It was not until the dizziness disappeared and his sight became clear again that Gu Meng could see his environment at the moment.

It's like an oval shaped canopy on top of it.

He looked left and right and found that there were some dial plates and the like on the bulkhead. The hands and numbers on them fluctuated and jumped unsteadily.

Gu Meng stretched out his hand and pushed it gently. The edge of the cover was like a balloon leaking gas, which automatically lifted it upward.

Then, with one hand on the edge, Gu Meng sat up from the cabin.

Looking around for the first time, he found that he was in a room of ten square meters in size, square and square, and white everywhere he could see. It was perfectly normal.

In front of it is a silver gray encrypted iron door. In the middle of the room, there is no other object except a capsule like instrument.

Looking up at the corner of the room, Gu Meng sees a camera flashing red light in the upper right corner, which is like a surveillance eye, occasionally mechanically turning an inch away.

Below the camera was a small radio, from which the voice of the young man was apparently heard.

Gu Meng no longer hesitates, but climbs out of the cabin, still cluttered with pictures in her mind. She has just changed from one scene to another, and her stomach still feels the same.

He rolled over and fell to the ground, supporting the edge of the capsule weakly, and lowered his head for a few breaths.

"Still there?" Gu Meng maintains her posture, and her drooping forehead cuts her eyes in disorder. He asks the air.

"Yes." The voice of a young man came from the radio behind him.

"Where on earth is this?" Gu Meng asked.

"Transfer station." He asked a question, and the young man replied, never taking the initiative to say more.

Men's timbre is low, but also contains the unique brightness and vitality of young people, just listening to the voice is easy to win people's favor.

But now Gu Meng is in a very bad mood. When he recalls what he has just experienced in the illusion, he has a kind of dense fear spreading all over his body, which is very uncomfortable. At the same time, the feeling has triggered a burst of irritability.

He felt vaguely, as if he had been played with something. He couldn't help himself. Now he still can't get rid of the shackles of the game.

After a while, Gu Meng straightened up and simply asked the question. In his voice, he pretended to be calm and said:

"who are you? who are you? Why are you locking me up here? What is this broken machine

Speaking of this, Gu Meng thumped the glass mask with one hand to reveal her true feelings. Then she said, "what are those just experienced? What happened after you left the scene six copy? "

"Don't be impulsive, sister-in-law." The man's voice is still leisurely and carefree, even not afraid to be offended. With a faint smile, Gu Meng said, "now that the system shows that your vital signs have exceeded the normal value, which is not a good phenomenon. Why don't you take a few deep breaths first?"

"Don't talk to me fuckin 'about it Gu Meng side head, slightly sharp line of sight to the camera on the upper right.

He believed that people over there, or something else, could see.

"All right, all right." "Let's solve problems one by one," the man said in a compromise way

Finally, it seemed that he murmured in a low voice: "if you were not the one cared by the master, you would have gone through the process and destroyed it..."

The radio was quiet for a moment. When he made his voice again, the man had changed into a formulaic tone and said slowly, "it doesn't matter who I am. You must care more about who we are."

"You can call us Homo sapiens if you like. Of course, we never call ourselves that way, because the code name is so stupid."

"Homo sapiens and humans have been in two different galaxies for a long time, without disturbing each other. However, the earth has always been under our monitoring range. But rest assured that we are not malicious and are pacifist between galaxies."

The man said to himself, half way seems to say tired, inhaled something.

The sound of sucking is amplified by the microphone. Gu Meng hears it and asks, "what are you drinking?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Man way.

Listening to the sound is to inhale two more mouthfuls, the empty cup of "gurgling" sound, then continue to reply: "drinking milk tea, this may be the best invention of your earth, two cups a day to continue life, simply can not stop."

“……” Gu Meng suddenly doesn't know what to say.

After a short episode, the man continued his unfinished words and said: "we should have been so peaceful. But 262 years ago, Homo sapiens detected that the earth was changing. At first, it was not obvious, and it did not attract much attention, but it was obviously beyond the pre control."

Gu Meng couldn't help but stop under the camera, looked up at the top and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Human beings..." The man's voice was tinged with sarcasm and said, "just like the bacteria in the hotbed, they are multiplying and spreading at an incredible speed."

"The earth, the planet, is experiencing unprecedented damage because it is estimated that the speed of its own cleaning up can not keep pace with the speed of human destruction, and Homo sapiens can no longer sit idly by, so..."The man seems to be adjusting the state, deliberately to brew a huge and surging atmosphere.

It was a long time before he heard him proclaim in a kind of messianic and uplifting voice: "so we launched the human screening program to protect your planet and ensure the ultimate continuity of your humanity."

The last sound still reverberates in the white room of 10 square meters in size, but it is silent in exchange for a mysterious silence.


There was another awkward, suffocating silence.

After that, Gu Meng said without expression: "you are an environmentalist with a bad brain."

"The man said It's not. "

"In order to protect the earth, your plan is to remove human beings?" Gu mengyan succinctly refines the central idea of men.

