Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1003

In contrast, Marvel is a little bit shabby here.

Although "Iron Man", "Black Widow", "Hulk" and "Captain America" ​​all appeared on the booth.

But the Avengers, where even the first six-man group did not gather, did lack a bit of momentum.

This is especially true when Scarlett Johansson and Mark Ruffalo are half-sized men.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of the fans. The number of visitors to Marvel's exhibition is not much less than that of the next door.

This shows that after the two films are laid out, Marvel has accumulated considerable popularity here.

After all, Marvel is an old IP that has been popular in the United States since World War II.

Even though the comics industry has become increasingly sluggish in recent years, the influence of this IP has always existed.

As Marvel Pictures began to get on the right track, these heroes who had been sleeping in the memory of American childhood began to reappear in front of the public.

The press conferences of the major companies of the San Diego comic show are still the highlight of the annual comic show.

However, due to the fact that the first phase of the Xingyue Film and Television Universe has just ended, the focus of this year's Jiufeng Entertainment conference is obviously not on this.

But to the thousands of media and audiences at the scene, Xingyue still gave a lot of things.

But at the beginning of the press conference, it was neither Marvel nor Momo, but some small projects that Jiufeng Entertainment had just established recently.

Most of these movies are mainly low-cost horror films, and they are not very eye-catching.

But as a warm-up, these films have fulfilled their mission well.

At the same time, these movies can be regarded as a signal from Jiufeng to the outside world.

It shows that Jiufeng is actively strengthening its own strength, and has long ceased to be a film company that only relies on two series to dominate the world.

However, there is still one movie that is very interesting. It is "Superhero" directed by James Gunn and "The Vampire Diaries" by Taiga Widiti.

Of course, current movie fans don’t know the future Marvel freak director duo, and lack interest in these two films.

But Qiye believes that the audience will like these two movies.

In the memory of Seven Nights, "Superhero" also won the San Diego Film Festival's Most Popular Actress Award.

Obviously, this movie is very appetizing of these otakus, although the actress who won this award was brutally headshot in the movie plot.

Immediately after these small projects, it is the Marvel unit.

And the opening scene is naturally the highlight of Marvel Pictures this year, "Captain America."

Marvel played a new trailer for the movie and announced the release date of the movie-November 7, 2008.

This day is very ordinary, so ordinary that it is not like the day when a big production movie with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars should be released.

But if someone observes closely, they will find that just three days before the movie’s release, it happens to be the day when the US election in 2008 ended.

Obviously, Marvel has decided to take advantage of the popularity of Ooguanhai.

In order to cooperate with the publicity, Jiufeng Entertainment even found Comrade Oguanhai himself, hoping that the other party could cooperate and help publicize during the campaign.

Although the odds of winning are great, Ooguanhai has not yet taken the lead.

For this kind of thing that can expand one's influence, the other party naturally agrees.

Besides, the movie "Captain America" ​​is full of Amelika from the character to the plot to the core of the story.

It can be said that Oguanhai’s own campaign regulations are complementary to each other.

As for whether Oguanhai himself will become the leader of Amelika that everyone expects, it is not a matter of Marvel.

Anyway, until the second part of "Captain America", the core content of the film is to question the US government.

After all, the current political hotspot at that time was not the new era of Amelika, but the distrust of government supervision.

As the incarnation of the American spirit, Captain America naturally follows in the footsteps of the American people, and the people do what they say.

How else would Qiye make money?


pS1: "Superhero", but Michan prefers the Taiwanese version of "The Sharp Man".

To be honest, if you have watched the movie Rolling Guidance, it will be really difficult to associate this film with the full R component to the family movie like Guardians of the Galaxy.

On blood and violence, this movie can be put in NG-17.

When Mi Chan watched it for the first time, she was completely stunned by the scene of the heroine being headshot, and the expression on her face was exactly the same as that of the hero.

It’s the first time that Mijiang has seen such a real shot of a headshot in a movie...

Therefore, Mi Chan strongly does not recommend everyone to watch this movie.


pS2: The Hydra Insights project mentioned in the movie "Captain America 2" is very similar to the reality of the United States' surveillance strategy for all people after 9/11.

This point was mentioned in my last book.

"The American Team 2" caught this heat at the time. Although Snowden's affairs had not been exposed when the film was approved, there have been other people who have exploded the US government's excessive insights.

Snowden is just the most famous of all those exposed.

This is why the evaluation of "Captain America 2" is so good, because it is far closer to life than everyone thinks.

Although in the end the pot was let Hydra carry it.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 577 A Harmonious and Loving Campus Story

Then the movie "Captain America" ​​appeared was naturally "Iron Man 2".

The sequel to this popular superhero movie is aimed at the summer season next year.

Although the movie is still in production, Marvel still brought a trailer to the audience.

According to what Qiye knows, there is not much difference between the main plot of "Iron Man 2" and the memory.

However, because Black Widow has already appeared on the scene in "Invincible Hulk", this film is just like Nick Fury and just a cameo.

The action scene that sneaked into Hanmer Industries was arranged on Luvia who played the role of Pepper.

Of course, the little pepper in the movie doesn't have the setting of the devilish muscles like Luvia in reality.

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