
Thor and Chu Feng had a very tacit understanding.

The moment he received the transmission, a smile appeared on his pretty face, and he didn't even forget to completely converge his breath, looking obedient to the woman in front of him.

Connor was expressionless, but muttered to himself, not knowing what the hell Thor was doing.

However, with a smart mind, she did not ask rashly, and she looked wooden.

At the moment when Thor undertook it, the face of the originally angry green goblin suddenly softened, revealing a smile that he thought was kind, as if the scene just now had not happened, and it was not their companions who died just now.

Seeing Chu Feng and the three of them seated, the others in the restaurant also laughed, and some even enthusiastically introduced them to the benefits of Mesoqi House.

There was an old couple in the next seat, and the old woman with a smile on her face said at this time: "The right choice, when you have tasted the cuisine of the Mesochi House, you will know what is delicious in the world, the chef here is a very beautiful woman, her cuisine is very incredible." "

The wrinkled old man answered: "Yes, my wife suffered from an incurable disease before, and her appetite has always been bad, but since eating the dishes here, not only has her appetite been boosted, but her body has also healed, and every dish here has allowed us to see the real wonderland, which is simply wonderful." "

Hearing the words of the two old men, the surrounding diners nodded one after another, their eyes only stayed on Chu Feng and the others for a short while, and they began to continue to taste the dishes in front of them, with aftertaste expressions on their faces from time to time.

Chu Feng: "..."

Thor: "..."

Connor: "..."

I always feel that the diners here are not lightly poisoned.

All right!

If the blood of the Fallen was poison, this group of people did poison the bone marrow and became completely puppets of food, making the House of Mesochi a sacred place in their hearts.

"Chu Feng, all the people here have eaten the blood of the Fallen?"

Thor looked around without leaving a trace, and only after being surprised did he transmit the message to Chu Feng.

"Well, the whole body has been eroded inside and out, and the kind that has not been saved, the situation is worse than the first batch of infected people in the Southern Legion. "

Chu Feng nodded secretly, the meaning was obvious, this group of people was dead.

"In other words, what the hell is the god of gluttony?"

Thor was full of doubts.

"I don't know, it seems that the Mesochi House was made by the other party, you found no, when we pretended to be confused, everyone's expressions changed when they looked at us, as if they had fully accepted us." Chu Feng continued to transmit: "In other words, they are sure that the woman just now has the strength to seduce us. "

Thor narrowed his eyes slightly: "Could it be... She's the god of gluttony?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "It shouldn't be, the strength is at most similar to Qimen, and I can't afford the word god." "

Thor: "What do we do now? It's not going to eat here, is it?"

Just the thought of everyone who had eaten had become abnormal, Thor felt a little sick.

"I didn't say I had to eat it, I just wanted to see the food here." "

Although he was not afraid of the blood of the Fallen, if it was not necessary, Chu Feng would not eat food from unknown sources.


It doesn't take a moment~ (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The enchanting woman walked out again.

A fragrance became more and more intense as she got closer and closer to Chu Feng.

The aroma is very good, with a faint smell of fresh milk.

At first smell, it is pleasant.

As the aroma became stronger and stronger, Chu Feng and the three suddenly gave birth to a feeling of dry mouth, empty stomach, and couldn't wait to taste this dish.

However, they had just eaten a dozen dishes outside, so why did they suddenly feel so hungry?

There is a problem!

There was something wrong with what the woman brought out.

In fact, Chu Feng was also very curious.

With the strength to the extent that he and Thor were at this level, there were very few foreign objects that could affect their minds.

In particular, he also has the whispers of demagogic divine techniques and ancient gods, and he will actually unknowingly hit the trick.

As soon as his mind moved, he meditated on the whisper of the ancient gods, and the feeling of fasting disappeared instantly, and his eyes became clear.

Thor and Connor did the same, the two came back to their senses and glanced at Chu Feng without a trace, both feeling a little incredible.

The chef of Sochiya has something, at least the dishes are very confusing.

Three bowls of broth were placed in front of Chu Feng and the others.

The snow-white broth is like a bowl of snow, exuding a rich milk ~ fragrance.

And in the middle of the large bowl, there is a flame burning with a piece of meat wrapped in it.

The flames were raging, and it was clear that the meat inside was slowly melting little by little, flowing into the snow.

"'Sendeer broth, please use it slowly, three!'

A smile appeared on the enchanting woman's face, and there was a hint of evil in her seductive eyes.

After saying this, she didn't mean to leave, and seemed to be ready to stare at Chu Feng and the others after drinking the broth.

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