Chapter 188 In Jiuli, Moria and Kaido fight for the second time! (Two in one chapter)

Thunder Cloud Island, over the clouds.

As soon as he appeared, Moria heard the rumbling thunder and the falling thunder.

After half a year, the thick thundercloud that was swallowed by Moria’s shadow and emptied once again covered the entire island.

Coming to the land on the edge of the island and landing, Moria manipulated the shadow to blend into the shadow of the thundercloud, and then let a shadow servant who blended his shadow into the barrier of the thundercloud shadow space.

It went well and there were no surprises.

The thundercloud became Moria’s thundercloud shadow life.


In the sky, the thick black cloud layer flashing thunder light suddenly distorted and protruded a huge humanoid face, and shouted to Moria, who looked at the bottom of the island.

The voice is like a seven or eight-year-old child, with a faint thunder and thunder in the crisp, like a computer-synthesized voice.

“Look at it as a ball!” Moria said with a smile.

“Yes, Master!” Lei Yun responded, and then began to shrink.

After a while, the thundercloud over the island disappeared, and the sound of falling thunder disappeared. Only a small black ball the size of a basketball flew towards Moria.

“Master! Master!”

The little black ball exposed its mouth, nose, and eyes, flying around Moria. Wisdom is quite high, just like some children’s dispositions.

Moria stretched out her hand and the small black ball flew in.

Moria grabbed the small black ball and squeezed it. The touch felt like a soft ball, very comfortable.

The little black ball is also very comfortable and enjoyable, squinting his eyes slightly, like the way a cat was slapped.

“From now on, you will be called…” Looking at the little black ball thundercloud in his hand, Moria thought for a while, and felt that a minimalist name should be used, which is impressive, so she smiled: “Well, you will be called from now on Little black ball! How about it? Like it!”

The little black ball naturally likes it very much. It is not a person. It is very excited if it has a name, and even can’t help but power down Moria.


Zi Zi Zi!

Moria’s hair instantly rose into the sky like a hedgehog.

“Ah! I’m sorry master!!” Xiao Heiqiu had a panic on his face, and broke free from Moria’s hand, circling around him anxiously.


Moria waved his hand, his physical strength, this little lightning had no effect on him.

The thunderclouds have disappeared, and now they have not gathered again, Moria walked into the island group Yamanaka.

The little black ball, like a Pokemon, has been following Moria.

Coming to a clearing in the middle of the island, Moria moved his mind and manipulated the shadows under him to split, and at the same time began to swallow the shadows of a dozen hills.

As it was swallowed, Moria’s shadow space began to expand and grow.

Ten minutes later, a dozen hills in the middle of the island disappeared, leaving only the smooth rocky ground in place.

Moria stood there with a surprised look.

After swallowing the shadows of more than a dozen hills, his body can still bear it, and it can even be said that he doesn’t feel much pressure.

Before devouring the shadow of Bullet to make the body stronger, Moria swallowed the shadow of a small rocky mountain, and her body muscles felt tingling, and she couldn’t bear the pressure of swallowing more shadows.

Although his body is now stronger than when he swallowed the shadow of Bullet.

But according to Moria’s speculation, he swallowed the shadows of more than a dozen hills, and his physical body was basically at the limit of the normal state.

If he swallows it again, his body can’t bear it. There will be a time limit even when the Shadow Golden Body mode is turned on. Otherwise, if one is not careful, it will explode and die.

So why don’t you feel any pressure at all in your body now?

Moria was puzzled, and finally thought about it. Combined with the changes in the shadow now, he felt that the shadow should be integrated into his will, so that the expansion of the shadow space no longer depends solely on the support of the body.

Hmm… Maybe that’s the explanation, Moria herself is not very clear.

But…Since it can still swallow the shadow, it will be swallowed. Moria wants to see where the limit is to swallow the shadow.

In other words… Is there a limit?

With a thought, Moria continued to control the shadow to devour the hills on the island.

Leiyun Island is not big, but not small. There are many hills from 60 to 120 meters high on the island, hundreds of them.

An hour later, half of these hills… half of them were swallowed by Moria and disappeared, and half of the entire island became a smooth and flat rocky land.

In the end, the amount of shadow Moria can swallow is not unlimited.

After swallowing half of the shadows of the mountains this time, Moria felt that the endurance of the will had reached the limit, and if he swallowed it down, there would be problems with the will.

Combined with the first time that the shadow of the mountain was swallowed, the muscles of the body were tingling, to the limit of the will to bear this time.

Moria figured out that the factors that affected how much the shadow of the object he swallowed should be flesh and will.

Before the will was not integrated into the shadow, the pressure of devouring the shadow of the object has always been borne by the body, and now after the will is integrated into the shadow, the will and the body will bear it together.

So this time, Moria swallowed more shadows on the hill.

