"Then... Trouble you!"

Seeing that Chu Feng did not have a deep relationship with his daughter, Qimen suddenly showed a reluctant smile.

The injuries on his body were even more serious than he expected, and the corners of his mouth jerked in pain as soon as he spoke.

At this time, Chu Feng found that Qimen did not seem to be a domineering father as Thor said.

This girl seems to care too much about her daughter, but the expression is not quite right.

Shaking his head, Chu Feng didn't care what Qimun really thought.

A holy light shines at hand, and a white holy light descends.

"God, angel skill!?"

Chimuen was really shocked.

Didn't think of it.

One day he was able to see in a human being the skills unique to angels.

The "May Four-Seven" spirit world and the heavenly world have intersected with each other, but the exchanges are not close, and there are occasional disputes.

But as the number one general of the Chaos faction, Chimuen has dealt with angels more than once.

Holy Light!

It is definitely the best magic weapon to restrain evil and heal injuries.

In the entire Dragon Clan, only a small number of Light Saint Dragon Clans had mastered this method.

So when a human released the purest holy light, Chimuen was shocked.

The holy light shone like a pair of gentle hands, soothing Chimuen's wounds.

A frozen arm is like a rising sun, like rapidly melting ice and snow.

A few blinks in the blink of an eye~

The injuries on Shimun's body are recovering as before.


Momentary speech!

Shimun was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

It's not that I haven't seen the light of angels before.

But even if the six-winged angel cast the Holy Light, it definitely did not have such a terrifying effect.

The speed of this treatment, to be honest, is a little scary.

However, the villain is also a dragon who has been fighting for many years.

Chimuen quickly returned to normal, with no intention of digging into the bottom line.

Everyone has their own secrets, and no one likes to be explored.

A mysterious and powerful guy like Chu Feng, Qimen was not willing to offend easily.

As long as his daughter is not involved, his greatest hobby is fighting.

After recovering from his injuries, Chimuen raised his left arm, moved his muscles, and spoke, "I heard that you are tracking down the Fallen Blood?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Thor Shicai asked, "Well, Uncle Chimuen has a clue in this regard?"

"Recently, there have been occasional degenerates on the battlefields in the south, and those on our side have lost a lot. "

Qimun nodded and said, "These damn degenerates were hidden extremely deeply before they were actively exposed, and they couldn't see it at all, and they were no different from normal creatures on the surface. "

"We've heard Pope Dog talk about this, but Uncle Chimuen doesn't have to worry, we have a way to tell the fallen." Thor laughed.

Chu Feng glanced at his girlfriend and didn't say anything more.

Although Chimuen is Connor's father, he is not infected with the Fallen blood.

But Thor obviously did not fully trust the other party, nor did he fully tell Chu Feng that he could identify the degenerate.

Chimuen took a deep look at Thor and Chu Feng, did not ask the bottom of the matter, but did not doubt Thor's words.

Apparently he knew Thor well, the princess of the Chaos faction, who had always disdained to lie.

In this world set in the Middle Ages, Thor's status in the Chaos faction is equivalent to that of a dynasty princess.

Hearing that they had a way to distinguish the degenerates, Qimen was overjoyed and immediately invited Chu Feng and the others to go to the southern battlefield together.

It's just that Connor is still a little resistant, she has always disliked war.

Chimuen smiled bitterly, "Connor, Rena misses you too." (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Rena Chimuen, Connor's older sister.

The other party lifted her out, and Connor knew that it would be difficult for her to refuse again.

Besides, the purpose of Chu Feng and Thor's trip was to solve the Fallen Blood.

Whether she wanted to or not, she still had to go south after all.


The endless plain is covered with debris.

The whole earth seems to be covered with a layer of red makeup.

It was the color of blood.

Scattered around the missing fragments of armor and broken swords.............

One can imagine the intensity of the southern battlefield.

Several major factions of the dragon clan and various human forces took advantage of the Fallen Blood Incident to launch the largest war in nearly 10,000 years.

This is just the southern battlefield has been tragic to this extent, you can imagine how tense the situation on the entire continent is.

The arrival of Chu Feng and the others did not cause any waves.

Under the deliberate concealment of Chimuen, except for a very small number of people, the entire military camp did not know that the princess of the Chaos faction had arrived.

On the way, Chimmun suggested that the crowd should not attract the attention of the barracks, and first secretly find the person carrying the blood of the Fallen, and then secretly solve it.

Chu Feng did not object, although it was more troublesome to do so, at least it would not cause large-scale casualties.

After all, if there were a lot of degenerate hidden in the barracks, once the collective outbreak broke out, he could not take care of everyone at the same time.

Thor is also a dragon of the Chaos faction, and Chu Feng always has to worry about the forces she belongs to.

Putting on the special armor under Qimen, Chu Feng strolled around the barracks, as did Thor, looking around with a cold face.

Like Connor, she disliked war and had always been indifferent to the barracks.

Connor has gone to find her sister Rena, 1.7 The two sisters have not seen each other for a long time, and there is a lot to say.

After circling around the barracks, Chu Feng's face gradually became serious.

Thor's heart trembled.

With her understanding of Chu Feng.

The other party showed this expression.

The number of fallen people has clearly exceeded his estimates.

"Chu Feng, how many?"

"Over 10,000!"


"Well, it's definitely more than that!"

"Eh~It's hard to do now~~"

"If it's difficult, you have to do it, you can't just leave it alone." "

"Now Uncle Shimun is going to have a headache. "

"Alas, let him find a way to gather these degenerates first. "

"That's it. "。

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