"The holy light of the Angels?"

Well, at least an archangel!"

"Lord Shimun, what's going on, why are there angels?"

"Oh my God, could it be that Lord Chimuen betrayed the Chaos God Sect and fled to the Celestial Realm?"

"But this feeling of light is really great, and my injuries have improved a lot before." "

"Could it be that this angel was specially invited by Lord Chimuen to heal our wounds?"

"Damn, what kind of holy light is this, and why can it affect us?"

"Great Lord, this feeling is so uncomfortable, your devout believers will soon be unable to bear it!"

"Abominable! Abominable! Abominable! It seems that our identity can no longer be hidden!"

"Damn Shimun, he already knows our identity, it's a trap, a trap specifically for us!"


The 30,000 people in the valley were illuminated by the holy light, and more than a third appeared in the abnormality.

The most intuitive feeling for uninfected people is comfort, just like the whole person soaking in a hot spring.

But those who have fallen, as if thrown into magma or sulfuric acid, feel incomparable heat and pain.

Their bodies have not changed for the time being, but their eyes are becoming more and more dangerous.

The reddened eyes seemed to be about to lose their minds, and angry curses gradually turned into painful wails.

The people who were comfortably immersed in the holy light quickly reacted, and they who had been conscious, immediately noticed that something was wrong with their companions.

"The Fallen!?"

"God, how can there be so many degenerates in us?"

Keep your distance from this horrible fellow!"

"I see, no wonder Lord Chimmun gathered us here. "

"It turned out to be to solve the degenerate!"

"Lord Chimuen's ingenuity seems to have locked the identity of the fallen one long ago. "

"These damn guys, hurry up and kill them while they're not crazy!"


Twenty thousand soldiers retreated in unison, and those who were mixed in with the fallen quickly withdrew and surrounded the ten thousand degenerate.

Under the deliberate arrangement of Chimuen, the position of the previous soldiers was very interesting, most of the fallen were in the middle, and under the unexpectedly exposed situation, they happened to be wrapped in dumplings by the soldiers.


Standing on the top of the cliff, Chimuen roared, and his blond hair flew. His eyes were filled with anger.

Although he had long known the number of fallen people from Chu Feng, hearing was seeing is believing, and when the truth was really in front of him, the anger in his heart was like a volcano that was about to erupt.

The dignified Southern Legion was actually mixed into one-twentieth of the degenerates.

If this is spread, not to mention whether the Emperor Yan will be angry, the leaders of several other legions will at least laugh at him for hundreds of years.

When he thought of this, Qimun's eyes seemed to be about to breathe fire, and the eyes of the sword-thinking man were almost unconcealed.

However, he still forced himself to suppress his anger.

Because he knows that this group of infected people, there is still salvation!

Except for a few extreme cases, most of the people who swallowed the blood of the fallen voluntarily were passively infected, not voluntary, but gradually depraved under the guidance of evil thoughts.

But relatively speaking, this kind of degenerate is the easiest to solve, because the poisoning is not deep, and the chance of restoring sanity is the greatest.

And those who voluntarily swallowed the blood of the depraved, even if Chu Feng exerted the holy light with all his strength, it was most likely to be destroyed along with the blood of the depraved.


With the big drink of Shimun.

Twenty thousand soldiers looked up in unison.

Wait for the leader of the legion to call the shots.

Chimuen's gaze swept over everyone, and he said in a deep voice: "No need to do anything, this Mr. Chu is the person specially invited by Miss Thor to dissolve the blood of the Fall, and under the light of his holy light, most of them can return to normal." "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar below.

"Is there salvation for the fallen? Isn't it a joke?"

Miss Thor wouldn't be deceived, would she?"

"But he really forced out this group of degenerates, maybe he really could." "

"Try it... This group of fallen guys, after all, are all our comrades-in-arms..."

The crowd was in a commotion, but surprisingly tacit understanding, no one made a move.

Since the continuous degradation of people, the legions of all sides have been in a hurry, and the soldiers have tensed their nerves every day, and they dare not relax for a moment.

Just because they can't distinguish the fallen, no one is sure if their comrades around them will stab them in the back the next moment.

This period of conquest was an incomparably great torture for everyone.

Moreover, even if occasionally the degenerate are exposed, they have no way to resolve it, they can only kill each other, even their own relatives and friends.

The blood of the Fallen is an extremely terrible curse that makes people fall in madness.

Now, Chimuen said that someone could defuse this curse, and the soldiers' first reaction was naturally not to believe it.

But the whole army spent most of the time together, and no one had a comrade-in-arms who had not yet made friends.

At a glance, they could even find their friends among the group of degenerates.

If there is any hope of salvation, no one wants to watch their colleagues die.

For a while, everyone's eyes were focused on the black-haired man at the top of the cliff.

Although they (Qian Haohao) did not know this strange young man, they did not know about it.

But the life and death of their comrades and comrades now all depend on each other.

Chu Feng ignored the group of people.

It has long been said that he is not a savior and does not need the gratitude of others.

Chu Feng was just suffering because of Thor's relationship and didn't want something to happen in the spirit world.

Besides, if the problem of Fallen Blood and the black hand behind this thing is not solved, the world he is in is not safe.

For various reasons, he had to make a move.

Look at the soldiers who are gradually going crazy in the middle of the valley.

Chu Feng suddenly laughed.

Like a spring breeze.

It gives people an inexplicable kindness.

Coupled with the holy light that surrounds it.

This moment~

The conscious soldiers, feeling that they had seen God.

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