The Storm Demon Vortex is actually a spiritual life form, which is essentially no different from the demon.

According to the rules of the slime world, if a spiritual life body wants to exercise its power in this world, it needs to obtain a physical body first.

In a cave, Forbio is receiving the power of the Storm Demon Vortex.


Screams kept coming from the depths of the cave.

The mountain outside the cave shook as if some force was awakening.

"Tia, this monkey is really easy to deceive, but I have prepared so many words, I didn't use it at all!"

"Yes, Fordman, really worthy of being a simple-minded Kallion's subordinate, it's really too simple."

"Whoops~~ How can the demon king be so simple, by the way, Tia, is this all we have to do?"

"Uh-huh, Kleiman just needs someone to awaken the Storm Demon Vortex and let it attack Miriam."

"No new delegated tasks?"

"Well, the mission ends here, but it's a pity that the corpse of the low-level dragon clan obtained for the sake of safety is useless, so let's leave it here."

"Let's go then, Tia!"

Fordman took out more than a dozen low-level dragon corpses from the storage space and threw them outside the cave, and turned away very decisively.


It was three days. 517 days are fleeting.

Maple Leaf Court is open as normal.

It's still the same, though.

Chu Feng only cooked fifty dishes a day.

First come, first served, no pass.

At other times, the kitchen is taken over by Alice, and Boss Chu is also happy.

Alice, who has now successfully advanced to the rank of Grand Chef, is paired with Ghost Fruit, which is enough to cope with the remaining guests.

As for Chu Feng, he was either soaking in the bath or watching Milim messing around.

Miriam is an energetic guy.

It's like fighting more every day.

Sometimes ploughing fields faster than modern cultivators in the fields, sometimes running to the workshops to visit,

Everything in the Demon Kingdom Federation, she felt very new.

Of course, Maple Leaf Pavilion has become Miriam's canteen, and three meals a day are solved here.

In addition to enjoying the daily Chu Feng dishes, Alice did not let go of what she cooked.

Anyway, over the years, she has saved a lot of gold coins, and she is not worried about eating empty at all.

Chu Feng liked such a rich woman the most, and he was happy to give money.

Zhu Cai drilled into the Maple Leaf Pavilion every three to five.

The main thing is to steal the division.

Although I couldn't understand Chu Feng's cuisine at all.

But Alice's technique, Zhu Cai can also get a glimpse of it.

She loves cooking, and naturally became Alice's henchman, and now she can't care about Lord Rimlu.

For this reason, slime not only complained in front of Chu Feng once, his own housekeeping minister skipped work all day, and now he was about to become an employee of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

In this regard, Chu Feng just smiled and did not speak, being his employee was much better than being a housekeeping minister.

Zhu Cai is a good seedling as a chef, not only has unique skills [parser] and [analysis identification], but also has a high sensitivity to ingredients, and her skilled five senses make her easy to cook and learn quickly.

To be honest, Zhu Cai's culinary talent made Chu Feng move the mind of accepting apprentices. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, after all, the other party is Limulu's dependent, and it is difficult for him to raise it directly.

Besides, Tang Long Chef took the initiative to propose this kind of thing, and he also lost his identity a little.

Coming to Japan, Boss Chu is not in a hurry at all.

As more races joined the Demon Kingdom Federation, the residents increased significantly, and because of this, the number of people who patronized Maple Leaf Pavilion increased by a large number of votes.

And the number of diners increased, and the number of people who found the gift became more, and over time, the entire city knew the magic of Maple Leaf Pavilion.

Limuru suddenly found that the workers became more diligent, and even began to voluntarily ask for overtime, just to rub more overtime pay.

Powerful monsters (bafbs) begin to go out to hunt Warcraft, or search for veins and potions, hoping to exchange them for gold in turn.

That's right, after learning that going to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to eat also has the opportunity to enhance their strength, the monsters have become more active, just to save more money to go to the Maple Leaf Pavilion to rub a meal.

After all, the food there is expensive, and ordinary monsters can only save enough money to taste it again, hoping that the blessing of lady luck will come to them.

Limulu is very happy to see such a benign development, and is also grateful that Chu Feng has brought better enthusiasm to everyone.

But soon, he couldn't laugh.

Because Ziyuan ran over in a panic, he said solemnly: "Lord Limulu, the Storm Demon Vortex has been resurrected and is coming towards us." "

"Huh? Storm Demon Vortex, what is that? "

Limu had question marks on his face.

"In short, it's just a big deal..."

Ziyuan said anxiously: "Lord Limulu, the Storm Demon Vortex is a calamity-level monster, and its power is comparable to the demon king, but it has no reason at all, only the malice that destroys everything, to some extent more dangerous than the demon king, said to be calamity-level, but the danger has exceeded the calamity level..."

After Ziyuan's explanation, Limulu finally understood the seriousness of the situation.

This Storm Demon Vortex is as strong as the Demon King, but there is no legion under it, and it will only mess around according to its own will.

To put it bluntly, it is a monster without wisdom, but its inherent ability [Monster Summoning] can summon a monster called the Swimming Sky Giant Shark to wreak havoc.

And now, the Demon Kingdom Federation has become the target of the other party.

Limuru didn't know why.

But he knew that without further ado, he had to prepare for an attack as soon as possible and evacuate the crowd in the city who had no relevant combat power.

"By the way, where did Mirim go?"

As soon as Limulu gave the order, he turned to ask Red Pill.

He obviously didn't want to let go of this considerable combat power.

It was a stormy demon vortex comparable to the Demon King.

Limuru did not have the confidence to solve it alone.

In case you let the other party rush into the city and kill them.

When Red Pill heard this, he smiled bitterly and said, "Lord Miriam, go to Maple Leaf Pavilion." "

"Eh~ I forgot, it's noon now, it's time for lunch."

Limuru shook her head and gave up the idea of asking Miriam for help.

As long as that guy comes to the table, he won't leave until he finishes eating.

It seems that he can only face the Storm Demon Vortex alone.

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