Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1012

For this taxi driver in New Zealand, how much is it worth in the North American box office chart?

New Zealand’s own box office charts and global movie history box office charts are the best?

A Rong's fingers tapped rhythmically by the car window: "It seems that a lot of interesting things have happened here recently?"

The driver completely regarded this conversation as small talk, anyway, this topic has happened countless times recently.

"Is it weird that the crews of two films with more than $200 million investment can attract you people?"

"Not surprisingly."

Ah Rong nodded, thought for a moment, and asked, "Are you a local?"

"of course!"

The driver was quite proud and said: "I am a native of Wellington. All of us here have a natural affinity for the film crew! Especially the "Lord of the Rings" series and his director Peter Jackson, he made our country a A world-class tourist attraction."

At this point, the driver paused.

He looked at Ah Rong through the rearview mirror again, and said mysteriously: "Actually, I am also very happy directed by Kiryu. His "Goblin Slayer" is also good. It is because our country has too little scenery."


A Rong has also watched "Goblin Slayer" and she certainly knows how attractive this movie is to men.

You must know that "Goblin Slayer" is a very peculiar movie in my idol's work.

All of Qiye’s other films are very standard commercial films and follow the principles of normal commercial films.

Even the upper and lower parts of FZ are no exception.

Although the plot is somewhat counter-routine and counter-conventional.

But whether it is the editing of the lens or the cool special effects, it reveals the commercial elements.

But "Goblin Slayer" is different.

Although this movie opened Kiryu Seven Nights' Hollywood road, let the whole world know that there is such a director from Japan.

However, in addition to the scenes showing the charm of women and the cutting of fierce war action scenes, a trace of Kiryu Nanaya can be found.

Miss Arong thinks this is probably the movie most unlike director Kiryu's work.

[Perhaps because Kiryu Nanaya's style was immature at the time?

Miss Arong thought so.

In fact, Qiye was completely looking for the problem of inconsistent style with other movies when filming "Brother Kill".

Although director Qiye’s films are not a heavy taste, there are always things that cross the line in the films he directs.

Therefore, the outside world has always thought that Kiryu Qiye is a very strong director. Although it may not be as good as Quentin, it is not much different.

In fact, Qiye has never been good at shooting R-rated movies.

It's okay to find a way to downgrade from R level to PG coaching level.

But if Qiye were to make an R-rated movie by himself, he would not be able to master the size.

Coupled with the plot content of the "Brother Killer" movie, Qiye finally feels overstrength.

But these things are in the past tense. Compared with Kiryu Qiye's past achievements, Arong wants to know what the other party will create in the future.

"The Flame of Purgatory" only got the second runner-up in the film history this time, so it was a pity for Ah Rong.

[It would be great if this new movie with an investment of 200 million US dollars can break the record of "Titanic".

Muttered in his heart, Ah Rong thought of the purpose of his trip and asked: "Do you have the latest news about the crew?"

Taxi drivers are generally the most informed people in the entire city, and Ah Rong believes that the other party must have news that has not spread outside.

It's just that this time the rent-a-car driver was silent. He drove seriously and didn't even hear what Ah Rong said.

Ah Rong had to say again: "If you have news that interests me..."

She raised her brows in the rearview mirror and rubbed her forefinger and thumb.

The driver immediately understood it, and negotiated the price with Ah Rong in a few words.

Taking advantage of the distance from the destination, the driver quickly told a few valuable news.

"I heard that Director Kiryu Nanya is training two of his apprentices to make movies recently;"

"Recently, Director Kiryu and Director Cameron will discuss filming experience together;"

"In the evening, Director Kiryu always takes his female assistant for a walk on the street. I heard that the new assistant seems to be the daughter of a nobleman..."

A Rong took out his notebook and recorded the first and second messages the driver said.

As for the last news, Ah Rong had already known, that female assistant should be Kiryu Qiye’s rumored girlfriend Ryan Wetting.

Of course, as a Japanese, Ayoung actually hopes that Director Kiryu can choose Ryogiori.

However, this younger sister of Kiryu Qiye has been filming in North America recently, and she has no chance to improve her relationship with director Qiye.

[It is estimated that that woman took advantage of this opportunity to enter, right?

However, after having interviewed Qiye, Ah Rong knew that the other party would not tell him about his private life.

But Arong is still full of expectations for this trip, and it is difficult for other reporters to see Kiryu Qiye.

But she is different. As a special reporter of Jiufeng Entertainment, she can directly conduct an exclusive face-to-face interview with Qiye.

[Hope to get some exclusive news.It would be even more perfect if I could interview James Cameron.

As an entertainment reporter with a keen sense of smell, Ah Rong has noticed that Hollywood is quietly changing in recent years.

And the initiators of this change, Ah Rong thinks they will be the two who are shooting movies in New Zealand.

James Cameron and Kiryu Nanaya, and their new works.

The battle between the first and second place on the world's film and television box office charts to grab a new era of film.

Just thinking about it, A Rong felt that he was already excited.

[We will witness history soon!

After getting out of the taxi and walking towards the studio, Ah Rong was still thinking about the question of who has the better chance of winning between the two.

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