While overwhelming people, Chu Feng secretly communicated with Thor, and finally figured out what a dragon messenger was.

To put it simply, the top masters of the various factions of the dragon clan, such as the heads of the Emperor Jiyan, Terne, and Geeta, are the gods believed in by the major sects.

And the fellow dragons led by it are the so-called divine messengers.

The Dragon Slayer Sect is pronounced Dogg in the mainland language, which is why the current Dogg Sect is born.

In fact, the Dogger sect is also strictly a god and religion.

It's just that because of recent changes, the people of the Dogger sect no longer call themselves gods and self-proclaimed.

Obviously, now this pope recognized Chu Feng and the others as the divine envoys of a certain faction.

"Lord Hui Long, we believe in the god Geeta. "

In fact, Pope Dogg did not know the origin of the "three-four-seven" party, but due to the coercion released by Chu Feng, he could only endure the fear in his heart and answer with a trembling voice.

Dragon Slayer Faction!?

Chu Feng and Thor looked at each other.

No wonder there was an atmosphere of slaughter in the Imperial City.

According to Emperor Jiyan, he had joined forces with the Dragon Slayer Faction to hunt down the fallen Dragon Clan.

It seems that this Augustan Empire is also involved, and it is also a relatively important main force.

At this thought, Chu Feng said in a deep voice: "We came to inspect on the order of the Emperor Yan, well, look at your defense, you have done a good job, can there be any movement of the enemy army recently?"

With Thor following, Chu Feng simply pulled up the banner of the Emperor of End.

Anyway, it's his father-in-law-to-be, even if he shows the stuffing, it doesn't matter.

This group of guys, do they dare to go to the Ultimate Yan Emperor to confront each other?

"Ah, it turns out to be the messenger of the God of Death, please enter the city quickly, I will arrange a banquet immediately!"

Pope Dogg was shocked, and the other two were even more dead.

The end represents supremacy and destruction.

This name alone frightened the strongest human beings on the continent.

In the past, the dragons of the Chaos faction rarely appeared.

But every time it appears, it destroys the world.

The world is well aware of the power of the Chaos Dragon, not to mention that Pope Dogge is still a disciple of the Dragon Slayer Sect, and he knows this even better.

The Chaos Faction and the Dragon Slayer Faction have been fighting for tens of thousands of years, and now they have suddenly joined forces, in fact, Augusta's people are also a little confused.

However, recently, the Chaos Dragon occasionally came, and Chu Feng and the others suddenly appeared, but they did not suspect.

Thor and Connor changed back into human form and followed Chu Feng into the imperial city.

The banquet was held in the palace, after all, the atmosphere of the temple was more solemn and not very suitable.

The emperor of Augusta personally greeted the three divine envoys of Chu Feng at the gate of the palace.

In this world of theocracy, the status of the pope is higher than that of the emperor, not to mention that the person who came is still the messenger of God, and Augusta XIII does not dare to snub.

There is not much to say about the food here.

In Chu Feng's opinion, it can only be called food, and it is completely incompatible with food.

No wonder Thor almost swallowed his tongue the first time he ate a roast he made.

Dare to love this side of the thing is really not delicious.

It is also difficult for her to live here for tens of thousands of years.

Above the feast.

Pope Dogg began to report on the latest situation.

So language is also an art.

Although Chu Feng usually didn't talk much.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't understand this.

Open and close an enemy army.

The Augustan Empire naturally treated him as a friendly army.

"Lord Hui Shen, God and Sect have been feared by us recently, and the armies of all parties have died down, and they dare not come to attack, and this group of fallen people will be destroyed by us sooner or later!"

Pope Dogg reported the situation carefully, looking afraid of saying the wrong thing.

God and Religion? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It should be a sect headed by Aluma's grandmother Terne, which supports the use of God's head to allow everyone to coexist under order.

Ironically, the sect that aspired to peaceful coexistence has now become a degenerate that everyone shouts at.

Chu Feng pondered for a moment and said, "What about the Fallen Blood?

Using known information, ambiguous questions can always come up with something.

Sure enough~

Pope Dogg heard this, although he was a little puzzled as to why God asked such a well-known question.0

But considering the identity of the other party, he still considered: "Lord Divine Messenger, since the emergence of the Abyss Passage, fallen blood has appeared all over the world, and the number is increasing day by day. "


What you just said about the sooner or later that the fallen will perish is a beautiful sentence.

Chu Feng secretly complained, but on the surface, he was silent, as if he was thinking about something.

From Pope Dogg's mouth, he got a key word - abyss.

This was something that Emperor Jiuyan had not mentioned, but because he was now pretending to be a divine envoy, Chu Feng was not good to ask about the origin of the abyss, in case this group of people saw the clue, it was difficult to continue the cliché.

Of course, in fact, he can also be persecuted by force, or use the whispers of ancient gods.

But it is not known whether the faith of this group of believers is firm.

It is also unclear whether the Dragon Slayer faction is spying on these believers.

Come to think of it, it's better to use the cliché.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng laughed: "Several of us have been cultivating in the past, and we haven't gone out for a long time, so I didn't expect that the world has changed so much." "

I see!

Pope Dogg and the rest looked at each other and quickly let go of the doubts that had just arisen.

Chaos Sect Ben 2.6 is a group of hidden dragons, occasionally appearing and quickly disappearing, no one knows where they are.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the abyss and the descent of the blood of the Fall, the Chaos Faction would not have joined forces with the Dragon Slayer Faction at all.

At this time, Chu Feng continued: "Before I came out, I also heard Emperor Ji Yan mention the abyss, I don't know if there is an abyss passage nearby?"

In fact, he was quite puzzled.

All the way east, from the Kingdom of Celt to the Augustan Empire, neither he nor Thor discovered the so-called Abyss Passage.

Then there are only two possibilities, either the energy of the abyss is very close to this world, to the extent that they cannot tell the difference.

Either the passage is hidden in a specific space and only opens at certain times.

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