EN Jin takes people up the elevator.

After the door "Ding" slowly closed, the elevator sounded a gentle and pleasant female voice.

"Welcome to the No.8 station of de Gaulle transfer station. Today, the earth calendar is September 5, 2022, the second day of extremely cold weather. The outdoor temperature is minus 202 degrees Celsius. The number of cities around the world has reached 13000, and the progress is 92%. Please wear protective clothing when you travel. The No.8 station of Charles de Gaulle transfer station covers an area of about 50 square kilometers and can accommodate a total of 20 test bodies... "

"Beep -"

after a static tone, the gentle female voice suddenly disappears, as if someone has pressed the pause button.

Gu Meng pinches the brim of the officer's cap and moves aside a little distance, revealing a slightly tired eye.

At the same time, he saw the night view through the glass curtain wall of the elevator.

The visibility of the field is very low, except for the hail that crazily sweeps across the glass wall and flashes white light in the dark, what you can see is a very inconspicuous mountain line in the distance.

For some reason, even if the hail outside is pounding against the glass wall of the building, the people inside the building can't hear any noise. It's like being in two completely different worlds, so there's an unreal feeling of watching movies across the screen.

"There's no need to turn it off." Gu Meng said, "I want to know how many An experimental body like me. "

The other so-called test bodies should still be sealed in the balance chamber, dressed in white clothes like prison clothes, like undifferentiated goods on the shelf. Except for a string of numbers sewn on the left chest pocket, it will be different, just like the factory serial number.

Gu Meng looks down and his serial number is "1001".

"It's 200000 at the moment." EN Jin looked at the elevator door in front of her and said in a very calm tone, as if she were only discussing a group of meaningless numbers, "the capacity is 300000, and it will be full tomorrow afternoon."

Speaking of this, he slightly closed his eyes and looked at Gu Meng. His soft voice was tinged with some human feelings and said, "you are not the same." the "experimental body" is just a code name. If you don't like it, you can make it disappear

Gu Meng lifted her eyes and took a look at en Jin, thinking that everything could not escape the man's eyes.

He didn't make a statement, but motioned to Enjin to put himself down.

Standing on the ground, Gu Meng casually puts his hat on his head. Through the reflection of the glass curtain wall, you can see that the iron black officer's cap is slightly skewed, but no one will care about this.

EN Jin stands behind Gu Meng's side, pulls down the windbreaker on his shoulder, holds it in his hand, and covers him.

Gu Meng approached the glass window and looked at the hail coming from the head-on. He asked, "why is this so?"

If today is September 5th, it is only five days before he was involved in the game. However, in less than a week, the real world seems to have been completely changed and devastated.

"According to the plan, the earth will be cooled from yesterday." "For the final purification of the day after tomorrow," en Jin explained without hesitation

Gu Meng's whole body is still in a state of moisture penetration. En Jin is afraid that he will be cold, so she slowly moves forward to take two steps. Her hands are left and right around Gu Meng's waist side, supporting on the cross bar of the wall in the elevator box, and encircling people in her arms from behind.

After all this, Enjin looked out of the window along with Gu Meng's eyes. The soft male voice didn't have too much emotion. She explained: "in the last four days, there were large-scale tsunamis, earthquakes, heat storms and a series of extreme natural phenomena on this planet. The environment has reached a relatively stable state. After the cooling down, the blue planet will be rejuvenated Force, it will only be better than before. "

The elevator is still rising gently. The incandescent lamp on the top of the elevator is very bright, showing a kind of almost pale and cold texture.

"Tsunami, earthquake, blizzard..." Gu Meng faced the direction of the window for a moment, then said in a daze, "are these natural disasters created by your Homo sapiens?"

Enjin was silent for a while and said: "the natural disasters in the eyes of human beings are actually the active adjustment and cleaning of the planet. We have only accelerated the process of the earth, making it complete the transformation that will take place in the next millennium, and quickly enter a new balance in seven days. For a long time to come, as long as human beings do not relapse You should be able to understand what I'm going to say. War, pollution and over exploitation are the reasons for the great changes of this planet. As long as human beings can restrain themselves, the promised land will not be troubled by natural disasters

It seems that he bit the lower part of his mouth, but it's funny that he didn't bite his name

At this time, the elevator stopped steadily, the door made a "Ding" sound, and the heavy iron door slowly opened toward both sides -

"the 45th floor is here."

"Passenger, master, highest authority, approved."

"Passenger, test body 1001, excellent, no permission to break in, recommended to clean up."