"No..." The man stopped, and changed his way, "not absolutely clear, to put it more easily, is to purify the earth."

"Escape game is the screening criteria?" Gu Meng thought of Enjin's words. At that time, Enjin had something to hide. Now, the causes and consequences can be linked together.

The man coughed twice, changed a more normal tone, said: "yes, you will experience the escape game for six days, and the people who can survive are qualified human beings."

"What's the seventh day?" Gu Meng asked again.

"Glory day." The man repeated, saying, "glory day."

"The survivors receive glory?" Gu Meng said.

"Yes." The man said, "accept your glory, sign the contract, enter into the promised land."

Gu Meng thinks that he may understand.

He lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, then said to himself, "so I just entered the promised land The purified world? "

"It's just a simulation of your satisfaction." The man corrected, then sighed, and continued, "sister-in-law, if you promised Enjin to stay, the contract will be generated automatically. When you wake up again, you will enter the new world. All you need to do is sleep. In the new world, you will get permanent peace and happiness."

Gu Meng is silent for a moment, and doesn't know what he is thinking.

After a while, when he looked up again at the camera, the camera frame a slightly blank face.

Do you know Eugene

"The man said Yes. "

"Is everything in the simulation world true?" This is what Gu Meng cares about most.

He has to determine what is real and what is false.

"In addition to Enjin, the people, things and things you have come into contact with are all true. The appearance of the simulated world is the appearance of the promised place. There is no need to worry about this."

"Why isn't he real?" Gu Meng's eyes flash a moment of panic, can't help but step forward to the camera, as if eager to get the answer.

"En Jin left the test site for the time being I mean, your planet, he needs to go back and repair his body. " The man took some consolation meaning and said, "sister-in-law, don't worry, he will come back."

Gu Meng calmed down for a moment, then said to the flashing red camera, "what role did Eugene play in this human clearance plan?"

"It's human screening." The man corrected him again.

Gu Meng stares at the camera for a moment and doesn't speak.

The man sighed and said: "Enjin is the greatest architect of our planet. Whatever exists or does not exist in the universe, whatever he has seen or never seen, as long as he wants to, he can create things. In addition, he can also match things in different dimensions of space, for example, ghosts coexisting with you on a planet, but in different dimensions To put it more popularly, the master is in charge of the space. More than 7000 copies of the scene in the experimental site are his masterpieces, ranging from mountains and valleys to small plants and trees, which are presented to you through his hands. "

Gu Meng silently digests for a while, but this is what en Jin never told him.

Probably for fear of his thinking.

However, he does think a lot.

"So..." Gu Meng said, "Enjin is not a good thing either?"

“……” The man said, "sister-in-law, why do you have this idea?"

"Yes." Gu Meng no longer pays attention to the camera above, but goes to the side door and says, "why do you call me sister-in-law?"

The man chuckled and said, "in your culture, it seems that the women of big brother should be called" sister-in-law. "

“……” Gu Meng raised her eyes and glanced at the side of her eyes. Then she continued to focus on beating the iron gate. She said, "fart your mother."

The man was silent for half a second. Listening to the voice, he sucked a mouthful of milk tea to suppress his surprise and said: "I'm afraid Sister in law, how do you say dirty words

The iron door lock is very dead. There is no door handle and so on. There is only one detection instrument beside the door. Gu Meng knows that she can't open the door easily and go out.He photographed the door again, looked at the camera and said, "open the door."

"Please stay away from the door and re-enter the balance cabin." Seeing the danger of Gu Meng, the man had to accentuate his voice to remind him.

"Enter the balance chamber?" Gu Meng sneered and walked back. After walking around the cabin, he saw a fire extinguisher attached to the base.

Gu Meng squatted down and began to dismantle the red fire extinguisher. He said again, "then? Do you sign a contract with the fake Eugene and enter into the promised land? so what? Sleep in a new world full of peace and happiness

"Sister in law No, number 1001, please stop your current behavior, which will cause consequences you never want to experience. " The man raised the volume into the microphone.

After removing the fire extinguisher with brute force, Gu Meng walks to the door with his hands raised, and without hesitation smashes it down towards the lock.

"Are you Homo sapiens too lenient?" Gu Meng smashed the door lock with a fire extinguisher, gasped slightly, and said, "even if the earth is destroyed, even if human beings are extinct, that is also human's own business. What position and identity do you intervene in? Admit it, you are alien civilization invasion. "

"It's not about human beings themselves." The man said solemnly, "the fate of the planets is prosperous and the fate of all is lost. We do this for the sake of the balance and symbiosis between galaxies."

"So at the expense of most human lives?" Gu Meng is out of breath and smashes the door lock again.

"Bang when" a dull sound, the door lock has loose signs.

At the same time, the alarm red light flickered again.

"Alert. Alert. Second level alarm. "

"Subject 1001, excellent, tried to force the door open to escape."

