As far as the eye can see, the ocean-like forests are connected, the trees are lush, and the mountains and mountains are like a fairyland on earth.

Standing thousands of meters in the sky, Chu Feng could feel the mysterious energy that was filled with ubiquity.


Open your arms, just take a deep breath, and the feeling of air flowing into the bones of your limbs is simply shocking.

As Sanhu said, this place is indeed a treasure land of cultivation.

"It's really a good place."

Chu Feng glanced at Sanhu lightly and sighed sincerely.

It's just that this planet is too big, with the strength of his current spiritual power, it covers a few percent of the area at most.

In addition to the vastness of the incalculable nihilism, no one knows what dangers exist here.

The spiritual power swept around, and Chu Feng was in no danger for the time being.

Although there are many creatures living here whose strength is far beyond ordinary people.

But there is none that can really threaten the Three Tigers.

"Are you sure there are monsters whose strength is far above you?"

"Of course, otherwise, how could I leave this treasure land unwaiting, desperately rush out of the Qi layer, stay here, after three years and five years, I will definitely be able to recover to the peak..."

Chu Feng nodded slightly.

That's right.

Although he didn't know anything about cultivation.

All the strength comes from the system critical attack.

But to where he is now.

One law is universal.

With a little induction, you can know that the so-called Void Qi is suitable for almost all types of cultivators.

Once this attributeless energy is absorbed, it is very easy to transform, and the strength will be maximized.

If this place is not dangerous at all, Sanhu has no reason to leave.

"So... We are right in a safe zone where there is no threat. "

Chu Feng muttered, glanced at Sanhu faintly, and spoke: "Let's find a place to cultivate, this area is very safe." "

Sanhu nodded and went headlong into a dense forest, looking for a suitable retreat place.

Knowing that Chu Feng didn't wait to see him, he wouldn't follow the other party with a dead face, as long as he took him when the other party left.

And Chu Feng also had other plans, some benefits, he didn't want to cheapen outsiders.

After ordering the vengeful queen to hunt alone and improve her strength as much as possible, Chu Feng disappeared in place.

That's right!

He planned to gather all the people on his side and use this treasure land to cultivate. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The abyss has begun to invade, and Thor's world also has evil gods looking around, and Chu Feng does not dare to guarantee that the world he is familiar with will not have a crisis.

Although he is very strong, sometimes he does not care about him, and it is time to open up for the people around him.

The Law of Time combined with the Cultivation Holy Land is definitely the strongest plug-in.

It's not that he didn't think about this before, but Chu Feng's previous comprehension of the law of time was not deep, and there was no treasure land similar to the void qi, even if he accelerated time dozens of times, the strength of Tianyu Slash and others was not greatly improved.

And now, with all the conditions in place, he can finally confidently and boldly upgrade for everyone.

As for the state of mind, Chu Feng didn't value this, anyway, time can be accelerated, everyone can slowly experience it.


"Feng, what kind of place is this, such a magical energy, just staying here, the body will automatically absorb the free energy around it."

Thor was still wearing a maid outfit, two golden ponytails turning with a light swing of his head, and his golden eyes were full of curiosity.

Tianyu slashed a black power suit, looked around with his hands in his pockets, and nodded secretly: "It is indeed a good place to cultivate, and cultivating the Tai Xuan Sutra here is definitely twice as effective with half the effort." "

At the same time, Alice, Erina, Megumi Tasho, Kikuchi Sonogo and others also looked around curiously.

Although most of them are Devil Fruit powers, they can feel that this place is special after obtaining extraordinary power for so long.

The ubiquitous void made them feel extremely close, as if a child who had been away from home for a long time returned to his mother's arms, full of warmth.

Intuition tells everyone that there are great benefits to staying here.

"Okay, now I'm going to turn on time acceleration, and at the same time I will give you the right exercises, and this time (okay Zhao) cultivate well to cope with the next crisis."

Chu Feng didn't waste time and quickly gathered everyone.

Time accelerates, turns on!

Alice and Tianfa Slash and the others have learned about the Abyss Evil God from Thor.

Although I am not sure if this is an abyss, or some other strange place.

But everyone knows one thing very well, their world is likely to usher in a catastrophe, and the most important thing now is to improve their strength and try not to drag Chu Feng back after the disaster comes.

Everyone is proud and naturally does not want to become a burden.

At this moment, everyone riveted and vowed to become stronger.

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