Sophia, who has always only thought about meat and battle, is a person who can't hide things and is not very interested in other things.

Alves and Furbio's thoughts, she didn't care at all, and she didn't want to get involved in the battle of positions.

Now all she sees is the thick red soup and the rich aroma of meat.

Although I don't know what a manatee is, the meat looks really fragrant.

Picking up a piece and putting it in her mouth, Sophia's face suddenly changed.

It's just that the pieces of meat that look mostly fatty have a feeling as if they are about to melt when put into the mouth, but they are not completely melted.

Very strange feeling.

The fat is not greasy to chew at all.

Eating and eating~

On the contrary, I feel that the more I eat, the more I want to eat.


Sophia, who originally had a strange face, the corners of her mouth began to rise slowly, and her mood improved step by step with chewing.

She is usually a person who doesn't like to laugh, but after eating sea beef, somehow she suddenly laughed.

Especially when he saw Forbio saying 10 nonsense with his eyes open, the smile on his face was even more unhidden.

"Aha~~ Forbio, what are you kidding? When did we Yurazania ever have such a delicious thing? "

Sophia suddenly laughed: "And if you really think that the cuisine here is very poor, why do you have such big mood swings?" "

In fact, the strength of the three beasts is similar, and Sophia can easily detect Forbio's heartbeat.

This guy is obviously happy because of the deliciousness, but the dead duck is hard and his mouth is hard!

"Sophia! What are you talking nonsense? Do you also think that this small country in the broken forest can be compared with our great Yurazania? "

Forbio was angry and a little speechless.

"Forbio, shut up!" Alweisi waited for him with a dissatisfied look: "The Demon Federation is our ally of Yurazania, don't affect diplomatic relations, if you really don't want to stay here, you can leave right now." "

After scolding Forbio, she turned her head to look at Red Pill and said embarrassedly: "Sorry to make you laugh, my companion... Sometimes the brain is not good. "

Alwes was indeed a little embarrassed, and she couldn't even find a suitable reason to explain Forbio's behavior.


Red Maru snorted, obviously also very dissatisfied with Forbio.

But the two countries have just established diplomatic relations, and he is not having a good time at the moment.


Alves' indifferent attitude made Forbio's heart ache and a little angry at the same time.

Out of instinctive pride, he actually wanted to get up and walked away.

But a sheep's head with a strong fragrance all the time.

But it was like a goddess who tempted her own red fruit.

He was completely unable to move his body.

The face is silent like water.

Forbio pretended not to hear Alves.

Continue to eat the dish in front of you.

Anger, humiliation, wonderfulness, pleasure...

Two diametrically opposed feelings are intertwined in the heart.

Forbio never wanted to just have a meal.

You can also make your own mentality so complicated.

The sourness of the five flavors turns into the motivation for eating.

Forbio suddenly increased the speed of eating.

Now he just wants to escape the place as soon as possible.

Who ever thought ~

Even if he doesn't say a word.

Sophia's laughter still didn't mean to stop.


Forbio looked dumbfounded.

I always feel that the other person is laughing at myself.


Sophia's laughter is like an old hen who happily lays an egg, indescribably weird.


Alves sensed something was wrong.

At this time, Sophia's state was very wrong.

Usually Sophia is not unscrupulous.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

His gaze naturally fell on the dish in front of Sophia. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Alves instinctively felt that the abnormality of the other party was related to this dish.

Looking at Chu Feng suspiciously, before she could speak, the other party had already answered first: "Don't worry, she's fine, it's just the effect of this ingredient itself attached." "



A series of question marks seemed to appear on Alweis's brain.

Ingredients that make people laugh?

Are you sure it's an ingredient!?

Anyway, she had never heard of such outrageous ingredients.

But soon~

Alwes recalled the name of the ingredient.

Smiling Manatee!

Dare to love is literally meaning, eat it will laugh ah?

Alves was speechless for a moment, then looked at Sophia with a pitying look.

This kind of foolish smile is really not very elegant.

When Sophia, who has a strong personality, wakes up and knows her decaying appearance, she is estimated to be angry.

Alwes skillfully uses a magic spell to preserve this precious influence.

I believe that after going back and showing it to Sophia, the other party will cry gratefully.

She Alves, is such a knowing big sister.

At the same time, he was very glad that Chu Feng did not make this dish for himself.

The thought of his silly laughter made Alwei shudder.

The sad Forbio still left.

Fortunately, he still had some sanity.

Do not dare to spread wild on the 640 territory of the Confederates.

Although the words are somewhat disrespectful.

But there has been no excesses.

Otherwise, I guess I have to lie down and leave today.

After the meal is over.

Alves pulled Sophia back to the embassy.

She couldn't wait for the other party to see her silly appearance.

The patronage of the three beasts did not brush out any skills except for bringing Chu Feng three thousand gold coins to benefit.

Among the three, the total amount of magic elements of Almicrosi has also been slightly improved.

However, because the amount of improvement was too weak, the parties did not notice it.

Now her understanding of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

The strength and cooking skills of the owner are also very strong.

I had no idea what I was missing.

On the first day of official business, no skills were brushed.

Chu Feng didn't care either.

It's just three beasts.

There are no outstanding skills in themselves.

It's just that Chu Feng doesn't know.

Even if his arrival has had a certain impact on the development of this world.

Some things are still going their way.

For example, Forbio, who was instigated by the clown to become a stormy whirlpool.

Another example is Kleiman, who is ambitious and specially went to trouble Limuru.

Limuru is still passively moving towards the path of the Demon King.

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