"Alert. Warning... "

This time, the man did not turn off the alarm, but mixed in the rigid electronic female voice: "for the sake of higher level interests, sacrifice is necessary. I hope you can understand. For the last kind reminder, please return to the balance cabin and continue the contract process."

"I'm a layman who only cares about the rise of vegetables a few cents a day. You talk to me about the symbiosis of the universe and the prosperity of galaxies..." Gu Meng held up the fire extinguisher and smashed the fire extinguisher downward --

the iron door opened a gap.

Gu Meng relaxed, threw the fire extinguisher to the side and clapped his hands.

"I can't understand."

"Alert. Alert. Test body 1001, excellent... "

The alarm is still noisy. Gu Meng stands by the door, looks at the camera and says, "your promised land..."

With that, he stretched out a hand toward the position of the camera and compared a middle finger.

Everything is in silence.

The radio never rings again. The man seems to have left, but Gu Meng knows that he is watching all this.

"You may not know about humans." Gu Meng said, "eternal peace and happiness are things that the dead have the right to have, but they are born to be human beings..." He paused and said, "we are made up of pain. Without pain, there is no hope and happiness, so I will not sign a contract."

At this time, the man finally said: "well, I also respect your choice."

In a flash, the alarm was lifted, and the room was full of pale again.

Gu Meng just bumped into the door, but before it was opened, another mechanical sound came up --

"the cleaning procedure is ready, start the blocking procedure."

Then a piece of iron fell straight down from the top of the door frame.

If it hadn't retreated in time, Gu Meng thought, it might have turned into sliced noodles.

The iron plate and the wall perfectly connect and blend, making the room into a sealed cube without cracks.

Then, the walls were like a broken plastic bag. The fishy and salty water burst in from all directions and threw Gu Meng's face all over.

Gu Meng wipes the water on her face and retreats to the center of the room. She knows that she is going to be flooded. For some reason, the flame disappears in an instant. Finally, she begins to know that she is flustered.

”Hello... " Gu Meng coughed twice because of the water. He climbed onto the balance cabin and squatted. The water seepage speed of the room was too fast, and it soon rose to the foot.

"Hello It may be the desire to survive. Gu Meng shouts to the camera on the top right, "little brother, are you still there?"

There was no sound on the radio, only the sound of the water in the room.

"Talk about it again..."

As the water rose more than ten centimeters, Gu Meng had to stand up from a standing posture. She trampled on the water again and again, trying to avoid it. While facing the air, she said, "kill me. I'm not afraid that your elder brother will mess with you?"

"Not afraid." The voice of a young man burst out on the radio.


Seeing that the other party didn't pretend to be dead, Gu Meng even said, "give me another chance. I'll lie back in the balance cabin."

"The purge procedure is not revocable." With that, the man took a sip of milk tea.

During the short conversation, the turbulent water has risen to the neck.Gu Mengyou grabs the radio and reaches for the edge of the radio as if it were a man's face.

The man who looked at all this silently: --

"What are you doing! Call Eugene! Let him save people

"The man said The master may no longer be in earth service. "

Knowing that everything is irreparable, Gu Meng finally saves her strength and gives up the struggle.

He lay prone on the radio and sighed, "you say What am I just stubborn about? It's not good to be alive... "

At this time, the horizontal plane rose over her jaw, and there was no way to escape. Gu Meng held her breath, closed her eyes, and completely accepted her fate.

When the water is completely over the head, there is a loud noise in the room, shaking the underwater space left and right.

Then, Gu Meng is carried by a huge current and rushes to the door.

There is a big hole in the door for some reason, and Gu Meng is washed into the corridor outside by the water.

He lay on the ground and coughed twice, and was about to get up when the whole person was lifted up.

The familiar breath approached, and before he cleaned up the current on his eyelids, he was held up by the man, and at the same time, he took a steady step towards the unknown direction.

Her arms are solid and powerful, which gives people a satisfactory sense of security. Gu Meng immediately relaxes and her heart rate gradually calms down.

"Your little brother wants to drown me." Gu Meng wiped the water drops on his eyelids and coughed twice. His voice was weak.

"He's finished."

More than the average man's voice in the top of the head ring, and then, a soft kiss in the forehead.

Gu Meng opens his eyes and finds that this is a bright and cold corridor. They are passing through the doors.

There is a whole glass window at the corner in front of me. At the moment, the night is heavy outside, which makes the reflection on the glass clear as a mirror.

Gu Meng sees that the man holding him is steady and steady. He is dressed in an iron black military uniform, and his long windbreaker almost drags the ground.

Gu Meng takes back her sight from the glass window and looks up at the man. Suddenly she feels strange.

Or that beautiful face, even the upward arc of the eye tail is his familiar appearance, but different temperament will modify everything to produce deviation with memory.

After staring for a while, Gu Meng reaches out to take off the man's officer's cap and put it on her face to cover her sight.

"You say..." Gu Meng said in a low voice, "if only you were a fool."

The author has something to say:

on the Mid Autumn Festival, red envelopes must be given out, otherwise sister-in-law will not be happy.

By tomorrow.

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