"The three second countdown is on, and the cleaning procedure is ready..."Enjin's fingertip tapped on the crossbar, and the mechanical prompt sound suddenly disappeared.

"Here we are. Let's go." EN Jin took a deep breath and took Gu Meng's shoulder to go out.

"This is the system I designed before I got into the game." EN Jin with people walking in the heavily carpeted hallway, explained in a low voice, "tomorrow will change a new version of the system covered."

"Don't change it." He's wearing a cold helmet. The reason is that he's sneezing.

Then, Gu Meng hesitated for a moment, turned his face and looked at en Jin. He raised his hand and rubbed his soft hair on the forehead. He sincerely said, "it's not easy for you to be a programmer. If you can save some brain cells, you won't be bald after 25-6 years old. Bawang hair lotion will not save you."

EN Jin:

Someone is in a state of total silence.

Gu Meng put down his hand and whispered, "I can't die with you around anyway So don't change it. "

After getting out of the elevator, there is only one corridor on the 45th floor connected with the elevator door. There is a dark red door at the end of the corridor.

It gives people a sense of domineering and high-grade sense of a whole floor.

As Enjin approached, the double carved wooden doors slowly opened to both sides, and the low-key luxury decoration style of the room appeared in front of you.

When he enters the room, Gu Meng looks back.

The elevator door closed slowly, the induction lights behind him went out one by one, and the corridor fell into darkness one by one.

Gu Meng knows that she has stepped into Enjin's field, so she completely relaxes and is no longer so nervous and uneasy.

At this time, he had the heart to think about other things.

Led by en Jin, she passes through the living room and enters the bedroom. Gu Meng asks, "are Bo Ye and Tang Zhi safe now?"

The bedroom is very warm, only a floor lamp emitting warm orange halo was turned on.

EN Jin stands in front of Gu Meng and pushes the windbreaker off his shoulder, which rustles to the ground.

EN Jin pulls out a clean towel from the drawer of the bedside table, covers Gu Meng's head and gently wipes his hair which is still dripping.

"They're safe. They're still in the balance cabin." Eugene said, "it's staring."

Gu Meng raised her hand and pushed the edge of the towel to cover her eyes. She raised her face and complained, "are you sure? Your little brother doesn't look very reliable. He drinks milk tea when he works

“……” EN Jin slows down the speed of wiping, looking at Gu Meng, the distant and peaceful eyes finally produce a trace of waves.

With a sigh, he said helplessly, "milk tea will be banned tomorrow."

"Hello." He screwed off his brow, which is not the point

"They are absolutely safe, I promise." Enjin said.

Gu Meng hummed twice to express his satisfaction.

"Have they signed the contract?" With Enjin service, you don't need to do it yourself. Gu Meng stands in the same place and thinks about it.

"Candi refused once." EN Jin tells the truth. After wiping Gu Meng's hair, she starts to wipe his body again. She may feel that it is troublesome to pass through the wet clothes, so she pauses for a moment and signals Gu Meng to raise her hands.

Gu Meng does as he does. En Jin lifts up the hem of his clothes, takes them off and throws them directly at his feet. He continues to carefully wipe the water stains on his body.

EN Jin said: "but fortunately, he returned in time for the sixth day, and was not injured."

Gu Meng thinks for a second time, guessing that with Tang Zhi's character, he will refuse the second time.

If Tang Zhi didn't want to enter the promised land, then he and Bo ye would give up the chance to enter. The husband and wife always have a good understanding and can't make mistakes.

But since Enjin has promised that they will be OK, Gu Meng believes that Bo Ye and Tang Zhi will not be eliminated by the system for the time being.

At this time, Gu Meng pressed Enjin's hand to wipe her chest and said, "hello."

"Well?" EN Jin did not know why she raised her eyes to see him.

"Can you be honest?" Gu Meng said.

“…… Well. " Enjin moves her fingertips away, no longer makes small movements, and cleans Gu Meng in a proper way.

After a while, Gu Meng thought of a question and asked, "do you have that kind of gate card that you can enter and leave freely?"

EN Jin didn't answer immediately. After drying her upper body, she bent down to take off Gu Meng's pants and asked, "do you want it?"

“……” Gu Meng looks down. In any case, Quan Dang is asking if he wants a gate card.

"Yes." He said, "I can't get out when I'm stuck. In case you're not there, the system will block the space and open some cleaning procedures. Then I'm not out of the woods? It's insane for the system to hate people so much. "

As soon as the voice dropped, a mechanical electronic voice was heard in the room: "test 1001, excellent. After confirmation, insult the intelligent system. The clearing procedure will be started after the countdown of three seconds. Three, two..."

