Just before dawn, Xue Lang got up. Today is the day to go to Chang'an. After the washing of the Xue Lang, the Kwai and the winter solstice quickly packed the rest of the things and put them on the carriage. The time of departure from yesterday's setting was still a little while, just for breakfast.

After breakfast, they got into the carriage and were ready to start -

Xue Lang and the other officials of Princess Pingyang were the first to walk with the princess.

Li Hongjie led all his officials and generals to see him off. Wei's highness came to visit his highness on the way back

Princess Pingyang was stunned for a moment and said, "go and have a look."

"Here it is."

Princess Pingyang marched forward, and Han Jin and Xue Lang followed.

Sure enough, the official road, full of black people, the people's hands or carrying a dustpan, or carrying baskets, Wu steaming. At the head of the crowd were the venerable elders elected by the people, who were already white and old.

Even though the princess of Pingyang is still in a high position, she quickly walks a few steps in front of such an elderly person and greets her: "how can Pingyang, how can I trouble the elders to see them off? It's cold in winter. Go home quickly, so as not to be hurt by the cold. "

The elder said: "thank you, general. But if the general wants to go back to Chang'an, how can I not come! Since the general came to Weize pass for more than three years, he calmed down the bandits and suppressed the strong and powerful. He made our people live and work in peace and contentment and stayed at night. Since the general came, no Turks dare to plunder! We are very grateful for the general's good governance. The general is a princess with a noble status. I have been blessed by the general for more than three years. I dare not keep a general. The only thing I can do is to see the general off. I hope that the general will have a good journey. Take care, general

The old man bowed down to salute, and the people behind him also saluted, shouting: "take care of yourself, general!"

Princess Pingyang took two steps to help the elder: "how dare you accept the elder's courtesy! Elder, please rise! Villagers, Pingyang karma Association, led the troops stationed in Weize pass. Thanks for the support and love of the villagers for more than three years. All of you are very kind, and you are good at Pingyang. It's cold in winter. Go home quickly

The elder wiped his eyes and said, "general, we are reluctant to leave the general. Let's send him off."

"Yes, let me see the general off."

Li Hongjie on one side said: "Your Highness, since the villagers are very enthusiastic about boxing, let's give it a ride."

Princess Pingyang glanced around her with a deep look and sighed, "well, goodbye today. I don't know when I can get together again. Thank you very much

After all, it's a salute to the crowd. The elder even said, "I dare not be a general. The general has just recovered from serious injury. Please get on the bus and let me take a ride with the general's chariots and horses to express our feelings. And, general, please bring this basket of steamed cakes and eggs. This cake is steamed by a bunch of noodles from one family. This egg is also made by everyone. I want to tell you how much you feel about seeing the general off. Please accept it. "

"Please take it, general!"

It was sincere and touching.

Princess Pingyang is not a person who does not eat fireworks. She knows that it is cold in winter and eggs are hard to find. It was not easy for everyone to gather up a basket of eggs for her, and they did not refuse much. They directly said, "take your wishes in Pingyang. First snow. "

Early snow immediately came forward, steamed bread and eggs in the hands of the elderly, and then took ten rounds of copper coins to the elderly. Naturally, the elder didn't want it. Princess Pingyang said, "the elder should know that Pingyang is a human being. I come to Weize pass by myself. The officers and men under my command should not take any needle or thread from the common people. If there is any violation, they should be dealt with according to military law. The so-called good beginning and good ending. Pingyang will leave Weize pass today. Why can the elderly have the heart to let Pingyang take the lead? Please take it

The elder hesitated a little and then said, "well, the general's orders are like mountains. I know that. The old man took the copper coin. Those who came to see him off today, and those who had children in the family could come to get a copper coin, so that the general could be dignified and protect the children from growing up safely. "

That's a good idea. Princess Pingyang nodded with satisfaction.

The elder said, "please get on the bus."

The people also called out: "please get on the bus, general!"

It was difficult to be gracious. Princess Pingyang solemnly saluted the crowd. Then she got into the carriage. Before getting on the carriage, she called Han Jin and Xue Lang to him: "Yuexian, Youyang, and thank the villagers for me."

Han Jin and Xue Lang quickly replied, "here you are."

They took orders, Han Jin on the left and Xue Lang on the right. They walked a whole mile with the villagers who came to see them off. At this point, Han Jin said: "master Han, thank the villagers for their kindness. The journey is long, the weather is cold, and the elderly are old. Please go back."

The old man tearfully said, "if you only walk a mile, you will not be able to do it. I am too useless. Well, I'll send it here. Boys and girls, I'll send you the general. "

"Here it is."

Han Jin and Xue Lang got into the carriage after the elder was advised to stay. But the people who saw him off were not willing to go back. With Li Hongjie, they sent out ten miles.Although Princess Pingyang was not an official in charge of the government, no official dared to take bribes and pervert the law in Weize county or even the whole Prefecture because of her presence. Even if she was a local scholar, most of them followed the rules and didn't dare to do anything wrong. People know that's why they have today's friendship of helping the old and the young to see each other for ten li.

Xue Lang hopes that in the future, if he has a chance to take charge of the government, he will not ask for such a grand occasion, but only that when he leaves office, the people will not set off firecrackers to celebrate, but when he talks about him, he will be judged as a qualified official.

At the ten mile Pavilion, Princess Pingyang got off the carriage again. Li Hongjie, who was seeing him off, was invited to go back, as well as the people who came to see him off along the way. Pingyang Princess Lang said: "we are grateful for your friendship. Please come back."

"General! We can't bear the general! "

"General! Really can't stay any more? "


When it comes to parting, some people can no longer suppress their feelings and cry. One person cries, and others can't help crying. Princess Pingyang is also red eyed and does not use idioms.


A young woman came forward with a child in her arms and choked: "three years ago, it was the general who made the decision for the slave and helped the father of the slave to redress the injustice. The slave family was poor. There was nothing to repay the general. Today, the general is leaving Weize pass. Let the slave kowtow to the general."

Others saw that those who had received the favor of Princess Pingyang scrambled to kowtow. Pingyang Princess red eyes, in addition to let the people up, but for a while, she was a bit clumsy at words.

After calming down a little, Princess Pingyang said, "everyone, please rise. In the past, it was just a matter of raising your hand. You should not pay so much attention to courtesy. I hope you can live and work in peace and contentment as usual. Pingyang is far away in Chang'an. Pingyang said goodbye. Please don't send me any more. I'll be angry if you send me off again! "

Finish saying, it is a gift, after that, he did not hesitate to get on the carriage, also no longer lift the curtain to look out. Seeing this, the common people did not dare to send them again. They just stood in situ and looked at the Pingyang princess's car and walked away slowly.

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