Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1316

The other is Cameron chanting "I am the king of the world"._(:з∠)_

Chapter 728 What is the relationship between you looking for Solomon and I Romani?


Sitting on the seat in the audition room of Jiufeng Entertainment, Qiye yawned greatly.

"What? Not getting enough sleep?"

Zhi Zhi put a cup of coffee on the table in front of Qiye and asked jokingly.


Qiye rubbed her eyes and nodded.

He hasn't slept well recently-because there is so much entertainment.

It's already a week since the Oscar night.

After Qiye got the best director, "Maiden" won the best picture.

In the end, the box office record creator of this new world film swept the 82nd Oscar with 10 out of 14 nominations.

Although it is not as good as 11 of the 14 nominations for "Titanic", and 11 of the 11 nominations for "Return of the King".

But as a commercial high-grossing movie, it is very incredible to be able to get 10 statuettes in itself.

What followed was the various frantic bombings of Qiye by the media.

At the end of the awards ceremony, Qiye almost had to spend the night in the Kodak Theater because of the media and reporters.

This is not surprising.

After all, even for the most valuable and influential awards in the world, most of the best directors and best film winners of the past Oscars often face an embarrassing problem.

They are indeed awarded, but the real influence of their works is not great.

But Qiye is different. He is not the average best director award winner. He is also the box office champion of film history.

It can be said that Qiye created the dual miracle of commerce and art.

How could such a person not be welcomed by the media?

What makes the media even more crazy is that the new Forbes list was announced three days after the Oscars ended.

Relying on the development like the opening last year, the market value of Jiufeng Group has increased by 50% in one year, reaching US$155 billion.

This not only made Shion, a wealthy woman, ranked fourth on the list with US$38 billion in assets, but also made Qiye, who had a net worth of more than US$14 billion, overwhelmed Soros and reached 35th place.

Compared with this amazing result, the news that the two continue to be Japan's first or second place has not attracted much attention.

It is because of the announcement of the rich list that the popularity of Qiye has not subsided until now.

It's obviously been a week, and Qiye can often see media reporters wandering around him.

Although Qiye was really excited when she first won the prize.

But after being chased by reporters for so long, Qiye was somewhat bored.

Of course, the reporters are certainly not the culprit for the lack of sleep for seven nights.

The real reason for Qiye’s lack of sleep is the endless social entertainment after getting the Oscar.

One small feast a day and a big feast three days.

This is basically Qiye's life since this week.

In fact, this is already the case for Barrie to help herself weed out those party banquets that she could not attend.

Otherwise, Qiye really can't be liberated in just one week.


Qiye took a sip of the coffee that Zhizhi prepared for herself.

Under the stimulation of caffeine, Qiye became a little more energetic.

Sitting next to Qiye, he teased his chin with one hand and asked, "Isn't it because there have been too many carnival parties recently? Or are Miss Wei Ting or Shion too strong?"

Qiye directly complained: "How is it possible, I have been a bachelor for a week."

Although Qiye and Ryan had a good celebration on the night they got the Oscar.

He even unlocked many new poses on the slender noble lady.

But it was only one night.

After that, he participated in banquets and celebrations in various places.

Ryan was sent by Shion to various small crews to brush his face and practice acting skills.

Qiye hasn't seen her for a week.

"It's really boring, I thought I could hear the story of your Shura Field, Senior."

Weaving waved his hand, not hearing Qiye's gossip made him feel sorry.

Qiyebai gave a glance: "Is it so fun to tease my brother?"

"Of course it's interesting." Zhihaha smiled, "Who told Senior to spend time and drink on your own, and I have to do all kinds of boring work alone."

"I call it hard work for those who are able." Qiye said shamelessly, "Did you not listen to Shion? Let people with the right ability do what they should do, this is the right manager."

Weaving a black thread: "I feel that you have completely misunderstood the meaning of this sentence! You are completely lazy!!"

Qiye would not admit that Zhizhi was right. He picked up the information and asked about the work: "How is the audition of the slave actors?"

Although knowing that Qiye was changing the subject, Ori replied, "The characters in "Prologue" are almost the same, and there are only the last two."

The role of the prologue had already been predetermined before the audition.

Some of the remaining corner characters played quite a few times, but they were basically not important.

In Qiye, he simply delegated the power to the middle level of the crew, and it was all a favor.

In the entire prologue, there are only two roles that need to be carefully selected-Leif and Solomon.

Well, although I am planning to play Romani, Solomon's character Qiye plans to find another actor.

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