Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1011

Qiye originally prepared a line with Sayaka.

For example, "Maybe Sayaka will enjoy the next scene she sees."

Anyway, the character Lan Mao was possessed by the chief from the beginning.

But what do you want him to say now?

Immediately, Qiye's interest was reduced a lot.

But Rin is on top.

Seeing that Qiye hadn't made any movement, she suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled the white silk satin skirt up.

Smooth hands, slender and white thighs, attractive body curves...

Shown in front of Qiye one by one.

"Now, Kyosuke. Compared to Hitomi, my body is actually more holy, right?"

While pinching the skirt with her fingers, Rin whispered in Qiye's ear.

[No, in this matter, the two of you are half-hearted.

Qiye understood why Rin kept mentioning Shion.

"Ah~ Although I really want to surrender in front of your beautiful body."

Taking a step forward, Qiye hugged the opponent hard: "But I think the principle of directly conquering the circle is more fulfilling."


He writhed around, seeming to want to make a look of fighting hard.

However, Qiye easily grabbed her hands and pressed them on top of her head...

Facts have proved that even if it has become a great circle theory, in certain things, Lume Yuanxiang is still a weak woman.

Otherwise, she would not be killed by the demon Humla in "Rebellious Story".

Qiye proved through experiments that as long as she grabbed Yuanshen's hands, she would be the fish on the chopping board next.

Even Kamijo Kyosuke, as an ordinary person, can easily surrender the opponent.


In short, after playing role-playing for a while, Nanaya and Rin's remaining purpose is very simple.

Release your inner hormones and pursue the simplest happiness and stimulation.

The so-called man and nature are nothing more than this.

After all, to some extent, the deity's deity Yuanxiang is natural, right?



pS1: You don’t need to be too serious about boudoir pleasures.(*/ω*)


pS2: Recommend the "Eternal Redemption: The Endless Tomorrow" by Michan's friend [Jidao Avelux].

The 250w-character Oriental colleagues, the style is serious, and a clear stream among the defilers

Introduction: Nothing...

But still can't get rid of...

All that is left is full of hatred and anger...

Then... let me embrace the spiral of contradiction until it is destroyed...

——Neo Avelux (Oriental Gensokyo works)

Chapter 581: Taxi Drivers Are Always Talkative

"Are you a reporter, miss?"

In the speeding taxi, the driver asked the black-haired lady sitting in the back, "And is it still an entertainment reporter from the United States?"


When did you become so famous?Or is it the reporter on the face?

But even so, what is going on with American journalists?

A Rong took off his sunglasses and asked curiously, "How did you guess that I was an American reporter? I'm obviously Japanese."

The taxi driver shrugged, and after driving through an intersection, said: "Your accent reveals that you are from North America."

"No matter where you are, you must have been in North America for a long time recently. After all, your Japanese accent is too obvious."

The expression on the taxi driver’s face was very triumphant: “An American came to New Zealand and the destination was the Wellington Studio... Then there are only two possibilities.”

He pointed two fingers in the rearview mirror: "In one case, you are an actor or a member of the crew. But if so, you should have a special car to pick you up."

"There is another kind." The driver put a finger down, "You are an entertainment reporter."

"Excellent reasoning." A Rong couldn't help laughing. "You might consider moving to Baker Street."

"No, no, I'm too far apart from Holmes. It's mainly because I've met too many entertainment reporters this year."

Chatting about the mountains seems to be a must for all taxi drivers in the world.

Especially when customers are willing to chat with themselves, they are very willing to discuss any topic.

"Because of the crew of James Cameron and Kiryu Seven Nights, there are really too many reporters like you during this time."

"Oh?" Ah Rong came to be interested, "have so many people arrived there?"

"Yes." The driver nodded, "Although I don't know Hollywood well, I also know that these two are currently the champions and runners-up of the world box office champions. With them, journalists will naturally come here."

Although the newly released "Dark Knight" is very popular, the box office in North America even has a trend to catch up with "The Flame of Purgatory".

But because the story is too American, although "The Dark Knight" is also very popular around the world, its box office results are not as explosive as in North America.

Judging from the current situation, no matter whether the North American box office of "The Dark Knight" can exceed the box office of "Purgatory", the global box office is definitely not to be considered.

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