Gu Meng:

EN Jin:

EN Jin looked at a certain direction, the countdown abruptly ended, he said: "change tomorrow.""If you want to..." At this time, Enjin stands up and looks at Gu Meng again.

It may be because of the iron black military uniform, the handsome men look particularly decent and decent.

He said to Gu Meng, "bribe me."

Gu Meng thinks for a moment, raises his hand and bribes him with a clear and loud slap.

Enjin does not have that kind of gate card, because he is a symbol of the highest authority. He will not be hindered wherever he goes in the transit station, so he does not need a gate card.

But since Gu Meng wanted to, he felt like a magic trick and handed it to Gu Meng.

"Thank you." Gu Meng turns the card in his hand and looks at it, and casually puts it on the bedside table.

After wiping his body clean, Gu Meng takes a bath in the bathroom to wash away the smell of salty sea water.

After taking a bath and wearing a bathrobe, she found that Enjin was still waiting in the bedroom.

EN Jin sat on the sofa by the window and waved to him, as if he had something to talk about.

The window behind the man is locked. It's just like decoration at the moment. It's impossible to open a window in the cold weather outside.

Gu Meng threw the towel to the back of the chair and hung it. He walked over and said, "what's the matter?"

I just wanted to sit down in front of the sofa, but I was dragged to my leg by a man.

EN Jin hugs people from behind, and rubs her nose behind Gu Meng's neck, which is fragrant after bathing, and sighs heavily.

Gu Meng looks in front of her, but she stops.

My heart suddenly became uncomfortable.

His cub, who has always been carefree in front of him, has ever been so sad?

The atmosphere of peace that they had been careful to maintain was finally broken, and the two had to face up to the final problem that was blocking them.

"Why not sign a contract?" Enjin buried her face behind his neck, and her voice was a little stuffy. She said, "didn't you say you would go to the promised land with me? You promised... "

Gu Meng lowered her head and stroked the back of en Jin's bony hands. She frowned uncontrollably. Her eyes were moist, and she murmured, "en Jin, you son I can't accept that world. "

"Why?" Enjin asked, and hugged Gu Meng a little, and her voice choked, "isn't that the utopia that you human beings yearn for? Everything will only be better than the past. Why refuse? Don't you want to be with me? Don't you want me? "

Gu Meng quickly shakes her head and wants to say "no", but her voice is too dry to speak.

The Adam's Apple moved up and down. He cleared his throat and said, "it's different from what you said there."

No more, Wu Li said quickly Why are you not here... "

"I've been there all the time!" EN Jin raised her head after looking after Meng and said eagerly, "do you mean the simulation scene in the balance cabin? That's not true. I'm just leaving for a while. I don't have to go anywhere in the future. I'll just stay by your side... "

Before finishing, she is interrupted by Gu Meng's silent action.

Gu Meng shakes her head, takes apart Enjin's hand locked between her waist and abdomen, gets up and walks to the bedside, and then sits down facing Enjin.

Face to face, Enjin can see what Gu Meng looks like at the moment.

Under the warm color of the standing lamp, the jade face is also soaked with a layer of orange light, eyes red is particularly obvious.

Gu Meng put her hands on the edge of the bed, sniffed, and said with a strong smile, "there is no me there."

Gu Meng still remembers the state of being in the balance cabin. Although happiness fills her whole body, there is a kind of stillness that can't be dispersed in the peace.

"I can only smile, no matter in work or life, there will be no worries, no way to realize what anger, anxiety or sadness are. Even if my colleague becomes a girl who has just come out of juvenile prison, I can't express my resentment and rejection freely. I can only smile and accept it with a peaceful attitude."

"Such a world is really beautiful. There will be no disputes, no discrimination and prejudice. Everyone can tolerate each other. We can even walk in the sunshine hand in hand..." Speaking of this, Gu Meng looked away, shrugged and said, "but Enjin, that's not me, that's not us, that's not the human society I'm familiar with, it's just a group of sages dealing with each other."

"The promised land you promised, it's terrible," he added

EN Jin bent directly from the sofa, knelt on one knee, and raised her hand to touch Gu Meng's face.

Gu Meng hides for two times, but he has to face the man in front of him.

Enjin looked up at him with a completely submissive attitude. The tone of her voice was imploring: "I promise, it's not as bad as you think. When you really enter the promised land, you will like it."

This is the first and only time that Gu Meng is indifferent to Enjin's promise.

He pursed his lips and would not let go.

