"How is that possible?"

Kulomad, who was hidden in the dark in the far distance, couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

The energetic Three Tigers actually had no way to take Chu Feng.

This made him wonder who the other party was in his previous life?

As the head chef of the gourmet club.

Kulomad is different from the other two.

He had awakened memories of his past life a long time ago.

But the same as the three tigers.

Let him rack his brain, and he can't think of an answer.

Starkin has no memories of his past life.

This thing is more metaphysical.

It's not that the stronger the strength, the easier it is to awaken.

It's just that most likely.

"The guild leader has already exerted all his strength, but can't he help Boss Chu?"

Stargin was equally shocked.

After all, he and Sanhu have intersected, the two often compete, and he is also very familiar with Sanhu's moves.

Whether it is a meteorite blast or a thirsty bomb, it is a very destructive move, and it is extremely fast, and Starkin cannot guarantee that 10 proof dodge the dense energy bomb every time.


Chu Feng, who was in the center of the battlefield, seemed to be at ease.

It seems that each step calculates the landing point of the energy bomb in advance, just take a light step, and then calmly dodge the attack.

If it goes on like this, there is no way to start.

However, when I thought of Chu Feng's defensive power.

Starkin sighed: "The president is going to lose." "

Can't hit each other.

Even if you hit it, you can't break ~ defense.

That's still a fart.

Starkin seemed to have seen the final result.


Kulomad, who was beside him, exclaimed again.

"He's gone!"


Starkin's eyes widened.

Subconsciously look at the sky.


A familiar figure suddenly appeared.


Starkin was shocked.

Only then did I remember the scene when Bukiwuz was killed in seconds.


I haven't seen Chu Feng for a long time.

He forgot that the other party would still do this trick.

"It's not good, the guild leader is in danger!"

Starkin's face was solemn, and he flashed and ran towards the center of the battlefield.

"Idiot! Hurry to find death! "

Kulomad cursed in a low voice and turned to run towards the island.

The people of the food club have never spoken of advancing or retreating together.

Regardless of whether the victim is a subordinate or a leader, as long as the hunch that the enemy is beyond his own range, the people of the food club will definitely run faster than anyone.

People like Starkin who have to save the president regardless of life and death belong to the rare breed of the gourmet club, so they have never been welcomed.

Besides, Kulomad doesn't think of himself as a food club person in his heart, so he doesn't run and wait for death at this time.

On the other side, Chu Feng activated the Divine Walking Step and appeared directly behind the three tigers, holding a branch in his hand.

Don't cut to death, don't pull out the knife! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Chu Feng obviously planned to sacrifice this great killing weapon.

It doesn't matter if you don't have a knife in your hand, a branch can too.


The other party's act of grabbing food has already aroused the killing intent of Big Boss Chu.

Under normal circumstances, Chu Feng is relatively kind and believes in the value of peace.

But if you really provoke him, no matter who you are, cut it first.

What about the president of the gourmet club, take care of it!


Just when Chu Feng was about to launch the sword without slashing and not pulling out.

Sanhu's body automatically disintegrated and split into countless atoms.


In Chu Feng's perception, the entire heaven and earth were the breath of the three tigers, and it was impossible to lock it, and there was no way to distinguish the consciousness of the three tigers.

Not killing and not pulling out the knife is indeed a causal weapon with almost no solution.

But it must draw its knife at a clear target in order to hack the other side.

And when the three tigers split into countless atoms and scattered on all the surrounding matter, Chu Feng was unable to lock onto the target.

After all, if you don't cut off the knife or pull out the knife, you can only use it once a day, even if you cut off a part of the atoms, there are countless three tigers.


The aura of the three tigers around them began to dissipate.

It is clear that he has fled.

This guy's perception of danger is simply perverted.

He hasn't activated his magic yet.

The other party did not hesitate to disarm, and then fled.

To be honest, it was the first time that Chu Feng had encountered such a shrewd figure.


"Can you escape?"

Chu Feng sneered.

He didn't believe that Sanhu could maintain this atomic state for a long time.

Any secret technique that is used only when saving one's life has to pay more or less.

The branches in his hand turned into powder, and Big Boss Chu was ready to wait five minutes before going to find the 943 Three Tigers.

He had already recorded the other party's breath, and no matter where Sanhu fled, he could find it in his divine steps.

"It will... President? "

Starkin, who was rushing with all his might, made a sharp brake, and almost crashed headlong into a large tree that survived.

He never expected that the arrogant Three Tigers would run away.

Opened his mouth slightly.

Starkin was a little speechless.

I already knew that Sanhu could escape by himself, why did he rush over so angrily?

But if he could go back a few seconds, Starkin would still make the same choice without hesitation.

He is a man who knows how to get a picture of grace, and Sanhu has saved his life.

Even if he knew that there was a sea of sword and fire in front of him, he would not turn back.

"Starkin, long time no see."

Slowly landing on the ground, he saw the acquaintance, and Chu Feng raised his hand to say hello.

"Oh... Boss Chu! "

Starkin was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, seriously calculated, he and Sanhu are in a gang.

Just now, his guild leader made the act of robbing the other party's ingredients, and he was beaten by the other party and fled.

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