Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1321

Rachel replied arrogantly, but she immediately became a little worried about gains and losses.

"I just hope Director Kiryu Nanya will not blame it."

If it hadn't been for rejecting Marvel twice, Rachel would not have rushed over in the second round of auditions.

As a star, he committed himself to attend the preliminary audition, which in itself represents his attitude.

Although Rachel made an incorrect decision because of a wrong judgment of form.

But she is not stupid, she can even be said to be very smart.

From a powerless little figure to a second-tier Hollywood actor.

Rachel McAdams relies on not only her appearance, but also her ability to be a person.

But this is definitely not enough.

"I hope Director Kiryu will not blame me for what happened before."

Rachel whispered.

The upper class in Hollywood have too many weird tempers, and she can't guarantee that her softness can impress her.

"Definitely not, at least I have never heard of the rumor that Director Kiryu Nanya has a particularly small mind."

The agent solemnly said.

Among a series of big directors in Hollywood, Kiryu Nanaya is indeed a better talker.

Although he was notoriously harsh when filming, he was very kind when shooting.

This is especially true in recent years.

Those little actors are even using [Seven Night Buddha] to call someone.

In contrast, the other big directors are all evil spirits after the boot.

Especially those few "set tyrants", the tempers are even more violent.

The door of the lounge was suddenly pushed open.A person who looked like an assistant came in.

He was looking at these actresses and said blankly, "Miss Rachel McAdams. It's time for your audition."


The blonde woman quickly stood up, and after giving the agent a relieved look, followed the assistant and walked towards the audition room.


In the audition room, Qiye was waiting for the actors to come over, and there were really no chats with Zhiye.

"Speaking of which, Miss Tosaka Rin, what are you going to do, Senpai?"

Zhizhi asked curiously.

It is rare that Zhizhi's face has a hint of gossip.

Although the organization has always been interested in some gossip.

But this is the first time it has been so obvious.

"What's wrong with Rin?"

"Don't you know what is the curse of the shadow queen, senior?"

A movie queen decayed for three years.

Of course, it is impossible not to have heard of the saying Qiye.

Don't believe this, several Oscars best actresses used extremely vivid cases to fully demonstrate what is called the Oscar Queen's Curse.

There is "Catwoman" by Halle Berry before, and "A Fairy Wife in a House" by Nicole Kidman. Look at the top of the head, ah, there is a "Magic Woman Warrior" by Charlize Theron.

Just compare it.

In this matter, there is no problem with which queen is miserable, only which problem is the worst.

In fact, this situation is not difficult to understand.

It is already an era when public relations is king to get the Oscar.

It's not just film companies that have to invest money, the actors themselves have to spend a lot of money.

Jiufeng Entertainment is all-inclusive for its public relations fees because of its wealth and wealth.

In some poor film crews, actresses have to borrow money to hit the movie queen.

If the money goes down, it will naturally be rewarded accordingly.

Otherwise, the debt alone can crush the actor.

The Oscar statuette's trophy is indeed not cheap, but it will certainly not reach millions of dollars no matter how it sells.

Therefore, the celebrities are eager to pay back and can only pick up high-paying movies.

As for the quality of the film, it is of secondary importance.

As a result, the poor filming of the actress led to a decline in the commercial value of the actress.

The decline in the commercial value of the movie queen has caused good projects to dare not find a movie queen in order to avoid risks.

This creates a vicious circle

Another problem is that since the beginning of the new century, the taste of the Oscar judges has gradually separated from the public.

The actresses liked by the old men in the academy may not be popular among movie fans.

The simplest example, how many people will buy tickets because of black queens?


pS1: When filming "Iron Man" that year, the character of Pepper, Marvel did consider Rachel, but unfortunately they didn't agree.

One argument is that Marvel was not well-known at the time, and Rachel had concerns.

Another argument is that Rachel’s request for remuneration is too expensive.After all, Marvel’s money-raising was like a Ponzi scheme at that time.

As a result, Marvel made great strides after "Iron Man", while Rachel has been living tepidly.

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