Kallion's decision?

The two closest people actually stood on the other side of his position, and Forbio said that he could not accept it.

So even if he already knew the deliciousness of the smoked sheep's head in front of him and knew the owner's cooking skills, he still had a straight face, and he endured the pleasure of tasting the delicacy in his heart.

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and it could be seen that he was holding it very hard.

Even if Chu Feng didn't incorporate a little bit of Ding Chef's heart in this dish, didn't use any kind of legendary kitchenware, and even the cooking technique was very casual...

But with a level of cooking that has reached the dragon level, even if he does it casually, the things he makes can shock this group of natives from another world.0

Forbio forcibly endured the erosion of the delicacy, looked at Chu Feng calmly, and said in a low voice: "Thanks to the people of the Demon Kingdom Federation blowing your cooking skills to the sky, now it seems that it is only so. "

Red Pill: (⊙o⊙)...

Almicrol: (⊙o⊙)...

Sophia: (⊙⊙)??

The other three saw Forbio's gloomy face.

Can't help but be a little speechless.

When you say nonsense with your eyes open, can you please close your eyes?

Is it really appropriate for you to say such a thing against your will with your eyes full of intoxication?


No matter how hard Fubio was and how against his will, his body's instincts still made his eyes change.

Especially when staring at the smoked sheep's head and looking at Chu Feng, the body's feedback on the deliciousness was reflected in those eyes.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of the soul, and they cannot deceive people.

Alweis rolled her eyes.

I suddenly felt that bringing Forbio this time was the biggest mistake.

This guy's performance simply lost the face of the beast kingdom.

The backwardness and barrenness of the Demon Kingdom Federation had already made the high-level of the Demon Kingdom dissatisfied.

Nowadays, even the food here has to be judged, which is a bit too unusual.

If the cuisine in Maple Leaf Pavilion is really that bad, Alweisi will turn a blind eye for the sake of knowing each other for many years.

But the food is really super delicious, and it is the most delicious she has ever eaten.

It's a bit too much for you to talk nonsense with your eyes open...

And it can be seen from the attitude of Red Pill and others towards Chu Feng.

The other party's status in the Demon Kingdom Federation is extremely high, even no less than Lord Limulu.

Although the other party did not exude too strong an aura, Alwesi instinctively produced a kind of fear.

Is that...... Face the heart palpitations that only the demon king has.

Alweis has no intention of fighting with the Demon Federation, nor does he want to offend unknown powerhouses.

So even if he couldn't bear the food in front of him, he put down his knife and fork and was ready to drink Forbio's cerebral palsy.

However, before she could speak, Sophia on the side gradually began to look strange.

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