At the critical moment -

together, Jiang Lin and Li Dalang took Xue Lang two steps to avoid the attack of the stick!

Then, ha ha ha ha, a group of women with big sticks ran out of it. They were the fierce princesses and princesses of the royal family of Li Tang. The one who just hit each other was Princess Changsha, holding a stick and hitting anyone. Of course, the focus is on Xue Lang, the bridegroom!

Jiang Lin and Li Dalang are very experienced. On the one hand, they are full of helplessness, and on the other hand, they say in a low voice: "protect your head and face and beg for mercy!"

Xue Lang knows that this is the "son-in-law" of his mother's family. Other people can't help him. He relies on himself. In order to avoid being beaten, he doesn't want to be shamed. He quickly asks for mercy: "sisters and sisters, be merciful. It doesn't matter if you break me. It's too tired for you to be good! Why don't we just give it a couple of punches? After the event, my younger brother will definitely offer you good wine, right to reward! Please be merciful

A burst of laughter, Changsha princess is very fierce stick a pestle, laughing: "good brother-in-law, this is what you said, sisters do not force you?"

Xue Lang quickly nodded: "is extremely is extremely, is I see the sisters hard, take the initiative to comfort!"

This nod, feel the powder on the face began to fall off again! The quality of this pit father, I don't know if Mammy's powder is thick enough. Don't drop all the powder before the wedding ceremony is finished! Others get married all the way to sprinkle petals, brother get married is all the way off powder, ah, good anxiety!

Changsha Princess waved and threw away the stick: "good! For the sake of the groom and the shepherd, the killing stick will be avoided. Come on, serve the wine

Then, immediately a servant brought a pot of wine! Changsha Princess Jiao said with a smile: "I've heard a lot about brother-in-law for a long time. Please drink your brother-in-law in one gulp."

Li Dalang immediately stepped forward and said in a low voice, "uncle, you can't drink it. There's some Mongolian medicine in this wine!"

Mongolian medicine?! what the fuck! Ancient routines are so deep!

Xue Lang could only smile and shake his head firmly. Changsha Princess looks at Li Dalang with a smile, and Li darang shrinks and hides behind Xue Lang Good!

"Drink or not?"

Xue Lang looked up and determined: "there is medicine in it, don't drink it!"

The look was just like a heroic martyr who died with indignation. Princess Changsha couldn't put on any more. She bent over with a laugh, which made Xue Lang unable to put on and began to laugh.

A group of people burst into laughter, which naturally passed! Changsha Princess waved, a group of sisters let go of the gate, and the bridegroom and Shepherd stepped into the gate and went to the middle gate.

With the middle door closed, Li Dalang stepped forward and began to recite poems. After reciting a poem, the middle gate finally opened and the groom and Shepherd had to enter.

After entering the middle door, there is a man-made lock lock, and then it is the main hall. After passing the five passes and cutting six generals, he read five or six poems all the way. Finally, he walked to the front of the main hall --

Xue Lang sighed secretly. It is not easy to marry a daughter-in-law. It is necessary to recite so many poems only. Thanks to Li Dalang, it would be miserable today! Well Go back and send him a big red envelope!

However, soon, Xue Lang knew that he was too early to worry. He had sent off his mother's family and the bride! A faint smile on one's face was seen outside the boudoir of the princess's highness. The female officer of the Royal Highness, the long standing Liu girl officer, stood at the door.

Liu Chao's heart did not feel good

Liu's female official also paid a courtesy, and her eyes turned, and a subtle look loomed between her expression and eyebrows. She said with a smile: "the husband-in-law can't even cover me. This pass is only for me. As long as the husband-in-law has passed the pass of my family, your highness will be in front of you."

Xue Langgang wants to laugh Suddenly thought of the face of the powder, smile immediately stopped, full of awe: "please Liu female officer advice!"

The face is white because of the powder, and the lips are very red because of the lipstick, plus the solemn expression Not only Liu female officials, but also the people present, all burst into laughter. Liu said with a smile: "my request is very simple. Please let Xue's son-in-law recite poems in person. It doesn't matter whether it's a poem from my dynasty or a foreign country. Please!"

Li Dalang was in front of him, and the guards were not strict. They were playing tricks on Xue Lang, the bridegroom and shepherd. He could handle the work. This is the female officer Liu They both know their roots and know their roots. Obviously, they can't ask Li Dalang to do it for him, and they can't copy ancient poems. They both said that they wanted him to come in person. Well, look for them from modern poetry!

Xue langning eyebrows pondered and silently said, "sorry, Miss Wang." she stepped forward and began to recite --

How can I thank you

when I came to you, I wanted to harvest a wisp of spring breeze

but you gave me the whole spring

people were stunned. When Liu nuguan was in Weize pass, she read Xue langmo's book "facing the sea, spring flowers bloom" 》But knowing that Xue Lang's uneven, almost vernacular style, he nodded slightly to show that he was qualified and indicated that he was going to continue.

Xue Lang felt a little more confident and continued to recite --

How can I thank you

when I came to you

I wanted to hold a waveYou gave me the whole ocean

how to thank you

when I came to you

I wanted to pick up a red leaf

but you gave me the whole maple forest

how to thank you

when I came to you, I wanted to kiss a snowflake

but you gave me the silver world

after the recitation, Xue Lang bowed his hand to Liu Nu Guan, Liu nu The official looked at Xue Lang, and his expression was not moved. He said, "this poem can be used as a love poem, and it can also be understood in other ways. If it is not enough, please continue with your son-in-law!"

Liu nuguan's eyes are really accurate. This poem can be understood as a love poem, and other understandings as well. It's not easy to fool. Xue Lang had to think about it again. Fortunately, he was a young man of literature and art in the second phase of the middle school. He had read a lot of modern poetry Think about With -

have a future goal

always make us happy

like the grey moth flying to the fire light

willing to be the captive of the flame

what is swinging is your constant steps

flying is your beautiful tassels

in the days of deep love

who can say clearly

what is sweet and what is bitter

just know to be sure No turning back

to lose is to pursue

to marry happiness


As soon as Xue Lang finished his recitation, Li Dalang and Jiang Lin immediately applauded and applauded. A group of children who came to help also clapped and yelled in unison: "bride, hurry up! New wife, urge out! New wife, urge out! "

It's bold and bold, it's huge!

Liu female official slightly lost his mind and murmured to herself: "if you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, you will marry happiness."

With a smile, he said, "congratulations on the wedding of the son-in-law. I wish him a happy marriage for a hundred years and live forever!"

This is a pass?!

Xue Lang suddenly forgot whether the powder on his face would fall off. He bowed his hand in return: "thank you very much, lady Liu!"

"Emperor in law, please wait a moment!"

Finally, is the bride coming out?

Xue Lang looked at the door eagerly.

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