Neat and clean streets.

The gardens on both sides are full of flowers.

The warm and bright sun shines on the rows of neat and beautiful houses, and everything is so beautiful.

Almicros walked slowly down the street.

She and Sophia are preparing to leave the city.

Look at the passers-by and the smiling monsters in the house.

The two couldn't help but feel that Limulu's ability in construction was really strong.

The vigorous and rapidly developing Demon Kingdom Federation definitely has the potential to become a great power.

Moreover, the Jiula Great Forest is vast and sparsely populated and rich in resources, which makes it more developed.

Come to think of it~

Alves couldn't help but admire Calion's vision, but also his own vision.


At the beginning, he was also a person who strongly approved of an alliance with the Demon Federation.

But when I think of Forbio, who left yesterday night.

Alves sighed silently in her heart.

That idiot with a head full of muscles actually couldn't see the potential of the Demon Kingdom Federation.

Not to mention the strange slime with unlimited potential, and the few dependents under him who are enough to compete with the three beasts.

Just staying in the Demon Kingdom Federation, Miriam, and the mysterious Maple Leaf Pavilion have already explained a lot.

In fact, Almicros had already contacted Calleon through magic yesterday night and explained his point of view to him.

However, she was still a little uneasy, and decided to leave immediately and return to Yurazania as soon as possible before Forbio.

Although she and Sophia are reluctant to eat the cuisine of the Maple Leaf Pavilion, they will always have the opportunity to visit again in the future.

Limuru did not keep Alves and Sophia, if it were not for the overall situation, he would not have been so polite yesterday, and would have smoked his maid Forbio a long time ago.

As for whether the other party will maliciously slander himself after going back, Limulu said that the problem is not big, and he believes that the beast king Calion is also a smart person and will make correct judgments.

The other side ~

With two retinues, Forbio walked through the dense forest.


Two figures walked out from the depths of the dense forest.

"Who are you~?"

Forbio suddenly became alert.

"What a faux pas, we are the Moderate Clown Gang, below is the angry clown Fordman, she is the crying clown Tia, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lord Forbio."

The fat clown said very politely, casually introducing himself.

"The Moderate Clown Gang? The house of everything that claims to solve everything? "

Forbio frowned.

Apparently knows the origin of the Joker.

It's just that this group of guys who call themselves moderates are doing it to buy it at both ends in the name of the House of Everything, and their reputation is not very good.

There are even rumors that many wars between small countries were provoked by this group of guys.

"What do you want to do?"

Although Forbio is arrogant and arrogant, he is an idiot full of muscles by the Almicros judges.

But as one of the three beasts, there should still be some vigilance, and he instantly noticed that the two in front of him were very wrong.

"No, no, Lord Forbio, what exactly do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Forbio's face froze, and he suddenly had a feeling that his mind was being seen through.

The eyes under the clown mask seemed to be able to see through everything and reach his heart.

That's right~

Having suffered a lot of anger in the Demon Kingdom Federation, he really had some different ideas at this time.

Seeing this, Fordman continued to bewitch: "Yes, you must also feel very humiliated, distrust of that slime, and the restaurant that suddenly appeared, and Callion..."

"God, how could he not believe that Lord Forbio, who has always been loyal, to establish diplomatic relations with a small country that has suddenly risen, but it really insults the prestige of Yurazania, and also disappoints the soldiers who have worked diligently for the Beast Kingdom over the years..."

Devilish whispers echoed in Forbio's ears, and memories of yesterday came to life instantly.

"Limulu, Mirim, Maple Leaf Pavilion, Chu Feng..."

Forbio clenched his fists, and the memories in his mind began to gradually distort.

Originally, he just felt a little angry, but at this time, he felt extremely wronged.

As if great hatred arose, the mind was replaced by anger.

But soon~

His clenched hands hung down, and he sighed, "So what? Demon King Miriam, mysterious shop owner, have I ever beaten it? "

"Oh, heck, then wouldn't it be nice if you also became a demon king." Fordman continued to induce.

"I become the Demon King!" Forbio was shocked.

"That's right, as long as you become the Demon King, you won't have the strength to be on an equal footing with Miriam, and when the time comes, in front of Lord Calion, you will also have a greater right to speak, if it really doesn't work, Yurazania to change the lord of the country, it's not impossible..."

"Huh~How is it so easy~~"

Although consciousness has become a little blurred, completely replaced by anger and hatred.

But Fobio still has a vestige of sanity and remembers some common sense.

If the Demon King was really that easy to achieve, now the whole world would be full of Demon Kings.

"Oops, since you know that we are in the House of Everything, you should know that we specialize in helping people solve their troubles, and of course there are ways to satisfy customers."

Fordman patted his chest and swore an oath.

"You guys... Is there really a way for me to become a demon king? "

Forbio's pupils sharpened.

No, it is completely believed in the other person's words.

It was his hatred for the Demon Kingdom Federation that was getting stronger and stronger.

As he became extremely emotional and irritable, his eyes became redder and redder.

In fact, Forbio did not know that the crying clown Tia had a special ability [demagoguery].

It can amplify the negative emotions in the other party's heart, and the richer and more emotional the person, the more susceptible it is to influence.

A single-celled creature like Forbio, whose brain is full of muscles, this skill is invincible.

For a long time, Forbio raised his head, stared at Fordman with blood-red eyes, and sounded in a low voice: "Then... What should I do? "

Fordman glanced at the two entourage behind Forbio, until he heard two crisp bone cracking sounds before he laughed:

"Lord Forbio, please come with us."

As the voice subsided, the three walked into the depths of the dense forest.

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