When the door of the boudoir opened, Princess Changsha, who was just in trouble at the gate of Xue Lang, and Liu nuguan entered the door. Sweetheart from the doorway, it was blocked by heavy curtains. Soon after, a woman's laughter and laughter came to her, and a graceful figure was lifted out of the crowd and sat behind the curtain.

, this is the bride of today, Xue Long's sweetheart, the Royal Princess of Pingyang, the Royal Princess of the Tang Dynasty.

Xue Lang's eyes longed, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but hook up. He completely forgot whether the powder on his face would fall down!

Xi Niang covered her mouth with a smile and said, "bridegroom and shepherd, line the ceremony of laying wild geese!"


Xue Lang reacted with hindsight and quickly took back the eyes of the man who was almost stuck behind the curtain. He took the goose from his home, took a deep breath and threw it hard -

the goose was thrown into the curtain with a loud cry!

The figure shakes, and the goose's cry stops suddenly. The goose is held by people and its mouth is pinched!

Xi Niang looked at Xue Lang with a smile and reminded him, "bridegroom, if you want to open the curtain barrier and enter the account, please recite a poem!"

Xue Lang immediately looked at Li Dalang. Li Dalang understood him. He stepped forward and was about to recite poetry. A figure came out. It was early snow. At the beginning of the snow, Xue Lang said with a smile, "the son-in-law, the empress said, please recite poems!"

Er Can't someone do it for you?!

At this time, inside and outside the boudoir were full of people, including those who came with Xue Lang and those from the princess's side. Xue Lang saw Princess Xiangyang in the crowd. She held an old woman and they both looked at Xue Lang with a smile.

Xue Lang took a deep breath. If we talk about poetry, if we say that compared with the poetry read by Princess Pingyang, he has always had one in his heart. Since she wants to hear it, Xue Lang is naturally willing to read it out. This is his voice: "if I love you..."

Xiangyang Princess looks surprised. The old woman she holds smiles and whispers, "the prince in law of Pingyang He is quite straightforward and unrestrained! "

Princess Xiangyang smiles and says nothing. With her aunt, she listens to Xue Lang's recitation:

If I love you

I will never be a climbing Campanula

I will show off by your high branches

If I love you

I will never learn from the infatuated birds

repeat monotonous songs for the green shade

it is more than a source of cool comfort

Br > after reading his poem "through the oak tree", the only one that he could understand most deeply after reading his poem was "through the oak tree"! I always miss to listen to Princess Pingyang all the time. Today, I take advantage of the opportunity to recite makeup poems.

Xue Lang's eyes are affectionate and focused on the figure behind the curtain barrier --

this is my intention, do you hear it? Do you understand? My highness!

“…… I must be an oak tree by your side, as the image of the tree, with you, roots, holding in the ground, leaves, touching in the clouds, we greet each other every time the wind blows, but no one understands our words. You have your big red flowers, sigh to the heavy, like a brave torch; I have my copper branches and iron stems, like a sword, like a halberd. We share the cold wave, the wind and thunder, the thunder, the mist, the flowing haze and the rainbow. As if forever separated, but also life-long dependence, this is the great love, loyalty is here, not only love your body, but also love the position you adhere to, the ground under your feet

After the recitation, Xue Lang looked directly at the curtain barrier: "to kapok, a gift to the princess, this is my heartfelt voice, please tell the princess a lesson!"

Xue Lang changed the name of the poem. As a man, he was an oak tree, which was given to women and converted into kapok. Although she couldn't see, her sight was blocked by the curtain, but Xue Lang felt that the princess was looking at him. She certainly understood and understood! There is no need to prove, just have such feeling and self-confidence!

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

A burst of applause, accompanied by an old female voice: "good! Good poetry, good husband

Xue Lang looked up, but it was an old woman supported by Princess Xiangyang. Li Dalang quietly stepped forward and prompted him: "uncle, that is the princess of Tongchang, the Royal sister of the sage, and the aunt of the princess."

Xue Lang quickly bows and bows to Princess Tong, who smiles and waves his hands to indicate that he is exempt. Xue Lang Gang stood up straight, a pair of Tai Luo Li came out from behind the curtain barrier and began to remove the curtain barrier.

After the curtain barrier was removed, the first snow came out again and bowed to salute: "please enter the barrier for your son-in-law!"

Good home! Finally we can get in! It's not easy to get married in the Tang Dynasty!

Xue Lang stealthily sweats in his heart and goes in with the first snow -

through the heavy curtain, he finally sees the man who is thinking of sitting on a saddle in green clothes, with Phoenix crowns and pearls all over his head. Fashionably dressed men and women, Princess

's Royal Highness was sitting on his elegant dress. He saw Xue Lang coming in, smiled at him, and smiled at someone's bewildness.In the past, I thought that the princess was beautiful. Today, when I look at the beauty under the lamp, I feel more charming. How to do!

"Line the ceremony of laying down geese!"

Xi Niang reminded her that someone immediately handed over a goose wrapped in red silk. The goose's mouth was wrapped with colorful silk thread Well, don't worry about being pecked or running away!


Xue Lang holds the goose and kneels down to the opposite side of the princess. Xi Niang drinks and sings: "Li Cheng!"

"Farewell to your parents!"

Xue Lang and the princess were taken to a side hall. The sage sat on it. At his head, a middle-aged woman in full dress was sitting. Chu Xue followed Xue Lang and reminded him in a low voice: "that's my uncle's wife."

Queen Tai Mu died early. It is reasonable for her aunt to take the place of her mother.

Xue Lang nodded secretly and saluted with Princess Pingyang. The sage's face was smiling, but in his eyes he couldn't help but tear his eyes: "the respect of the precepts, I hope you two husband and wife together, live a good life."

Finish saying, can't help but say again: "virtuous son-in-law, treat my beloved daughter well, if bully her, I certainly not light Rao."

Xue Lang did not know what he was thinking, or did not think of anything, or thought a lot, blurted out: "I will love her more than myself!"

The sage nodded with satisfaction. It's time to pay homage to my aunt. Fortunately, my aunt did not embarrass the bridegroom. She said with a smile, "in Pingyang, we should encourage you to respect it all day and night. I wish you and your son-in-law to make peace with each other. We can live in harmony with each other and grow old together."

After paying homage to her parents and elders, the temple of resigning the family will be held. However, Princess Pingyang is a member of the royal family, so the royal family temple can not be easily entered, so this procedure will be avoided.

After that, Chu Xue took a red scarf, covered her face, and helped her on the float. The bridegroom and Shepherd rode around the float for three times and went out with the float for a circle around the city.

When the float came out of the princess's mansion, there were people who stopped the floats singing and dancing and begging for food and drink. Every sentence of auspicious words, do not want to jump out -

the words are well organized, and the key is easy to understand. Xue Lang understood! The level is higher than Xue Lang, the bridegroom. Anyway, let him say it, he certainly can't say so!

Li Dalang, who was in front of him, had to sing with the people who stopped the bus. After a long time of entanglement, the flower cart was able to move forward slowly. In the city around a small circle, sprinkled a lot of candy, wedding cakes, just returned to the princess's mansion, the gate of the mansion, there are already people covered with felt.

Mammy picked up the curtain and helped the princess to get out of the car --

Xue Lang secretly wiped sweat in his heart. Is it finally over? Is it time to enter the bridal chamber? The dark poke look is still dark, did not see half of the sky of the night, secretly nodded, fortunately, the day is not bright, but also in time!

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