"Welcome, distinguished guest. "

At the door of the Mesochi House stood two bright-looking welcome ladies.

The right uniform, combined with a sweet voice, suddenly makes people feel at home.

Chu Feng nodded slightly at the two, but his gaze did not stay on each other's faces for a second.

To be honest, I am used to seeing all kinds of beautiful girls, and the welcome lady in Mesochiya is only average.

However, both of them are ordinary humans, without any magic fluctuations on their bodies, nor does they have fallen blood.

Chu Feng and his group walked into the restaurant.

I saw the fiery red-skinned, half-human, half-pig Majin,

There is also a snake woman with a hot figure but staring at three heads,

A monster with one-eyed eyes, sharp teeth and a round body.

There are too many species 01 in the spirit world.

The city of gastronomy brings together tourists from all over the world.

Many of the diners who dine here can't be named.

Although there are also humans, there are still many strange-looking monsters.

Seeing so many races at once, Chu Feng was slightly shocked.

Well, it was mainly because of sensing the breath of fallen blood.

A lot, a lot, almost flooded out of this restaurant.

Thor and Connor were unaware.

Curiously looked at the monsters with different appearances.

"That's the Three-Headed Serpent, right? Don't they live on an isolated island deep in the ocean?

"What's that round monster? I've never seen it!"

"Green Goblin, isn't this disgusting race extinct yet?"

Neither Thor nor Connor deliberately lowered their voices, apparently not taking these diners seriously at all.

As for the green goblin they said, it was a creature about one meter tall, with green all over, strong teeth and fangs, and a pointed head up and down, which was a bit similar to the goblins that Chu Feng had seen.

"Oblivious~~ I can't think of anyone who knows about our great green goblin family, and doesn't expect us to extinct!!?

The three green goblins sat around a table, and one of them looked back at Chu Feng and the others, grinning viciously at the corners of his mouth, and his mouth was still dripping.

However, Mesochi House seems to forbid it, Thor does not hide his disgust, the other party actually dares to return the mouth?


An invisible aura appeared in the sky, directly running through the head of the green goblin.

It was Chu Feng who shot, daring to scold Thor, simply looking for death, although Thor is not human.

You actually killed Dorrig?" (read the Violent Novel, just go on the Feilu Novel Network!)

"How dare you... Dare to do it here? Death is determined, you are dead!"

The remaining two green goblins pushed their companions who were lying on the table and had lost their voice.

Although the two green goblins stood up, they didn't move, just muttered in their mouths.

"Loud noise!"

Thor glanced sideways at the two goblins, and Long Wei followed the trend, overwhelming the other party.

Oh no, the two green goblins were already lying on the ground, unable to move at all.


"It's so rare that no dragons have appeared in the Food City for a long time. "

"The god of gluttony is above, as great as you, has he conquered the dragon?"

"Gang~~ They seem to have just come to the city of food, and they don't have the breath of companions on them, but it doesn't matter, when they see the god of gluttony, they will immediately understand the greatness of the Lord. "

The entire restaurant stopped eating and looked at Chu Feng and the others with an almost playful gaze.

Although Chu Feng solved the green goblin with overwhelming strength, the upper limit of the goblin was there, the strength improvement was not obvious, it belonged to the weakest group present, and everyone did not put Chu Feng on it.

As for the girl who exudes dragon power, she may be very strong, but this is the Mesochi House, the place where the god of gluttony, one or two dragons, there is no need to worry at all.

"Three guests came from afar to try our specialties. "

At this time, a gorgeously dressed and revealing-looking, extremely charming-looking woman came out from the backstage, her swaying steps and sweet 3 voice full of temptation.

What's even more strange is that in her eyes, the three-color pupils are spinning in circles, producing some kind of hypnosis-like effect.

The woman is strong, much stronger than Pope Dogg, almost on par with Chimuen.

If you change to other dragons, in the face of these eyes full of magic, I am afraid that I will immediately forget the unpleasantness just now and happily enjoy the so-called food.

But Thor and Connor are obviously not ordinary dragons, and staying with Chu Feng all day makes their mental resistance grow rapidly.

After all, Chu Feng's peace is much more terrifying than most spiritual attacks.

Thor and Connor have developed antibodies in this area without realizing it.

Yes, women's hypnotic magic is terrible, but it is useless for them.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in their minds, it was Chu Feng's transmission.

"Pretend to promise her, let's see the so-called specialties first!"

Obviously, Boss Chu is still obsessed with the material concept here.

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