Chapter 187 Shadow Life (Two in One Chapter)


July held two small swords and came to Moria, lifted them up to see Moria, and said, “These two knives are too small, I can’t use them, you should take them back to the Shadow Servant Golden Lion.”

Indeed, the size of the Golden Lion is still a bit close to the size of the six-meter figure in July.

Before giving Golden Lion’s double knives to July, she couldn’t use it at all.

“Then I will put it away first!”

Moria controlled the shadow to take the double swords in July’s hand, put them in the shadow space, and then asked, “Do you have a suitable sword to use?”

July smiled, and said bitterly: “No!”

Julie Tantan said helplessly, “I have already looked for sister Jane, and there is no suitable knife for us.”

Moria was surprised: “We?”

July explained: “Wuye and Liuye two sisters are also missing the axe and long sword weapons, the secret skills of the giants-Hakoku cannot be used, and their strength has been affected to a certain extent!”

This is really no way!

Moria can’t make the weapon bigger and smaller.

Moria thought for a while, and said, “You will use the shadow knife weapon made of my shadow first!”

Shadow weapons can become larger and smaller, and can also be deformed, which can satisfy anyone’s needs.

“Shadow weapon… also fine!” Julie groaned and smiled, then without disturbing Moria, she went back to inform Wuye Liuye’s two sisters.

After leaving in July, Moria fell into deep thought again.

Weapons can be big and small!

In theory, Moria can make the weapon bigger by controlling the shadow of the weapon, just like overriding the size of the zombie’s shadow, thereby changing the shape of the zombie, but Moria has never tried it.

“Try it!”

Thinking about it, Moria took out an ordinary samurai sword from the shadow space, about one meter long, with two wide fingers together, thick… the ordinary sword is thick!

Moria didn’t use the two famous knives of Golden Lion, and was afraid that if he accidentally lost the knives, it would not be worth the loss.

After inserting the knife diagonally on the deck, Moria manipulated her shadow into the knife’s shadow, and then tried to manipulate the knife’s shadow to grow larger.

“The effect is immediate!”

Moria was pleasantly surprised. As the shadow of the knife grew larger, the knife also grew larger, from 1.2 meters to three meters.

But… it feels like it has been magnified proportionally, causing the blade to be a little too wide, and the sharp blade has become a blunt weapon, looking like a machete without a sharp edge.

For each length of the knife, the blade has a specific width to thickness ratio, which cannot be enlarged in equal proportions.

“Adjust it again!”

Moria thought about it. By manipulating the shadow of the knife to shape, the three-meter-long knife was reshaped in the proportion of the three-meter long knife.

It’s just the three-meter-length aspect ratio. Moria doesn’t know the exact ratio. He is not a knifemaker, so naturally he doesn’t know. He can only keep adjusting the aspect ratio to make it look pleasing to the eye.

Perona, who was flying around, turned around and saw Moria’s body being deformed by the sword. Her small eyes suddenly lit up, as if she had found a good toy, she flew to Moria and stared at it.

“so amazing!!”

“I really want to have a small black umbrella that can grow bigger and smaller!!”

Perona’s eyes seemed to glow, and she kept talking in her heart.

January and others also noticed the situation on Moria’s side, but no one came to bother, knowing that Moria is currently developing abilities.

July was moved suddenly: “The boss is so good, he complained that our weapons are too small, and immediately developed the ability for us to make the weapons bigger.”


Wuye Liuye nodded in agreement, and looked at Moria with tenderness.

Sanye smiled and said: “You shouldn’t be surprised, why the boss of Shadow Fruit can develop so many weird abilities?”

January and the others laughed, saying that they are used to the boss’s fruit development ability. No matter how amazing they are, they can accept it.

Moria is here.

The three-meter long knife was finally shaped by him, and it looked okay. The handle was much thicker, making it easy to hold.

Moria drew her long knife and frowned after playing a madman’s sword technique.

He found a serious problem.

Although the length of the knife has changed from one meter two to three meters, the size has changed, but the weight has not changed. It is still the weight of the original long knife. After it becomes larger, there is a feeling of wielding a hollow iron sword. Everbright, there is no increase in weight.

And…Once you get out of shadow control, it will return to the original state.

Moria retracted the shadow, looked at the knife that was restored to its original shape, and thought to herself: How can the knife keep the shape of the knife bigger and have the weight that matches it?

The answer is…

“Become a shadow life!!”

Moria suddenly thought that as long as the weapon becomes the shadow life, letting the shadow control its size, the size of the weapon can be changed, and the size can be maintained.

