The legion of Chimuen consists mainly of a small number of dragons, humans, elves and dwarves.

This kind of alliance is also the most common way for the sects in the spirit world to form a group.

The power of dragons, the wisdom of humans, the magic affinity of elves, and the superb casting technology of dwarves theoretically build the most comprehensive battle legion.

However, due to the inherent contradictions between various ethnic groups, intrigue is not uncommon.

Just because of the powerful power of the dragon clan, the contradiction can be temporarily controlled to a certain extent.

After Chu Feng's initial investigation, he found that all races, including several dragons, were infected by the Fallen Blood.

Its number has exceeded 10,000.

That's a pretty scary number.

The entire Southern Army added up, the number was only 200,000.

And those who are infected account for one-twentieth.

If this group of people suddenly turns against the water when a full-scale war breaks out, even a leading wizard like Qimun is estimated to be unable to deal with it.

So when he learned about this from Chu Feng, the whole person was stunned, and his first reaction was disbelief.

The fallen are deeply hidden, and 26 are completely different from those that appeared in the past, at least the detection methods currently available in the spirit world are completely undetectable.

But more than one-twentieth of a legion was infected, and Shimun couldn't believe it.

How could such a large group of degenerate people not be discovered?

Especially when he repeatedly told the whole army to pay attention to whether there were any unusual people.

For this reason, Chimuen changed the way he used to camp, and every group of three supervised each other.

Could it be that these people have not noticed the abnormality of others after getting along for a long time?

"Chu, Mr. Chu, are you sure you read it right?"

Dragons are a proud race, but also appreciate and admire those who are stronger than themselves.

Coupled with the relationship between Chu Feng and Thor, Chimuen now respects Chu Feng.


Chu Feng nodded helplessly.

To be honest, he himself found this situation a little unbelievable.

But this is the case, that inexplicable evil aura cannot be fake.

At this moment, Chimuen's brows were completely wrinkled.

If what the other party says is true, this kind of thing must not be leaked.

Once leaked, the whole army will be in an uproar, the situation will be even more difficult to control, and it may even cause a mutiny.

At this time, Thor spoke: "Uncle Chimuen, I think these people should be summoned immediately, Chu Feng has a way to eliminate the blood of the degenerate. "

Chimuen's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Connor answered, "The lord of the Tana Abyss also devoured the blood of the Fallen, which was removed by Chu Feng, but..."

Shimun: "Just what?"

Thor explains: "If the infection of the fallen person is too deep, when it is removed, it may be eliminated together with the host. "

Shimun: (⊙⊙)?

Does this count as taking out the robbers and hostages together in order to successfully rescue the hostages?

Chimuen was speechless for a moment, but also knew that this was the most direct and effective method at the moment.

And Thor also said that only people who are too deeply poisoned will do this.

If the degree of infection is average, it can still be rescued smoothly.

After thinking about it again, Qimen still decided to try it according to Chu Feng's method first.

After all, he had personally experienced the other party's holy light.

The holy light, far beyond ordinary angels, is exactly the nemesis of all evil thoughts.


The entire legion moved instantly.

At the behest of Shimun, the infected gathered in a valley three hundred miles away under the guise of being transferred to carry out covert operations.

Of course, Chimuen was not stupid, and did not only gather the degenerates, and the number of people gathered here was 30,000.

The purpose, naturally, is to avoid doubts among the degenerate. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The huge valley is surrounded by cliffs over 300 meters high.

Thirty thousand people gathered here, not crowded at all, and even lined up in a neat formation.

The expressions of the soldiers were serious, and many people were faintly excited.

After all, being summoned by the commander to participate in the special operation represents the affirmation of the other party and the greatest respect for the soldiers.

Only a few people's eyes flickered, as if speculating about Chimuen's motives.

But even among the degenerates, few suspect that Shimun knows the truth.

After all, countless facts have proved that as long as the fallen do not actively expose, there is no way to tell the difference.

But today, they ran into Chu Feng.

When the serious-looking Chimuen walked up to the top of the cliff, the soldiers below found that he was followed by a man and a woman.

Since many soldiers who have been with the army for a long time recognize Connor, she did not follow this time.

But Rao is so, and someone still recognizes Thor, although she has rarely changed into human form on the battlefield before.

"Miss Thor?"

"Son of the End!"

"Didn't she disappear, how could she be here?"

"Miss Thor came over in person, presumably the mission is related to the Emperor of the End. "

"Emperor Ultimate Yan rarely interferes in the affairs of the legion, and this sudden sending of Miss Thor over must be something very important..."


In the valley, a whispered discussion suddenly sounded.

After all, this is likely to be a task personally assigned by Emperor 013.

Even if it can do some trivial things for that supreme being, it is also the honor of the Southern Legion.

Some people in the crowd began to stir, and the moment Thor appeared, some of the fallen people already faintly felt that something was wrong.

But before they could communicate, they saw a brilliant light erupt from the man standing beside Chimuen.


A breath of holiness descended, like God himself, and descended into the valley.

Most of the people didn't even react, their eyes were a little dull, and they looked at the holy light in their eyes with a confused expression.

They couldn't figure out why the strange man next to Lord Chimuen and Lord Thor attacked him?

Forehead...... It can't be considered an attack either, can it?!

The soft holy light warmed the body, and it seemed that it could wash away the fatigue accumulated by the recent training and battle.

Hiss...... Comfortable!

Those who were not infected by the blood of the Fallen even showed a long-lost smile under the light of the holy light.

The Light Shines - Come!

The first time Chu Feng cast a large range of holy light illumination, in fact, he didn't have a bottom in his heart, he didn't know what the effect of the holy light after dispersion was?

Now it seems that the effect is very remarkable, even beyond imagination! .

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