Two brightly colored pillars of light collided violently in the air.

In an instant, a strong and dazzling light erupted.

The furious shock wave spread in all directions.

The people in the capital city of Augustus suddenly looked ashen.

Fortunately, Thor added two defenses to allow them to escape.

After a few breaths.

The dragon breath that was originally competing with each other gradually began to change.

The frost was like a rapidly spreading spider silk, climbing up the black pillar of light.

Extremely fast and extremely low temperatures.

The dragon breath of Shimenkamui is visible to the naked eye ~ like ice.

The blazing dragon Yan was completely unable to stop Connor's cold breath.

Shimnkamui's face changed drastically.

The originally dark skin tone appeared even darker.

He didn't think of it.

Not seen in a short period of time.

His own little daughter turned out to be so powerful.

What the hell is going on?

Why has Connor improved so much?

Shimnkamui couldn't figure it out.

He naturally doesn't know~

Connor eats dream ingredients every day.

Icefield Dragon, Dionysian Shark, Jewel Flesh, Razor King, Earth Dragonberry...

As the food world continues to expand, more and more high-level fantasy creatures appear, and Connor's recipes become more advanced.

And after the ingredients are processed by Chu Feng, they become easier to absorb, which is the fundamental reason why Connor's rapid progress.

The level of the dragon chef is not covered.


Ice freezes black.

An icicle stands on the plain.

On the outside is a thick layer of ice crystals.

Inside, it's pitch black.

The Dragon's Breath of Shimenkamuyi...

It's frozen!

Energy that falls straight down.

It came with a chill.

Shimnkamui shut up.

Experienced in fighting, he quickly stopped breathing to avoid Connor's frontal attack.


In the end, he still took a step and only avoided the point, and half of his body was covered by an ice crystal.

The white dragon landed on the ground, and the purple fluttered.

"Dad, you've lost. "

Connor transforms into human form and back into the cute little white-haired loli.

It's just that the serious expression doesn't match her cute appearance at all.

But if you look closely, familiar people can easily see the excitement that flashes under her eyes.

True Father and Daughter!

It is estimated that for the first time, he defeated his father in a head-on confrontation.

Connor looked excited.

If it weren't for his own shyness.

It is estimated that she has excitedly waved her small fist.

Shimnkamui reverted back to the appearance of a blond youth.

It looks a little embarrassing.

The part from the left hand to the left chest was pale, and the face was extremely ugly.

Facing a daughter who seems to have changed someone.

Shimnkam has mixed feelings.

On the one hand, being defeated by his daughter in front of so many people made him a little unable to lift his head.

On the other hand, he is proud that Connor can surpass him in such a short time.

Look, this is my daughter of Shimnkamuyi, a genius of the White Dragon clan.

The two opposing emotions of pride and humiliation appeared at the same time, which made Chimuen a little unsure of what to say.


His appearance has not changed, but his expression seems to be a little older.

Sighing, Chimuen said: "Yes, you win, you can choose your own lifestyle in the future." "

The concept of the dragon family is relatively straightforward, and the respect of the strong is the most basic principle, and the father and daughter are no exception. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Since Connor is better than him now, he has no reason to interfere in each other's lives.


Chimuen's directness obviously made Connor a little uncomfortable.

After living in the human world for more than half a year, her thinking has changed a lot, and she has gradually become accustomed to the human family concept, and even forgotten the traditions of the dragon clan.

Seeing that Chimuen no longer forced himself to join the army, Connor first widened his cute eyes, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and then remembered that this was a normal thing in the dragon clan.

Secretly relieved, Connor's resentment towards her father dissipated a lot.

After all, she is also a blood relative, and she still has deep feelings for Chimuen.

Chu Feng and Th had already landed, quietly waiting for the negotiation of the father and daughter.

Seeing that the contradiction between the two had a tendency to resolve, Chu Feng and Thor walked up head-on.

"Mr. Chimuen, let's treat the injury first. "

Chu Feng glanced at Qimen's left arm and said with a smile.

"You are?"

Chimuen did not immediately agree, but looked curiously at the human in front of him.

He can feel the strength of the other party, but he cannot estimate the limit of the other party.

"It's just a human chef who lives with Connor now. Chu Feng said.

"Huh?" his eyes narrowed.

In other words, any father who hears his daughter living with a strange man is probably like this.

Although Connor's human form is only a little girl of seven or eight years old, Chimuen has heard that there are always some curious beings among humans, and he has to guard against it.

As if sensing Qimen's misunderstanding, Tolle was dissatisfied: "Uncle Chimuen, Chu Feng is my boyfriend. "

While speaking, she also held Chu Feng's arm.

"You can actually find a boyfriend?"

Chimuen was a little strained, and this sentence blurted out.

Thor: (⊙⊙) ???

What do you mean, isn't the old lady worthy of finding a boyfriend?

Or is it that in your eyes, no man will like me?

Thor stared at Shimun angrily.

If the other party is not Connor's father.

Thor didn't mind letting him taste his iron fist.


Chimuen was embarrassed.

I didn't react for a while just now, and I told some big truths.

After all, Thor's willful and hot-tempered personality is also famous in the dragon clan.

It is estimated that the entire dragon clan did not think that she would like a human.

Seeing that Thor seemed to be really angry, Shimun quickly compensated.

It is good that this is also the daughter of the Emperor of the Ultimate Yan, and it is best not to offend.

However, the aura that erupted from the moment of Thor's anger just now also made Chimuen secretly frightened, feeling stronger than Connor now.

Oh, my God~

What did the two little girls go through during this time, and why did they suddenly become so strong?

Chimuen suspects that they have taken drugs, but there is no evidence!

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