Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1319

Zhizhi helped out an idea for his hesitant brother.

"Isn't Lily the same crew with Leonardo DiCaprio now?"

After Zhiye's reminder, Qiye remembered that Lily was acting in Inception.

"That said, let Lily take the time to ask when she is doing the promotion."

He is quite good at talking to his work partner and friend Leonardo DiCaprio, even if the other party refuses, there is room for relaxation.

"Let's do this first, I'll call Lily back."

Qiye put the roster aside and said to the staff around him: "Let them audition one by one in order."


At the same time, in the lounge next to the audition room, several young actresses sat here quietly waiting.

But these actresses did not sit and chat together.

On the contrary, one and two of them were far apart.

When occasionally raising their heads to look at each other, not only did they have no words and eye contact, but they also showed deep guard against each other.

The girls seem to be worried that the person they are looking at will suddenly violently injure others, or that they will turn into a monster to choose and eat.

Whether it's drinking water, or something special.

These girls only let the agent standing next to them do it, avoiding contact with anyone except the agent.

These people know how important the audition they will face is.

As long as it succeeds, such a great future lies ahead.

Not to mention the popularity, but to remain in front of the audience, becoming a second-line actor is inevitable.

Don't say anything else, think about the Oscars a week ago.

Two Japanese actresses went from obscurity to become the most successful actresses of this awards season.

Commercially, the films they starred in became the creators of new box office records, making them remembered by fans all over the world.

In their careers, they all won the Oscar for Best Actress and became a star that attracted much attention.

Not to mention, the actresses who will be auditioning for the director are not the only two Japanese actors.

Luvia Celineta Edfelt, Lily Waiting, Yoshiyuki and so on.

These well-known actresses are all made famous by the director.

Especially after the Oscars, the media reporters have given the director a nickname-the director who can shoot women most.

I have to say that this nickname is really appropriate.

Looking at the list of best directors who won the Oscars, either the box office score is not as high as this director, or the level of shooting women is not as good as him.

James Cameron is very powerful, "Titanic" film history left a name.

But the truck driver likes the habit of big women, so the actresses under his lens are not very suitable for everyone's taste.

But Kiryu Nanaya is different, the women under his lens always have a unique sense of beauty.

This uniqueness does not mean that he is out of mainstream aesthetics, but that his lens has a unique charm.

These people entered the Hollywood circle either for fame or for profit, but none of them wanted to be anonymous supporting roles.

Who doesn't want to be as glorious as Lily Weiting?

But it is not easy to achieve this goal, it can even be said to be very difficult.

Several girls in the audition room turned their gazes to a relatively conspicuous position in the lounge.

There was a blond woman with a good figure and a sweet smile.

Different from the cautiousness of others, this woman exudes a unique aura from the moment she appears in the lounge.

Every time the woman glanced at the lounge, her arrogant eyes looked like a queen patrolling, and the other girls didn't even have the courage to look at her.

But none of the girls present dared to express complaints, because they all knew the name of this woman-the famous Hollywood actress Rachel McAdams.

Compared to them who can only play supporting roles in major movies, Rachel McAdams, who has already played the heroine in Sherlock Holmes, is obviously on another level.

In fact, everyone does not understand why this female star will join them in the second round of basic auditions.

With the opponent's coffee position, you can go directly to the third round.

This one exists in other people who are out of character, like a novice village with a maximum of 10 mobs, and suddenly broke into the 100 final big boss.

The only reason that the girls on the scene have the courage to continue waiting for the audition, rather than turning around and leaving.

It’s because everyone knows that the director of Kiryu Seven Nights needs a lot of actresses. Even if Rachel McAdams is accepted by that director, he still has the opportunity to grab the remaining spots.


pS: At the beginning, Xiao Lizi, it should be the old fat Li. He has always resisted playing the villain.

In the end, the ruffian himself persuaded him to come.

Of course, with regard to the psychological resistance of racial discrimination, I have always said bad lines and other news, and forget it.

This is obviously for publicity.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 730 Rachel's Melancholy [Plus 32/40]

In the lounge, Rachel McAdams did not watch the actors waiting for the audition.

Instead, he communicated with his agent in a low voice.

"Cotton, I need a new opportunity."

There was a trace of anxiety on the blonde woman's face, and even a trace of lack of confidence could be heard in her uncertain tone.

"Don't worry." The agent comforted the other party in a low voice, "With your appearance and acting skills, it will be no problem to get a role. This time, Jiufeng has a great demand for actors."

"But an ordinary character is useless at all."

Rachel McAdams raised the corners of his mouth slightly, the smile on his face a little helpless.

Don't look at her starring "Detective Sherlock Holmes" just released, she seems to be in a hot situation.

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