How can it be?

The pitch-black pupils froze sharply.

Sanhu's face suddenly changed slightly.

The attack just now.

He felt like he had hit a titanium plate.



The other person's arm.

It's harder than titanium.

Even a titanium plate with a thickness of five centimeters.

He also has the confidence to hit through.

However, just now...

But even the opponent's defense could not be broken.

The long tongue contracts sharply and quickly retracts.

Like a rapidly shrinking leech.

And so at the same time.

Sanhu's face became more solemn.

His eyes were fixed on Chu Feng.

He seemed to want to see the other person through.

But let him rack his brains.

I can't think of those masters I knew in my previous life.

Who has such high defense?


Not at all!

Even the most feared food god in his life, Acacia.

I don't dare to ignore my tongue like this.

The look froze!

The three tigers bounced up to the ground, moving like a rabbit, and quickly approached Chu Feng.


Mirror neuron starts.

Sanhu's mirror neurons have amazing talents.

Whatever skill he can imitate, learn, copy.

Not only that,

The moment the mirror neuron is activated,

His skin tone can also mimic the surrounding scenery and blend himself into it, achieving the effect of complete invisibility.


The Three Tigers have disappeared in place.

As if silently erased from this world.

Since I can't break through your defenses, I'll learn your trick first.

Once, with this innate talent, Sanhu successively learned the skills of many masters such as Ichiryu, Jiro, and Acacia, and has since entered the top masters.

In his opinion, there are no moves in the world that cannot be learned, and there are no defenses that cannot be broken.

As long as you learn Chu Feng's trick, analyze its weaknesses, and destroy them only in the blink of an eye.

But with the three tigers stealth, mirror neurons are launched.

Chu Feng, who was within his perception, became ethereal.

It's like a fog, it's completely unreal.

Mirror neurons come with their own parsing, imitation, and learning functions.

This moment seems to be completely invalid, and it is impossible to replicate at all.

How do you copy a fog?

Is it possible to turn yourself into a fog?

Sanhu's figure was stunned, and he was instantly stunned.

He had never been in such a situation before.

But before he could figure it out, a strong sense of crisis hit instantly.

Sanhu hurriedly jumped forward, a trace of pain came from his abdomen, and the stealth state was instantly broken.

The black clothes broke through a hole, and a trace of blood overflowed from the abdomen, and there was an extra wound there.

"Why can you see me?"

The three tigers were shocked.

Although his stealth is not the first time it has failed, those who see through his stealth are old opponents.

The experience gained after countless battles allowed them to find their flaws.

The first time they met, even in the blink of an eye to see through their invisible people, Sanhu still met for the first time.

"Huh~" (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

The corners of Chu Feng's mouth turned up, with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

He wouldn't tell the other party that the Demon Eye of Death could see the dead line of all things.

It is true that the three tigers' stealth has almost no flaws, and even the spiritual power cannot perceive its existence.

But under the eyes of the straight death devil, the dead lines and dead spots are the most conspicuous targets.

However, Chu Feng was also very surprised.

It was also the first time he encountered someone who was able to dodge the killing move at the first time after being locked by the Straight Death Demon Eye.

The president of the gourmet club is indeed worthy of his name.

No matter how well they cook.

The strength is real.

This guy... Very strong!

Just a brief exchange.

Chu Feng had already roughly guessed the strength of the Three Tigers.

It has obviously reached the level of the demon king on Limulu's side.

Stronger than Limlu and Storm Demon Vortex.

But it is estimated that it is not comparable to Miriam.

The energy intensity is between the ordinary demon king and the most ancient three demon kings.

Of course, only in terms of energy intensity.

If it is combined with food skills, food loss, food luck, and various skills.

Then the situation is difficult to say.

But compared to the three tigers in the original book who destroyed the sky and the earth as soon as they made a move.

Now his strength is indeed far from the same.

【Meteorite blasting】

【Fasting punch】

【Hunger Bomb】


Three tigers who have not been injured for a long time.

Apparently has been thoroughly outraged.

Endless moves are used continuously.

Roaring energy bombs erupting from the mouth.

Like a brilliant pillar of light.

Hit Chu Feng's face directly.

Meteorite blast!

Extremely destructive moves.

Three tigers at their peak.

Even use this trick to spray A4.0 Casya into space.

Punch an empty stomach!

A heavy punch after erupting an enemy.

It is a serial technique of meteorite blasting.

But it didn't work.

Now the Three Tigers did not have the strength to defeat Acacia.

Naturally, it was impossible to shake Chu Feng.

In desperation.

The Three Tigers can only keep using hunger and thirst bombs.

Dense energy cannons erupted from his mouth like nail guns.

Roars and roars came and went, as if they didn't want money.

On the ground.

Chu Feng glanced lightly at the three tigers floating high in the air.

Dexterously and accurately dodge every hunger bomb.

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