Looking at the devastated densely packed craters.

Starkin, who was already speechless, was speechless for a while.

Now he really didn't know what to say.

A bloody run came to the rescue of the guild president.

The other party did not know how to run away by himself.

What's all this called?

Fortunately, Chu Feng did not mention this.

Of course, he knew the purpose of Starkin's coming, but there was no need to break it.

After all, Starkin is not a bad person, and he is barely his own regular customer.

Boss Chu has always been more kind to regular customers.

For a long time, it seemed that the dull atmosphere was more depressed, and Starkin finally spoke: "That, we will grow..."

"Preparing to go find him."

The answer was very honest, Chu Feng generally did not deceive acquaintances.


Boss Chu, if you say this, it's hard for me to answer!

Starkin felt that the man in front of him could not talk better than himself.

One sentence can kill the sky.

Although he didn't know what method Chu Feng would have to find the uncertain Three Tigers.

However, Starkin heard an inexplicable confidence in his tone.

Thinking that Sanhu had saved his life, Starkin gritted his teeth and quickly organized the language.

"Boss Chu, excuse me, can you please raise your noble hand and let us go?"

Starkin apparently rarely asks for people, and his tone is more blunt, while showing an embarrassed expression.


Chu Feng was dumbfounded.

Although vaguely guessed what Starkin meant.

But the other party said it so directly, which still surprised him a little.


Chu Feng just wanted to refuse, but Starkin spoke again.

"Before the food meeting, a fantastic creature of more than two hundred levels was found in the Cloud Continent in the northwest, and I would like to give you the information I know~."

Apparently, Starkin also knew that his request was presumptuous and was ready to trade for intelligence.

"Two hundred levels or more?" Chu Feng was slightly stunned: "Since you have found a fantastic creature of the same level as the Thunder King Snake, that guy from Sanhu is sick, right?" Still coming to grab my loot? "

You know, there is more than one creature with more than two hundred levels on Thunder Island alone.

When Chu Feng fought with the Thunder King Snake, at least three fantastic creatures of the same level exposed their breath.

That guy from Sanhu let the others not hunt and ran to grab his own things, did he think he was a bully?

Seeing a trace of resentment flash under Chu Feng's eyes, Starkin smiled bitterly and said, "President He... Razor should be of particular use to him, right? "

In fact, Starkin is not sure, after all, he has not awakened the memory of his past life, and he does not know the existence of the eight kings of the food world. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although he knew that his request was rude, the pleading look under his eyes was very serious, and he looked at Chu Feng without saying a word, as if waiting for the other party's reply.


Sighed inwardly.

Look at Starkin's serious look.

The anger in Chu Feng's heart also subsided a little.

After all, a few brief contacts.

His impression of Starkin is still very good.

And it's really going to force Sanhu, God knows what this guy can do.

The three tigers in the original work can make the entire human world into a wasteland.

Although his strength is greatly reduced now, he is not sure that there are any radical secret methods, which will cause tragedy in the world.

Moreover, Chu Feng was not sure that he would completely kill the other party, in case the other party continued to fight, it would be a waste of time to chase and kill the three tigers.

"Okay, but please tell that guy not to mess with me in the future, and next time, he won't be so lucky."

A faint glance at Starkin.

Chu Feng was a little envious of the Sanhu guy.

To have such a diehard loyalist.

It was not in vain that he recreated the food club.

Although this organization is basically full of two or five people and greedy people who are afraid of death.

Receiving Chu Feng's reply, Starkin very happily informed the information about the Cloud Continent.

It was a new continent that had just emerged, and to the northwest of the Angura Forest, it was surrounded by thick fog.

The Gourmet Society was the first to discover this new continent, and also sent many people in, but except for the minister-level people who escaped by chance, everyone else was spared, and they were all buried in that strange place.

Later, the Food Society sent masters to investigate, and according to known intelligence, the continent of clouds was full of clouds and mist, with low recognition, and the growth rate of plants was extremely fast, including fantasy creatures.

At least the masters of the gourmet club have not seen creatures larger than ten meters on that continent, but many fantastic creatures that resemble human animals have a capture level of more than fifty.

According to the science department's research on captured organisms, it was found that these guys have a common (good promise) common point, the growth age is extremely unstable, most of them are very short, and there is even a hundred-level saber-toothed tiger, which is only three years old.

This discovery made the gourmet club take a keen interest in the continent, and even the well-informed Sanhu did not know what was going on.

It is a pity that he has the thunder king snake in his heart on Thunder Island, and is ready to hunt it down before going to the Cloud Continent.

Who knew that he was cut off by Chu Feng, and he ended up running away with serious injuries.

In order to save Sanhu's life, Starkin could only tell Chu Feng about the most important exploration area of the Food Society.

As for the food club, what will happen when those who are still exploring in the Cloud Continent meet Chu Feng?

Starkin can't take care of that much now.

Anyway, the whole food meeting, he only cares about Sanhu.

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