After swallowing so many shadows, how much weight has it increased? Moria is curious.

“Shadow Golden Body Mode!”

With a thought to Moria, her body instantly swelled to a height of ten meters, and her whole body was cast like a black metal shadow.

Moria looked at herself, and compared with the previous shadow model with a maximum height of seven meters, it is now significantly taller.

The height of ten meters brings more than just the change in height, the change in inner weight is the biggest.

And weight is power. The heavier the body in the shadow golden body mode, the heavier the power of the fist.

Moria flew ten meters into the air, and then fell into a free fall.



The rocky ground was cracked by Moria, and Moria’s body was plunged into the rocky ground.

“The weight is at least twice as much as before!”

Moria secretly guessed how heavy it was, he didn’t know.

But… under this weight, coupled with his extremely fast speed, the combination of the two, the power that bursts out is absolutely terrifying.


Moria flew into the air, shuttled back and forth, adapting to the current shadow golden body mode.

Okay, the increase in weight did not affect Moria’s speed.

Stopped in the air, the small black ball flew to Moria’s side.

Looking at the little black ball, Moria looked again at the position above the middle of the island, where the first thundercloud was originally generated, but now there is no movement.

It will be slower to regenerate thundercloud than last time!

Originally, I wanted to leave the little black ball to continue to swallow the thundercloud, but now it’s better to leave the little black ball with a ribbon.

If you swallow the thundercloud, just let the little black ball swallow it when you encounter the thundercloud.

“come over!”

Moria reached out and let the little black ball come into his hand.

After holding the small black ball tightly, Moria turned on the supersonic flight mode and flew towards Sanye and others.

Six hours later, when the full moon was clear, Moria returned to the three-leaf ship.

Upon landing, Moria let go, and the little black ball flew out.

“so cute!!”

“What is this?”


A group of people asked around the little black ball next to Moria.

Moria casually explained that it was the thundercloud shadow life, like the thundercloud Zeus in Charlotte Linlin’s hand.

“Can you touch…”

“Try discharging…”

Mitsuba and the others circled the little black ball, and the little black ball was not afraid of life. They knew that these people were Moria’s companions, that is, their own companions, and they were very cooperative.

a week later.


Snow flies over Wanokuni Jiuli, just like when Moria landed in Wanokuni and fought Kaido.

At that time, Moria had a terrible loss, and all under his hands were destroyed.

Kaido is the winner.

So Kaido continued to choose Jiuli as his battlefield with Moria.

At the moment, Kaido’s army has been stationed here for three days on the snowy ground in Jiuli.

Three days ago, news came from the underground world that Beehive Island was empty.

At the sea, no trace of the actor and pirate group was found yet, as if it had completely disappeared.

It was this unusual disappearance that convinced everyone in New World that the actor and pirate group was already heading for Wanokuni.

I just don’t know how they managed to avoid the Marine observation ship and the intelligence gathering ship in the underground world perfectly.

After Kaido heard the information, he immediately rushed to station in Jiuli.

In addition to pleasing a stove, Kaido also doesn’t want his own lair, and the island of ghosts has been beaten in tatters as a battlefield.

For the next three days, Wanokuni has been on alert. There are people everywhere and there are video phone worms under surveillance. Once Moria is found, an alarm will be sounded.

Only the capital of flowers.

There is still singing and dancing here, and it is completely unaffected by the battle between Beasts Pirates and the King Pirates.

At the moment in the tea room of the General’s Mansion, Kurozumi Orochi hugged two beauties in kimonos with widening belts from left to right, and two old men with white hair sat beside him.

In front of the three, there were six singing and dancing performances, each of which was a highly skilled female artist.

Kurozumi Orochi drank a sip of the wine fed by the beauty, and wondered: “Aren’t we sending someone to help Kaido?”

“Don’t,” Kurozumi Higurashi, who has the ability to Clone-Clone Fruit, reminded: “Oro, you have to sort out the relationship between us and Kaido!”

“What’s the relationship?” Kurozumi Orochi was puzzled.

Kurozumi Higurashi explained: “Kaido is our backer, but he and us are essentially collaborators, and both sides are equal in status. As a backer, Kaido can help us, but we cannot help him deal with the enemy.”

“Why?” Kurozumi Orochi didn’t understand, but he turned out to be a collaborator. Isn’t it right to help? Otherwise, if Kaido is defeated, they will not be better off.

Kurozumi Higurashi sneered and explained: “Kaido was defeated by the actor. Let’s change the backer. You just have to remember that to rule Wanokuni, you can’t be without you, otherwise the whole Wanokuni will resist.”

Speaking of this, Kurozumi Higurashi said solemnly: “But, once we join Kaido’s team, it’s like dealing with the actor.”

