The cultivation system of human beings in this world was similar to the Western fantasy novels that Chu Feng had read before.

The mainstream is divided into two categories: knights and magicians.

Knights are divided into bronze, silver, gold, paladins, and many more.

The highest-level paladins are similar to the weaker dragon~ clan.

The same is true of magicians, the highest is the Holy Magic Guide.

Of course, the dragon family here does not include bipedal pterosaurs, hydras, and other dragons with only a small amount of dragon blood.

Chu Feng and his party did not stay in the Celtic Kingdom for a long time, and went directly to the Augusta Empire.

No divine steps were used, as it was not clear exactly where the imperial capital of Augustus was.

Although it can sense the strongest part of the human race, it is impossible to determine that the other party is the person of the Augustan Empire.

Anyway, it seems that the spirit world has not been completely chaotic, and Chu Feng is not in a hurry, so he should take a closer look at Thor's hometown.

Of course, the young Connor became the mount of the two, riding them towards the east.

All the way east, Connor's young mind was hit by an invisible crit.

Not to mention being reduced to a mount, it is really a bit difficult to endure the dog food that these two people sometimes throw.

But after Chu Feng promised a good meal, Connor still carried out his order to the letter.

Augusta was a true empire, covering an area far beyond the kingdom of Seth.

The imperial capital alone is larger than the entire Weijing.

The towering walls of the city have weathered several times, and the dark brown surface represents the resistance to countless foreign enemies.

The city wall is evenly divided into magic cannons, and the deep black cannon ports reach into the distance to prevent enemies that may appear everywhere.

The soldiers wore light leather armor and stood upright with spears in their hands, looking like veterans who had been in the battlefield for a long time.

Chu Feng stood on Connor's back, and at a glance, all the scenes were in full view.

There is no doubt that Augusta was a military empire and experienced quite a few wars in a short period of time.

The entire huge city revealed a solemn atmosphere, like a dragon hovering on the ground, opening its abyss and devouring all the enemies that invaded.

"Every house is closed, the streets are full of patrolling soldiers, and there are many knights running, what happened here, Augusta was not like this before..."

Thor's originally relaxed face tensed up again.

Such a solemn atmosphere, she has always longed for peace, a little uncomfortable.

"Chu Feng, Lord Thor, what should we do now? "

Connor raised her head and asked in a low voice.

Thor has long had cognitive impairment, but he is not afraid that others will find them.

But now that the residents of the imperial capital are closed, the three of them can't blend into the city.

"Since that's the case, then there is no need to hide, first bring out the strongest here. "

Chu Feng smiled lightly.


A strong aura emanated from Connor.

The white dragon, which represents wind and frost, reveals its true body.

At the same time, Thor also revealed his true body, a green emerald dragon.

Two dragons suddenly appeared in the Augustan Empire.

The entire imperial capital suddenly sounded the alarm.

I saw three figures burst out of the two largest buildings and flew into the sky at the fastest speed.

It's just that these three people are more acquainted, and they dare not be on the same plane as the two dragons, and their positions are shorter than Thor and Connor.

"Honorable Lord Dragon Envoy, welcome to the capital of Augusta, I am the Pope of the Dogg God Sect, dare to ask the two Lord Dragon Envoy why they have arrived?"

The first to speak was the old man with a white robe on his body, the white robe was trimmed with gold, and he looked like the lord in a high position, but Chu Feng did not expect that the other party was a pope.

0 ask for flowers

The faint aura emanating from its body was very similar to the breath of the dragon clan.

The other two were a man and a woman, the middle-aged man in golden armor should be the paladin of the Augusta Empire, while the other old woman wearing a magic cannon was a holy magic guide.

They are the strongest lineup of the Augusta Empire.

Glancing at the other party lightly, Chu Feng smiled and asked, "Doge God Sect, which faction do you believe in?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At first judgment, he knew the specific strength of the three people in front of him, which was not worth mentioning, and naturally did not make careful and cautious temptations, and directly opened the door.

"Excuse me, are you?"

Pope Dogg asked cautiously.

The human standing on the back of the dragon envoy, he could not guess the identity of the other party.

After all, the dragon race is the greatest life in this world, who dares to step on the back of the dragon in a humanoid posture?

Although he did not sense the breath of God from this human being, Pope Doge subconsciously believed that the other party was a stronger existence than the two dragons in front of him.

Only this interpretation makes sense.

"Answer my question. "

Chu Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, and his face became serious, like a breath as deep as the sea.

Overwhelm people!

With Chu Feng's current mental strength, it was convenient to operate.

For a while, cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of all three, including Pope Dogger.

The powerful coercion fell on them like terrifying air pressure.

If it weren't for their own skills, they would have almost been smashed to the ground.

Although there is still no breath of dragon power.

But this pressure far exceeded the two dragon envoys in front of him.

Trembling and majestic, he glanced up at the man standing on the back of the dragon.

Pope Dogg subconsciously raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Endless fear flooded the bottom of my heart.

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