Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 120

"It's a pity, it would be nice if these foods were really in the plot. Wine and barbecue are the best."

Xilin could fiddle with the "barbecue" with his fingers and said with regret.

Qiyebai took a look at the old man, "Why don't you get tired of eating every day?"

The food in New Zealand is quite simple and crude. In addition to meat, seafood and simple vegetables, there are various dairy products, and the cooking methods are nothing more than grilling and salad.

It’s not bad to eat this kind of stuff with an open stomach once in a while, but if you eat it every day, you will basically dislike it very quickly.

Anyway, Qiye is very fortunate to have listened to Ori's suggestion and brought a lot of curry and stew from Japan to New Zealand.Although there is no rice, bread can only be used as the staple food, but it is much better than grilling meat all day long.

Xilinke nodded and said: "Haha, of course the simple barbecue will soon get tired, but it is not enough if it is accompanied by wine. Are you interested in the director?"

"No, I don't drink much."

Qiye has no habit of smoking and drinking. He doesn't like the smell of cigarettes and the bitter taste of wine.Because of this incident, he was laughed at by Four Seasons for a long time.

"It's a pity, the joy of life is less than half."

Qiye grinned: "No, I don't think this is the joy of life at all."


After dozens of minutes of preparation, the makeup artist gave Qiye an OK gesture.

"So, all units are ready!"

Under Qiye's eyes, the already very skilled scene recorder raised the scene recorder to the main camera, "Goblin Slayer, scene 15, scene 67. Let's start!"

With everyone's efforts, the few sets of shots where everyone was sitting around the fire were quickly completed.

Then Qiye began to shoot individual shots of each protagonist in batches.

"That actor named Gavien is so handsome! Why doesn't the director let him show his face?"

The whisper of an actress interrupted the dignified thoughts of reading the accent textbook.

Rin Tosaka looked up and found that several passerby actresses were idiotic about Gawyne, who was adjusting his equipment.

"Does Tosaka-san think so too?"

One of them, seeing Rin also raised his head to look at Gavien, asked with a blushing face.

"Well, it's really handsome," he said without comment, "but it's just that his appearance is a little better. If he doesn't commit a secondary illness, he is not even a normal actor."

"You said, could it be that the director was jealous of Mr. Gawain's appearance, so he didn't show his face on purpose?"

[How is it possible, the male protagonist's setting of not showing his face was set at the beginning.

Rin feels that these idiots are really representatives of low IQs, and it is no wonder that they can only play roles that are deceived by goblin traps and wiped out.

"Should not, learn... Isn't Kiryu also handsome? He doesn't lose to Mr. Gavien at all, is he?"

Because he didn't want outsiders to mistakenly believe that he was involved in the crew through relationships, Rin did not call Qiye a senior in front of these actors.

"It's okay..." After watching Qiye carefully, the female dragon set replied casually, "It's completely different from Mr. Gavien. It's a more attractive type, but it's not considered handsome at all. Well."

"Yes, I think he is about the same as Gavien."

Although some agreed with the actress, Rin still said it against his will.

The graceful female swordsman actor suddenly squeezed her eyes at Rin playfully: "Is the director Mr. Tosaka's favorite type, so he feels handsome?"

"No!" Lin yelled in denial, "How can I like him? He is completely different from what I like."

"Don't be shy, little girl." Uncle Xilinke didn't know when he dangled next to the girls. "Director Kiryu can direct such a costly film at such a young age. He is an amazing man, even me. Will be attracted to him."

"I said no..."

Rin retorted with a pouting mouth, but her voice was much smaller than before.

The female swordsman didn’t know what was going crazy suddenly, she suddenly said very energetic: “Now, how about letting the director act as an adventurer? Then let the audience comment on who is more handsome ?"

Rin's face was full of black lines and spit out: "Why do you have this idea, and I don't think learning... The director will listen to the suggestions of you little actors."

The female swordsman looked very interested: "Let's have fun, aren't there many directors who make cameo appearances in their works anyway?"

"Then you guys come on."

Rin didn't want to mix in.

"It seems to hear a very interesting thing."

It is estimated that there are too many people around here, and Luvia, who is the heroine, also walked over.After hearing what these girls said, her face also showed a very interesting expression.

"Tosaka Rin, shall we come to the game?" Luvia suggested to Rin, "Look at the two of us who can persuade the senior man to play a role in the movie. But it's not a passerby adventurer, but in the movie Monster character. How?"

[This lady is going to do something...]

This was Rin's only comment on Luvia who was excited at this time.


pS: Sure enough, if the manuscript is not saved, the update will become very unstable..._(:з∠)_

Let's try to make a save first...

Chapter 96

"Why should I promise you something like this? If you want to annoy him, can you just go?"

Rin looked at Luvia who wanted to drag herself into the water, and even if Qiye came to be an ordinary adventurer, he actually asked him to play the tortured goblin.

Do you Luvia feel that being a heroine is too happy and you want to change to be a martial artist?

"It's just a side show," Luvia said casually, "Stay in a place like this all day long, the whole person is about to rust, and there is nothing wrong with having some fun."

"Then you are really idle." Rin had nothing to say to this guy.

"Who told the senior to exhaust us a while ago, what's wrong with letting us take revenge on him this time?"

During the previous period in Wellington, Seven Nights asked Andy Serkins to give all the main actors a special training on acting before the green screen.

In those days, almost everyone was in a state of filming while studying, and everyone was exhausted.

Now it seems that the blonde lady is taking revenge and intends to take revenge on the director.

"up to you."

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