The Storm Demon Vortex is a calamity-level monster, but this does not mean that its danger level is only the calamity level, but it is equivalent to the calamity level.

Usually, this level refers to the Demon King in general, and the Storm Demon Vortex of the non-Demon King is not applicable because it has no reason to speak of.

It is a spiritual life form, and even if the physical body is destroyed, it will be resurrected from somewhere with a new body.

The Storm Demon Vortex was born in ancient times, repeatedly revived, died, and reborn, and was a murderous sky ruler.

And the reason why it is famous is only because there is a very tricky ability-power - magic hinderment.

This ability is centered on the Storm Demon Vortex, which can affect the flow of magic elements within a radius of three hundred meters.

In other words, magic has no effect on the Storm Demon Vortex unless it releases a total amount of magic that far exceeds the opponent's.


When Limulu and the others rushed to the square, the group of monsters in the sky were already distinguishable to the naked eye.

From a distance, the strange gesture is full of shock.

Giant sharks over 20 meters long swim in the air.

The whole body is covered with hard dragon scales.

This thing is very much like sharks, indeed monsters with a completely different nature.

And in this group of monsters, there are more weird and striking things.

It was a giant monocephalosaur followed by only thirteen sharks.

The one-eyed dragon with a length of more than 100 meters stands out, with a head pointed like a shark and huge eyes underneath, which looks extremely mad.

At least Limulu, who had devoured a large number of monsters, had never seen such a disgusting monster.

If he could, he really didn't want to face such an enemy.


The enemy army was already under the city, and Limuru was not prepared to sit still.

Knowing that the Storm Demon Vortex possesses magic power obstruction, the side of the Demon Kingdom Federation will naturally not use long-range attacks.

Red Pill took the lead and preemptively selected the largest and strongest wide-range melting attack.

[Black Flame Hell! 】

The red pill was full of vitality as soon as it came up, and the strike range of the Black Flame Hell was nearly six hundred meters, and even the huge Storm Great Demon Vortex was within the attack range.

Several sharks fell from the air, and the armor-like scales on their bodies quickly turned black, and then quickly fell off, and new silver shimmering scales grew.

Before the giant shark landed, it jumped a few times in mid-air and lifted off again.


Red Pill was dumbfounded.

Don't cheat like that!

His strongest blow only caused the attendants of the Storm Great Demon Vortex to change the skin, but the main lord was unharmed.

Red Pill was a little shocked, and at the same time, he deeply felt how tricky this monster was.

Ziyuan held a huge ghost head knife and instantly cut a small flying shark in half.

Seeing that the corpse of the flying shark with two cuts was not resurrected.

Ziyuan's eyes lit up and shouted: "These little shrimp cannot be resurrected indefinitely, as long as they hit the point, they will also die!" "

I'm afraid that these giant sharks can be resurrected by cutting into pieces, which is really difficult.

Red Pill, Bai Lao, Cang Ying and the others nodded when they heard this, took out their killing moves, and began to clear the surrounding flying sharks.

But soon~

They can't laugh.

Because many flying sharks broke away from the team and ran towards the corpses of their companions, they rushed to devour the corpses of their companions and ate extremely fast.

In a moment, the monster corpse on the ground disappeared, replaced by an even larger shark.

These monsters, can they also devour each other to enhance their strength?

Red Pill and Ziyuan looked solemn.

After becoming stronger, the giant shark exudes fierce magic.

At this time, Limuru is fighting with the Storm Demon Vortex.

The strength of the two is comparable, and it is impossible to separate the results in a short time.

No way, Red Pill and the others had to bite the bullet. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Outside the city.

Towering trees stand tall.

Fordman and Tia stand in the treetops.

The expressions under both masks are a bit strange.

"Tia, is the Storm Demon Vortex so strong?"

"It should... No, right? "

Tia's tone was also a little uncertain: "Haven't you heard that the swimming sky giant shark has the ability to devour each other?" "

"So..." Fordman voiced his conjecture: "After that stupid monkey of Forbio was transformed into the Storm Demon Vortex, he mutated??" "

This kind of thing is not uncommon in history.

Especially the Storm Great Demon Vortex, a spiritual life form without a fixed body.

In addition to similar abilities and characteristics, the Storm Great Demon Vortex appears every time it appears in a different form.

0 ask for flowers

For example, this time, with the resurrection of Forbio's body, he devoured a large number of corpses of low-level dragons, and the form of the Storm Demon Vortex was closer to that of the dragons.

However, the monster with a length of 100 meters had obviously exceeded Fordman and Tia's expectations, and was obviously more than twice as strong as they had speculated.

"Boom~~" Fordman laughed strangely: "This is interesting, it is estimated that even if Miriam makes a move, it may not be able to settle this matter." "

Tia gave him a blank look and said with a smile: "Don't underestimate the Ancient Demon King, Miriam's true strength is not as simple as she usually shows, but well, that slime is definitely not the opponent of the Storm Demon Vortex." "

"yes, I'm really looking forward to the next good show."

Under Fordman's mask, that face was full of expectation.


Maple Leaf Pavilion doorway.

Thor and Alice stood on either side of Chu Feng, calmly watching the battle in the sky.

It's just that Thor frowns from time to time, obviously very unimpressed by the Storm Demon Vortex that resembles the dragon clan.

That disgusting look was simply the biggest offense to the dragon clan.

It's just that Chu Feng didn't mean to make a move.

Thor didn't destroy this guy who offended the dragon clan in the first place.

But to be honest, this monster called the Storm Demon Vortex is indeed very strong.

After watching for a while, Thor was basically sure that Limulu had no chance of winning.

Even if he keeps fighting, it is Limulu who will eventually run out of magic power.

"Kaede, don't help him?" Thor pointed at Rimlu.

"Let's see."

Of course, Chu Feng knew that Limulu was not the opponent of the Storm Great Demon Vortex.

But the storm demon vortex that appeared this time is too far from the original work, and its strength has at least doubled.

Chu Feng was distressed, unable to figure out which relief was wrong.

It has only been a few days since he came to this world, and the biggest change to the plot is nothing more than that Forbio did not make a move with Miriam, and the three beasts did not fight with Red Pill and others.

Such a small change should not be able to cause much change, right?


Is this mutated Storm Great Demon Vortex in front of you swollen again?

Chu Feng couldn't figure it out, and was ready to wait and see its death.

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