As for how to increase the weight of the weapon after it has become larger, I will talk about it at that time.

The problem is still the original difficulty, how to make the weapon that integrates his shadow without distinction, has the wisdom, and can control the shadow of the weapon by itself.


At this moment, a flash of light flashed in Moria’s mind.

Shadow servant Red Earl!

The shadow servant Red Earl who merged with part of his shadow.

The key to making the weapon’s shadow life wise lies in the shadow servant Red Earl.

Moria laughed and retracted the ordinary sword back to the shadow space, then took out the two Golden Lion famous swords from it and inserted them on the deck.

With a thought, Moria manipulated the shadow to merge into the shadows of the two famous knives, and then separated a part of the shadows and merged with the shadows of the two famous knives, and then retracted the rest of the shadows.

Then Moria summoned two ordinary Shadow Servant, like Red Earl, letting a part of her shadow merge with Shadow Servant.

After doing this, Moria took the two ordinary shadow servants back into the shadow space and asked them to walk to the narrow shadow space entrance of the two famous swords of Golden Lion.

“The next step is a crucial step!”

Moria thought, he tried to integrate the Shadow Servant into the shadow space barrier of the weapon, and wanted the weapon to have the wisdom of the Shadow Servant.

Hmm… Simply put, it is a weapon that incorporates part of Moria’s shadow. Although it already has the will or soul for life, it does not have wisdom. Like a vegetable, it needs wisdom or consciousness to control the body (weapons).

The Shadow Servant serves as the key point that allows the weapon to possess consciousness and wisdom.

Only before, no matter how hard Moria was, Shadow Servant couldn’t integrate into the barrier of weapon shadow space.

“It should be different this time!”

Moria muttered to herself, while controlling the shadow servant to transform into a stream of water into the shadow space of the knife, and then ordered it to blend into the shadow space barrier.

“Ha ha!”

Moria laughed quickly, and as expected, the two famous swords, the shadow space barrier and the shadow servant, which were all integrated into his shadow, naturally merged together.

Moria’s shadow is like a fusion agent, fusing two objects that couldn’t be fused together.

Moria sank into the shadow space of the two famous knives, and found that the original dark shadow space barrier, at this moment, a thousand sparse stars have appeared. The starry sky above the shadow space barrier of no one is shining, indicating that wisdom may not be high, but there is Does it matter? It’s ok! As long as the weapon can be made larger and smaller, it can be maintained forever.

“Bigger!” Moria directly ordered the two famous knives.

“Yes, master!” I saw two famous knives approaching the tip of the knife with anthropomorphic eyes and mouths.

The two knives flew into the air at once, just like the one that Charlotte Linlin’s hat turned into. It can be suspended in the air, facing Moria while slowly growing bigger, while asking: “Master, how big do you think it is!”

This time, Moria didn’t need to be distracted to manipulate the shadow to shape the shape. As the two knives grew larger by themselves, they always maintained a good aspect ratio.

“Three…four meters, let’s make it four meters long!” Moria said with a smile thinking of July’s height.

As soon as the voice fell, the two famous knives grew to four meters in length, really as long as the knives themselves grew up.

“Master Momo, I want too!!!” Perona, who was watching, flew in front of Moria, and stretched out the little black umbrella in front of him, eyes full of longing.

Moria smiled and said, “You little clever ghost!!”

Moria didn’t agree or refuse, but asked Perona to wait. Shadow Life still had a weight problem to solve.

Perona was not annoying, and flew to the side to watch Moria with a smile.

Regarding weight, Moria’s idea is to incorporate more of her own shadow and influence the weight of the knife itself through the shadow.

After all, his shadow itself has the attribute of weight.

Before he created the shadow life, the part of the shadow he incorporated was actually very small, basically not affecting the weight of the original knife.

Now that I have more integration, I have more basic weight if I want to.

I thought, Moria manipulated his shadow into the shadow of the double knives. This time he blended into the shadow of the weight of about two kilograms, which is the shadow of the weight of a knife of two kilograms, and the total weight of the shadow is four kilograms.

Moria stretched out her hands, and two knives in the air fell into his hands automatically.

Moria waved each, it felt heavier, in line with the weight of a four-meter long knife, but it was definitely not two thousand jin.

“It’s bigger and longer, to eight meters long!” Moria ordered.

The two knives changed to eight meters in length. Moria held the handle of the knife and turned it upside down, feeling that the weight was about one thousand catties, but it was still less than two thousand catties.

