"You Yang!"

In the evening, she got off the bus at the gate of the post station. Princess Pingyang called Xue Lang.

"What do you want from your highness?"

Princess Pingyang didn't stop. She went straight to Xue Lang's carriage and stopped. She looked at Xue Lang's carriage and looked at it carefully! Xue Lang's carriage was finally made! After his redesign and design, among the two wheeled carriages, the one smaller than the four wheeled carriage for freight transportation was as conspicuous as the others. Princess Pingyang just came to look at her now. She has been entangled in miscellaneous things. She can be calm.

Xue Lang looked at Princess Pingyang silently and asked in a low voice, "Your Highness, my new carriage Is there any violation? "

Princess Pingyang said, "nothing! However, the carriage of Youyang is unique. "

Xue Lang was embarrassed to smile, but he was embarrassed to explain the details of the story.

in other words, since Xue Lang knew that he was going back to Chang'an, and because he was afraid that the river would freeze in winter, which was not conducive to navigation, he had to go by land instead of water.

Taking the road means taking a carriage for many days. When he thought about the road condition of the official road, Xue Lang thought it was good to walk with his feet. But it's impossible. You can ride a bicycle in summer, and in winter The whizzing wind, even if it is wrapped in fur, can not resist, not to mention riding a bicycle, is also a very sour thing.

The so-called people are forced out. In order to get the greatest comfort on the way back to Chang'an, Xue Lang could be said to have racked his brains, and finally recalled from his long memory the restored objects of the Roman carriage he had seen in the museum.

In terms of comfort, Rome is ahead of the East. The chariot in ancient Rome was equipped with steering and damping devices. If his memory was not strengthened when he passed through, Xue Lang would not have been able to copy it. Of course, there is a lot of credit for Su Han. As a doctor, Dr. Su Han Su is a master of craftsmanship. He can't help but forge iron and do simple carpentry.

In this regard, Dr. Su was very insipid. He said that he could not find any craftsmen in the mountains. Therefore, under the pressure of life, they would do all kinds of work. Xue Lang still remembers that Dr. Su had a very plain hand at that time -

he was good at forging iron, carpenter, bricklayer, stonemason, pottery maker, tailor and sewing. Of course, in addition to the skill of forging iron, Dr. Su's style is relatively rough. People follow the practical line.

After Xue Lang's design drawing came out, Xue Lang and Su Han studied for several days and made a real object. There was no difficulty in the carriage, but the material selection of steering device and shock absorption. In ancient Rome, the cattle were used as shock absorbers by pulling cowhide. In the Tang Dynasty, they couldn't kill cattle. Xue Lang used bear skin.

Princess Pingyang went around the very simple carriage and said, "the carriage of Youyang..."

It seems to be searching for a more appropriate adjective.

Xue Lang silently turned his eyes to see his royal highness, and whispered to him, "chastity."

Although Dr. Su can do carpentry, he can't carve anything out of pragmatism. The result is that the carriage, which was made by Dr. Su, is relatively simple and unadorned. It's only painted, there's nothing else to decorate. Pingyang Princess smile, approval of the nod: "really simple and unadorned. I don't know who made it? "

Xue Lang was very honest and frank: "it was me, Dr. Su and a Lin who worked together to do it. You can't carve. Laugh, laugh. "

"I see."

Princess Pingyang nodded and said, "along the way, I saw the carriage that Youyang was riding. It turned flexibly and drove smoothly. Judging from Youyang's face, I think it should be very smooth and comfortable to ride. It is quite different from other four wheeled carriages. Is that right? "

Xue Lang nodded and asked his royal highness. "Your Highness's eyes are shining like a torch. You can see the good and bad from a glance. In fact, the secrets are hidden in two places, your highness, please see

Xue Lang asked Wanfu to take the horses away to eat grass. He bent down to explain to Princess Pingyang that the carriage was different from that of the Tang Dynasty: "the main reason is that there is a steering device on the front axle and a damping device. With these two devices, the carriage can run more smoothly, and the bumping effect is not as great as that of the two wheeled carriage. In fact, the best self feeling design is the interior. "

With that, Xue Lang opened the back door of the carriage -

in terms of setting the carriage door, Xue Lang followed the trend of the Tang Dynasty and opened the back door instead of opening the side door like the European carriage. The carriage on the side does not expose the wheel of the carriage, but covers the wheel with wood directly. In this way, the gap between the wheels can be made into a simple small cabinet, which can be used to hold things.

After Xue Lang opened the door of the car, Princess Pingyang looked inside, and immediately drew back to look outside. After a puzzled light Yi, she directly ordered: "all people except Youyang should step back and not be near."

"Here it is

The retinue, who came with the princess, stepped back. Xue Lang was puzzled: "Your Highness?"

Princess Pingyang didn't answer. Instead, she jumped into the carriage. She reached out and touched it around the carriage. After a while, she got out of the carriage and looked outside and inside. Her face was full of wonderful color.Xue Lang suddenly found that his royal highness had found a bad taste in his carriage inside: "Your Highness, this is a painting skill, and the use of painting technology to achieve the purpose of deceiving human vision is called spatial visual deception. In fact, there is no change in space. It's just that the human eye is cheated by painting technology and feels that space has changed. "

Princess Pingyang nodded and asked in a low voice, "so, is this what Youyang is playing with?"

Xue Lang nodded: "go back to your highness, yes. However, it was on the spur of the moment. I wanted to make fun of Heng Yu and ah Lin. your highness should help me keep it secret. "

Princess Pingyang turned to look at him with deep meaning in her eyes: "it should be kept secret."


Xue Lang was stunned at first, then suddenly: "Your Highness thinks this technology should be kept secret?"

Princess Pingyang glanced at him and said, "do you want to show you these secret skills? You know, if you apply this technology to architecture, what will happen? Whether it's sunny or shady! "

Xue Lang suddenly, even busy way: "I understand! Let's deal with it! "

Facing Princess Pingyang's questioning eyes, Xue Lang gets on the carriage, reaches out and gropes in front of him for a while. He takes down the board of visual deception and puts it on the roof. The original arc roof directly becomes a flat roof. The carriage also returned to what it should have looked like, no longer looking at the strange spacious feeling.

Princess Pingyang felt quite wonderful. She looked inside and outside the carriage. If Xue Lang was not in the carriage, she would have to go up and pat her hands again. However, even if you look at it, you can see some famous things. Princess Pingyang asked, "has Youyang wrapped up the wheel?"

Xue Lang nodded and said with a smile, "Your Highness knows that I can't take the carriage, so I designed this carriage myself. I designed the chassis of the car into concave characters. The carriage is the concave part, and two pairs of wheels are on both sides of the bulge. The two sides are separated by a board, which can be made into two small lockers for storage. Your highness, please have a look

When Xue Lang turned a wooden bolt on the left side of the carriage and turned it into a horizontal one, he could put down a piece of wood board, which was just in the middle of the carriage.

On the right is a small cabinet with a sliding door. There is a partition inside, and there are holding Xue Lang's Thermos Pot, wine pot, tea, snacks and so on.

In the middle of the two pairs of wheels, you can also put some gadgets. For example, Xue Lang played chess, checkers and poker, and prepared to find good friends to play in the carriage during the long journey to pass the time.

The princess of Pingyang was simply amazed and said with a smile, "Youyang's fantastic ideas are really continuous and admirable."

Xue Lang also embarrassed smile modest: "Your Highness flatters, flatters."

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