“The actor won, we will definitely not end well. Kaido won, and the relationship between us will deteriorate. You will become Kaido’s subordinates completely in the future, do you want this?”

I definitely don’t want to, Kurozumi Orochi shook his head repeatedly, saying that he managed to achieve the position of general, but he didn’t want to be someone’s subordinate and was called around.

“Then we just wait for a big show!” Kurozumi Higurashi smiled satisfied.


At this time, the rapid sirens suddenly spread across Wanokuni.

Kurozumi Orochi and the three of them looked straight and drank back from the singing and dancing entertainers.


The door of the tea room was opened, and a subordinate quickly came to Kurozumi Orochi and knelt down to report.

“Master General, the actor and pirate group has appeared!”


“The sky over Jiuli!”

“Over the sky?”

“Yes, all the boats of the actor pirate group are floating in the air.”

“Devil Fruit!” Kurozumi Orochi guessed.

Kurozumi Higurashi speculated: “It should be similar to the ability of Golden Lion’s Lion Fruit!”

“Go back and continue to observe, I want to know every progress of the battle!”

The Kurozumi Orochi sends people out, and the battle between Kaido and the actor has a great impact on Wanokuni.

He has been cooperating with Kaido for a long time, everyone knows each other, and Kaido basically ignores Wanokuni and stays on the island of ghosts.

This kind of backer, Kurozumi Orochi does not want to lose.

Of course, if it is the actor who wins, he also needs to pay attention to his movements at any time, lest he doesn’t even know when a real disaster is imminent.

Nine miles.

The actor’s pirate group, the mighty twenty-five pirate boats, pierced through the clouds and fell down nine miles.

Moria suddenly appeared in a way that Kaido was both familiar and unexpected.

What he is familiar with is that this ability to control the flight of a ship has long been seen by a Golden Lion man, and he has even been on a ship that the man controls to fly, when they were still on the same ship.

Surprisingly, isn’t this ability to allow so many ships to float and fly is Golden Lion’s? How come the actor pirate group has it? Could it be the fruit ability of other similar effects.

But… it doesn’t matter anymore, the war has already begun.

“Little ones, fight to your heart’s content!!”

Kaido let out a big laugh and waved forward with his mace, pointing at the falling actor pirate ship in the distance.

“U…la! Ula! Ula!”

“Kill the actor pirate group!!!”

“Kill them!!”

Thirteen thousand people, after Kaido gave an order, brandished their swords and rushed frantically in the direction where Moria and others landed.

“Mr. Kaido, we’re on it too!!”

Quinn smiled, passed Kaido’s side, led the red tumor bombs, and rushed forward.

“call out!”

Without a word, Jhin turned into a pterodactyl and flew to the ship that had fallen from the actor’s pirate group.

“How can I let you land leisurely!!!”

Jhin sneered, and was so fast that he flew straight towards the ship where Moria was located.

Obviously, this man wanted to kick over Moria’s ship and copy the scene of kicking the Four Emperors away in the future.

But can Moria make this happen?

It’s not Charlotte Linlin’s group of people who were forced to freeze, how could this kind of ridiculous situation appear.

“Which one of you will go!” Moria chuckled and just flew. The most important thing on his side is people who can fight in the air.

“Let me go!”

Liuye held the big sword of Ochoku, stepped forward and jumped forward, completing a twelve-meter-high full body transformation in the air, holding the big sword that became larger and matching her figure in both hands, and rushed towards the flying Jhin.


A circle of white waves dispersed, and Liuye’s speed in the air made Jin’s eyelids jump.


Jhin didn’t hold it big, transformed into an orc form, drew a long sword, gathered strength all over, and quickly slashed away at the flying Liuye.

“The Gun of Elbaf-Hakoku!!!”

When the two approached for an instant, Liuye shouted loudly, and the giant clan’s secret skills blasted out. The huge long sword was not only big, but also heavy.


With the sound of a huge metal collision, two knives, one large and one small, collided fiercely in mid-air. A circle of invisible ripples spread out like waves, and the snowflakes falling in the air were squeezed and scattered, forming a circle of white spherical bubbles.

“Good weight!!!”

Jhin’s expression changed in vain, and Liuye’s huge power instantly blasted him and fell to the ground below.

“Hurry up!!”


Below, the Beasts Pirates cannon fodder, which was rushing forward, spread out to make room for Jhin’s landing.

After a loud bang, Jhin smashed a big pit on the ground, and people were in the ground with blood flowing from the corners of their mouths.

Poor Jin Liang also thought that Jin Liang, who is known as the actor, didn’t get close, so he was sent flying by a young man who didn’t know where he came from.

Still the kind without suspense.

Don’t blame Jhin, just blame Moria’s Shadow Fruit and Sanye’s ability to inherit the fruit, which can quickly build the strength of the people around him.

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