Moria made the knife bigger again. When it became 14 meters long, the weight of the knife was about two thousand jin.

After that, the knife became bigger again, and the weight didn’t increase.

It seems that the weight of the knife will increase as the shadow becomes larger, and it will not increase until the final weight of the shadow weight that Moria incorporates and the weight of the knife itself.

Although the knife can continue to grow larger, its weight is no longer larger.

After understanding these principles, Moria easily made five-leaf and six-leaf weapons into shadow life, the same weight as July’s, both were two thousand jin.

The weapons used are from Impel down, Silver Axe’s axe, Ochoku’s long sword, just suitable to get the five leaves and six leaves inherited by the two giants of Little Garden.

“July, five leaves, six leaves!”

Moria smiled, and called the three people of July who were already enthusiastic, and then gave them swords and axes, and gave them the authority to control them, so that they could try to fit them.

“Thank you boss!!!”

After the three of them thanked them in July, they couldn’t wait, flew into the air, transformed into full bodies, and at the same time let the sword and axe in their hands grow with their bodies.

It has become a weapon of shadow life, and the wisdom possessed may not be enough for humans, but it is enough for a knife. It can quickly change the corresponding length according to the changes in the shape of the three people in July, which perfectly fits the seven. The figure of the moon trio.

In July, when the three of them were playing in the air to familiarize themselves with the weapons in their hands, Moria also made Perona’s little black umbrella into a shadow life.

This made Perona happy, holding the small black umbrella that kept getting bigger and smaller, flying around on the boat, having fun.

Fortunately, the current Perona has swallowed the life energy of Sea Kings, and his current strength and physical abilities are terrifying.

For Perona, the resistance of the big black umbrella is no different from that of the little black umbrella.

“Oh! It’s a pity that we don’t use weapons!”

“Otherwise, you can get a weapon that gets bigger and smaller!”

Sanye and the others looked at the Qiyue trio in the sky with envious eyes.

At this moment, January suddenly said: “We can let the boss help us turn clothes and shoes into shadow lives! This way, when we are transformed and recovered, we don’t have to change clothes every time.”

Hearing that Sanye and others’ eyes lit up, but soon, everyone shook their heads together.

Clothes, which directly touch the body, especially intimates such as underwear and underwear, make a living clothing with mouth and eyes worn on the body, and they feel too responsive.

When thinking about fighting, Nene suddenly grew a mouth, and then stretched out his tongue and licked it.


Thinking of this, everyone shuddered, resolutely not to turn their clothes into shadow lives, and would rather change their clothes every time, anyway, there are a lot of clothes in their shadow space.

“It seems wrong!!” Jane thought about it for herself, and felt that she couldn’t accept it, so she didn’t mention it again.

On Moria’s side, he turned on the shadow golden body mode and flew to the Pirate Ship where Ike was, and made Ike’s black stick into a shadow life, weighing still two thousand catties.

As an ancient Zoan species of DRC, Ike, who can transform into a body of more than ten meters in height, has a golden hoop that can be zoomed in and out very well.

Ike was very satisfied with the Ruyi Black Cudgel. Before Moria left, he turned into King Kong on the spot and practiced a set of cudgel skills.

It’s just that the long hair stick under the abdomen is also brushing the stick, making Moria look so hot, and hurried back to the Sanye boat.

“I don’t know, when any hapless guy fights Ike in the future, he will be tricked by that long hair stick!”


It’s disgusting, can’t think about it.

Back on the three-leaf ship, Moria quickly cleared the picture from his mind.

He is a normal man, a man who likes beautiful women.

Throwing away these thoughts, Moria took a look at her current shadow golden figure mode, her height seemed to be a little shorter, not obvious, but she could perceive it.

It should be when creating a shadow life, too much of one’s own shadow was incorporated, resulting in a full-body shadow golden body mode, and a part of the merged one’s own shadow was missing.

It just so happens that shadow life can be created now, and it is time to realize the thundercloud shadow life that I thought of earlier.

By the way, he swallowed more shadows from a few hills, increasing the amount and weight of his shadows.

“I’ll go out and come back soon!”

After greeting Mitsuba and the others, Moria exchanged positions with the Shadow Servant Newsbird over the thundercloud-covered island.

“Where is the boss?”

“do not know!”

Mitsuba and others asked and answered, but they didn’t worry too much about Moria’s missing time.

It is still early to arrive at Wanokuni. According to their speculation, it will take at least a week to get from Beehive Island to Wanokuni.

Lion Fruit’s overriding ship did not fly fast, not as fast as Moria could control the shadow disc.

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