"So, you don't actually know what this place is?"

Chu Feng looked at the chattering Three Tigers a little speechlessly.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Not seen for a while~

Sanhu, who was originally cold and cold, suddenly became Rory.

Could it be because you have been alone in one place for a long time?

shook his head.

Chu Feng was too lazy to pursue the specific reason.

According to Sanhu,

As Chu Feng saw,

It's a boundless universe.

Let's call it the universe.

The world shrouded in gray fog also has starlight.

It's just that compared to the universe they are in, the starlight here is too sparse and bleak.

Especially in the gray fog, I can only vaguely see a few points of light like candles in the wind.

Of course, some points of light are not necessarily planets, but they may also be some huge monster.

Sanhu has seen one from afar, even if it is 14 far away, he can feel the strength of the other party.

That terrifying sense of oppression is simply suffocating.

There are very few planets in this universe, and after staying for so long, he has only seen two or three planets.

Seeing that Chu Feng had been staring at himself, Sanhu knew that he had to show a little sincerity, otherwise the other party would not necessarily let him go.

Even if the other party is kind, he is not sure to continue to survive alone.

"Although I don't know much about this ghost place, but I know a place that is very suitable for us humans, aren't you curious about why my strength has recovered so quickly?"

"To the point."

Of course, Chu Feng was curious, and from the moment he saw the three tigers again, he had doubts.

It was even speculated for a while that this guy stepped on shit luck, found the secret realm of cultivation, or swallowed the heavenly material and earth treasure.

According to the previous routine of online novels, maybe Sanhu is taking the protagonist template.

As if in deep thought, Sanhu recalled a little and spoke: "I am lucky, when I first came here, I happened to appear on a planet with lush vegetation, where there are abundant ingredients, natural air, and more importantly, there is an energy on it that I have never seen but feels very ancient, and it is because of this energy that my strength has recovered so quickly." "

"Ancient energy?" Chu Feng was very interested in this.

"That's right, I call it the breath of nothingness, because it gives people a very empty and ancient aura." Sanhu nodded.

After finally encountering a place of interest, Chu Feng naturally would not miss it.

Sanhu has no qualifications to refuse, so he can only bury his head and lead the way. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, he didn't have any reluctance, anyway, now trapped in this ghost place, he couldn't find a way out, it was better to follow Chu Feng.

Sanhu knew very well that Chu Feng had an ability similar to teleportation, and he might be able to leave this ghost place at any time.

Following Chu Feng is better than looking for a way out aimlessly.


The gray mist universe is vast, I don't know how long it has been flying.

An incomparably huge pale green planet appeared in front of Chu Feng's eyes.

This planet is dozens of times larger than Blue Star, floating alone in the empty gray field, which is extremely shocking.

Through the clouds, there is a layer of wind tens of kilometers thick.

According to Sanhu, this wind layer is full of thunderclouds and lightning, as well as fierce winds and tornadoes, which are simply more metamorphosis than the cumulus layer in the vegetable sky.

If it weren't for the rapid increase in strength, Sanhu would not have been able to pass through the Gangfeng layer at all.

Dozens of miles away from the wind layer, Chu Feng could hear the sound of the wind that seemed to be enough to tear anything.

The howling wind swept up one vortex after another, and the powerful force still brought up the corners of the two people's clothes after such a distance.

"Such a domineering wind, it is estimated that a three-hundred-level fantasy creature thrown into it, it will not last long and it will be torn to pieces."

Looking at the wind layer like a black cloud, Chu Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, riding on the Queen of Vengeance, and planted it headlong.

Although the Gangfeng Layer is dangerous, it is nothing to Chu Feng, and with the characteristics of his immortal golden body, even if he does nothing, he can pass through it smoothly.

But since there is such a protective gear as the Queen of Vengeance 100, naturally he does not need to go down in person, and he can go down by transportation.

Looking at Chu Feng, who suddenly rushed into the Gangfeng layer, Sanhu sighed helplessly.

It was hard to come out of it at the beginning, and I was almost overwhelmed by the wind, who knew that it would not be long before I had to plunge into it again.

But he was still looking forward to Chu Feng taking him out of here, so he could only bite the bullet and get into the wind layer.

The howling wind whistled in the ears, and the tens of kilometers thick of the wind area, the stronger the wind became, and even some of them had almost condensed into substance, like a sharp knife, chopping everything around.

It's just that before these knives got close to Chu Feng, they were smashed by the aura of the Queen of Vengeance, turning into points of light and merging into the surrounding wind.

Tens of kilometers was not far for Chu Feng, and it didn't take much time.

In a moment, the vengeful queen with the three-headed snake body rushed out through the clouds like a sharp sword.

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