Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 121

Rin didn't feel too tired, after all, she had experienced the hellish special training before shooting.In comparison, the training a few days ago was only just right for her.

"Try it, he won't lose anyway if he doesn't agree with the senior." Luvia didn't have to do anything. It was her purpose to pass the boring time.

If this can be successful, it should be the icing on the cake for her.

A few long-acting actresses are silent, if it's just a cameo appearance of an adventurer, it's okay to say, but it's better not to participate in characters like goblins and other small characters.

"Well, it's really interesting." Even Uncle Xilinke was a little interested in this proposal.

"But a simple passerby goblin is meaningless, and it's not worth the director's time to waste." Uncle Xilinke began to give some bad ideas to a few girls, "Why don't you let the director play the leading role of the film How about the huge goblin that was thrown on the wall at home?"

"Forget that..."

Rin felt that if she made this suggestion, Qiye would probably throw people like herself directly on the wall.

"Such a character is too ordinary, and it only shows a face." Luvia thought with her chin, "What do you think about the character of the Goblin King?"

"Don't think about it, the director of such an important villain can't let him as an amateur actor appear." Uncle Xilinke looked a little further, "and I heard that the role will bring the "Lord of the Rings" crew over The performance of Mr. Gulu is to verify the latest motion capture technology."

"That's it..." Luvia squeezed his fingers and counted. "In this way, the characters in the script with a few shots are only the goblin warlocks and trolls in the first scene at the beginning. ."

"The Goblin Warlock is not suitable, and the director is not very good." Xilinke said, rubbing his chin, "How about the troll? Anyway, the character is basically a straight face, and there is no need for any expression on his face."

"That's a good idea!"

Luvia agreed, and she looked at Lin on the side with a look of expectation in her eyes.

"It has nothing to do with me."

Rin felt that the first thing he had to do was to set himself aside, otherwise it would be bad for Qiye to vent his anger in.

Luvia looked at Qiye, who was telling Gavine, with a smirk like a queen: "It's boring, but it's just a few suggestions. Wouldn't it be fun if it succeeds?"


Rin wouldn't say that his heart was shaken for a moment.In order not to be led by Luvia into the ditch, she decisively looked at her textbook.

Xilin asked curiously: "Have any of you seen the concept map of the troll? Although I know there is this character, I don't know the specific appearance."

"If you are talking about the troll's draft, I know it."

ZUN smiled and hooked the shoulders of Uncle Xilinke. Because of the relationship of drinking friends, the relationship between the two recently took off.

In fact, ZUN, the soundtrack worker, didn't need to travel to this desolate field with the crew.

However, there are not many opportunities to come to New Zealand to appreciate the natural scenery, so Ota Jun also followed the "Brother Killer" crew up the mountain in the name of collecting material from the filming location.

Xilin Ke stroked his beard and asked, "ZUN, you can talk quickly."

Rin knew that he would definitely not be able to read the content of the textbook.She finally gave up her plan to read, and warned ZUN in a low voice, "Hey, pay attention to the confidentiality agreement."

Knowing that ZUN has the status of a logistics worker, she motioned to the other party not to disclose some secret things that belonged to the crew.

ZUN waved his hand to indicate that Rin didn't need to be too nervous: "Don't worry, I won't take out the design drawings. Besides, Qiye hasn't finalized the final draft yet. He just selected a few set drawings initially."

"Tell me, let the old man, let me solve the greedy first." Xilin took a sip of wine, and he asked boldly, wiping his beard.

"A fierce face full of beards, and then an unusually burly figure." ZUN recalled the set map he had seen.

Xilin nodded: "It's not out of my imagination..."

"After all, it's a commercial film, it can't be separated from everyone's common impression. In other words, are you really here?"

Rin exhorted with a bit of annoyance. Although she felt that this matter was a little bit uncomfortable, she still had a slight expectation in her heart for the senior's role as a troll.

Xilinke looked at Qiye, who was a little thin, and he thought that this kind of contrast would be very interesting on the screen.

So Xilin Ke bewildered at the others present: "Well, do you also think it is a very fun thing to let the director play the role of that troll?"

Rin and Luvia's brains were filled a little bit--

In the dark cave, a giant with a Qiye face and a beard walked out, and then stretched out his sinful hands towards the protagonist and his group.

"It seems...a bit sensual..."

Rin said to herself in a voice that only she could hear.

"Fun is fun, but who should propose this?"

ZUN glanced at the lady swordsman, who immediately shook his head.

What's a joke, she's at best a little actor who doesn't even have a name for this kind of thing. When the promoter is too much, she wants the director to cut it?

So ZUN had to look at the Luvia trio in front of him.

"Don't look at me, I'm going to you."

Although Rin is looking forward to this event, she should not let her talk about it.

"I guess it might be thought by seniors as joking and not serious."

Luvia suddenly realized that being too familiar with someone was also a problem.

Xilinke shook his head after thinking for a long time, not that he was afraid to say, but that he was not sure to convince Qiye.

"Mr. Ota, how about you go ahead? Senior, he still values ​​your opinion very much..."

Hearing these words, ZUN couldn't help rolling his eyes.He is not Liangyizhi, and the weight in Qiye's mind is far less important.

If you really want to say that the person who can make Qiyeyan obey, it is probably only the young master who is far away in Japan.

However, just giving up on this matter seems really unwilling to give up.

Therefore, during the seven nights of rest between shooting, I saw ZUN, Luvia, Rin, and Xilinke walking around to find themselves, and not far away there were several supporting actors giving them cheering gestures. .

"You want me to play that troll?"

Qiye looked at these guys speechlessly, he felt that it was really appropriate to describe them as fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

"Don't make trouble, if you guys are so idle, please recite the lines to me, so at least you can save NG a few times."

"No, we are serious."

Xilinke quickly stopped Qiye who was about to turn around and leave.

"My answer is also serious." Qiye sighed, his face showed a slight impatient look.

Director guest appearances are very common in movies. Many directors have the habit of appearing in their own works, such as the fat man named Peter Jackson from the crew next door.

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