Gu Meng knows that Enjin and his wife should not only purify the planet, but also purify the "bacteria" on the planet.Only by becoming a saint, will human beings not relapse, and war, pollution and cruelty will disappear from this planet.

"With the first time, there will be countless times after."

That's what his father said.

"You see, no matter how seriously he promised, he would not commit it again, but if you look at it well, no matter how many opportunities he gives, he will relapse in the future. This is human."

So his name is Gu Meng, which is like a joke with a slight self mockery made by his father.

The purified planet may be more beautiful, but under the action of external forces, the "bacteria" after forced purification can never be called human beings.

"Humans are really ugly." Gu Meng said to en Jin, "but they are also lovely because of the irremediable * *, so I choose the old world. "

Enjin slightly let people feel heartache in the sight of his face for a long time, then, suddenly on his back to kiss him.

Gu Meng did not refuse.

"Don't think about anything else Choose me, will you choose me? " Enjin kept whispering, saying in confusion and pressing people into the bed.

Gu Meng has no way to give a false promise, but she reaches out and hugs him and gently rubs the man's earlobe and back neck

In the middle of the night, the windows were not blinded, and the view was in full view.

But in fact, there was no scenery and color to speak of, but the hail kept stirring in the night, scarring the earth.

On the bed, the man had already fallen asleep, lying on his side on the pillow. Half of his face was beautiful and heroic. His frown had been stretched, and his lips were gently pursed. It seemed that the whole body of manic depression had been exhausted.

Next to it, a slender hand pressed on the bedside table and took the black card away.

Gu Meng stands at the edge of the bed and turns over the collar of his black shirt with one hand. He never leaves the side face of a man.

The shirt is too big for him, but it's not his size after all.

After he touched the card, he finally removed his sight from en Jin's face, looked down at it, and turned to walk out.

Without a trace of nostalgia.

Take the elevator on the second floor. It's on the second floor.

This time, there was no more annoying mechanical sound to tell "the cleaning procedure is ready.".

In the corridor on the second floor, the doors are of equal width. Looking up, looking down, or looking around, there are countless iron doors.

After all, it will accommodate 300000 experimental bodies. Maybe there are 300000 rooms in this transit station.

Gu Meng walks through many rooms and stops in front of a door that hasn't been repaired yet.

There was also a pool of liquid.

Gu Meng looks at the room on the left and the room on the right.

The room number on the right says "1002".

Gu Meng thinks about it for a moment. He brushes open room 1002 with his door card. He walks in and looks into the transparent mask of the balance cabin. He really sees Bo Ye's beautiful face.

"What a peaceful sleep..."

Gu Meng murmured as he pulled down the manual lever.

The edge of the cabin is leaking gas, and the mask is slowly opened from above.

Bo Ye crawled out of the balance cabin. His nausea and hypoglycemia were very bad.

He held the door for a long time before he had the heart to look at his surroundings.

"It's strange to see him here

"Don't ask." Gu Meng directly interrupts him and says, "it's not a good place anyway."

"Then we..." Bo Ye just woke up and was still at a loss about the new environment.

"We've been abducted by aliens. The situation is serious." Gu Meng waved to him and said, "let's leave first."

"Are you going to..." According to Bo Ye, Gu Meng's posture is somewhat unusual. It seems that he wants to do something important.

"I'm going to go next door and wake candi up." Gu Meng still didn't wait for Bo Ye to finish, and then he went on with the plan, "and then we figured out how to blow up this place."

Bo Ye was surprised: "why do you want to bomb here?"

"I don't care about other places." Gu Meng walks to the corridor outside the room, climbs on the railing and looks up. It seems that he is exploring the surrounding environment. While distracted, he explains, "but I know that the leader of the alien is in this building and killed him. Maybe human beings will be saved."

After digesting for half a second, Bo ye asked, "who is the leader of the aliens? Do you know? "

"Eugene." Gu Menghun carelessly throws out two words.

Bo Ye:

So Does Gu Meng mean to blow up Enjin?

He thinks he may not be awake.

Gu Meng then opened the "1003" room and found Tang Zhi.

Bo Ye followed him and had to open his mouth to remind him that Meng Meng, I don't know what kind of stimulation you have Although Enjin is the boss here, he is also your man. There is no need to kill him... "Gu Meng pulled down the door lever of the balance cabin, and without looking back, he said, "I've slept. I can't


Bo Ye wiped his face, turned to walk out and said, "wait, I'll go back and lie down for a while."

The world is not opened in the right way. It must be awake.

The author has something to say:

thank you for your support ~

the seventh day is the Mengmeng explosion test site, ha ha.

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