He did not stay in the world of god killers for a long time.

Chu Feng returned to Maple Leaf Pavilion with Tianyu Chopper, Mujiuzhiyuan Fruit, and Qingnu.

The backyard earth dragonberry is still there, and in a short time, it seems to be a little more luxuriant.

After arranging the residence for the young girl, Chu Feng went directly to his room.

The great revenge is rewarded, and for the other world, the young girl is also full of curiosity.

After only taking it in the room for a while, he and Kikuchi Yuango visited the restaurant on the first floor, and then the two went shopping together and had fun.

Chu Feng did not interfere with this, although the young girl did not have a physical body, as long as she wanted to, she looked no different from a real person, and mortals could not see the difference in her.

Big Boss Chu was studying the divinity that had just been devoured at the moment.

Alexander's powers were divided into five in total.

[Electric Flint]: The power of the fallen angel Remiel of Palm Thunder and Illusion, the ultra-high-speed movement technique that wraps around thunder and lightning, accompanied by the signs of spark walking, enters the unmatched world of god speed, and has motor nerves as light as cats. The range of applications is very wide, such as slow control, creating doppelgangers and flying, putting others in a state of divine speed, making the body lighter than paper, masking breath, and divine speed without sound or shadow.

[Nemesis]: The power of the ancient Greek mythological Nemesis of the Three Goddesses of Vengeance, Erinius, summons the Three Goddesses of Vengeance to form a realm of vengeance, and returns all attacks and curses to the attackers. Instead of simply rebounding, the damage of the hit is multiplied and returned.

[Lady of No Appearance]: The power of the legendary goddess Meltusin, who is the queen of mermaids, summons Merusin herself as a demon, with a long-haired red-haired woman with white bird wings on her upper body, and a snake's body and a finned tail on her lower body, throwing water spears to fight, and can easily smash steel.

[Greed Demon Ball]: The power of the giant beast Behimos creates a black sphere with a diameter of twenty or thirty meters, attracting and binding the opponent, and under the terrifying attraction like a black hole, even the gods are not easy to break free.

[Labyrinth of Chaos]: The power of Minos, the god of the earth and labyrinths, creates huge labyrinths in the ground and buildings to pull opponents in, and the sky and sea can also be used as objects, and it is necessary to grasp the surrounding terrain in advance when building a maze on the ground.

Alexander's power was very practical.

Fits almost all the virtues of a mage sorcerer.

Speed, summoning, trapping, mazes...

These means alone were enough to make Alexander invincible most of the time.

If it weren't for the ancient gods who restrained him congenitally, even if he fought head-on with Woban and Luo Hao and the like, he would not necessarily lose.

It was a pity that he met Chu Feng, a man who did not belong to the world of god killers.

Whether it is mental strength, physical strength, or one's own skills...

Chu Feng was ahead of Alexander across the board.

And at this time ~

The ancient god divinity is devouring and dismantling Alexander's five powers.


Chu Feng also found that the power after being dismantled was gradually fusing with his own skills.

A bit similar to the Great Sage of Rimlu, but the fusion speed is obviously far faster than that slime.

The feeling of Xuanzhi and Xuan surged in his heart, and Chu Feng could even clearly feel the elevation of divinity.

Not for a moment~

Chu Feng casually clicked on the personal interface.

[Name]: Chu Feng (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Age]: 21 years old

【Positive rating】:18888/100000

【Composite Index】: 18500 (the average average of ordinary people is 10)

[Chef Level]: Dragon level

【Kitchen Heart】: Harmony is precious, grand avenue, no sentient beings (Phantom Heart, Gourmet Regeneration)

【Food Technique】: Meal on the plate, Asura no fork

[Kitchenware]: Yongling Knife, Dragon Kettle, Jade Dragon Pot, Demon Saint Bronze, Garulo Knife, Seven-Star Knife Breaking Army

【Points】: 302,000

【Skills】: God's Taste, God's Vision, Chinese Cuisine, Western Cuisine, Knife Work, Fire Gong, Cooking...

[Secret Technique]: God Walking Step, Holy Sword Excalibur, Straight Death Demon Eye, No Death and No Sword Drawn, 100% Empty Hands to Catch the White Blade, Super S Sacrifice Aura, Immortal Golden Body, Whisper of the Ancient God, Holy Light, Law of Time, Yellow Lemon Dream, Greed Labyrinth...

【Recipe】: Concubine Xiao, Shenglong dumplings, magic mapo tofu, golden egg fried rice, unified six countries fried noodles...

In fact, Boss Chu has not paid attention to the personal interface for a long time.

Strength and cooking skills have reached this level.

It doesn't matter how much the personal interface value is.

Take today's top combat power as an example.

Chu Feng, whose comprehensive index (Qian Hao Zhao) is close to 20,000, is already at the ceiling of this world and belongs to an invincible existence.

And since the praise exceeded 10,000 and the multi-yuan shop mode was opened, the next upgrade required 100,000 praise, and it was a long way to go.

In contrast, Chu Feng paid more attention to the fusion of skills.

Electric flint fuses into the god walk, Nemesis and the Faceless Queen merge into the Super S Sacrifice Aura, and the Greed Magic Orb and the Labyrinth of Chaos are kneaded together to form a Greed Labyrinth with two power characteristics.

There was no doubt that Chu Feng's original divine skills had been strengthened, and his power performance was even better than before.

Nodding in satisfaction and closing the personal interface, Boss Chu decided to cook a hearty meal in the evening.

Well, celebrate!.

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