Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1323

[Hope I did it right.

Rachel tried her best to maintain her peace, introducing herself in a very confident voice.

She tried not to think about what Kiryu Qiye might think of her, but treated the other party as an ordinary judge.

She could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Qi Ye sitting behind the monitor nodding.

During the whole process, the other party did not deliberately make things difficult for him, it seems that the problem is not too big.

Of course, it is also possible that Kiryu Qiye is calm on the surface, but actually intends to give herself a ruthless set.

But if so, it means that he has completely offended the Hollywood tycoon.

Because the post-fruits are so terrible, Rachel McAdams dare not think about it at all.

Qiye didn't know Miss Rachel's complicated mind.

Qiye was indeed a little depressed about Rachel's rejection of Marvel, but he didn't bear any grudges.

After all, actors and crew have always been a two-way choice, as long as the other party does not regret it.

Of course, this is based on the fact that the other party does not cause trouble.

If the other party missed this opportunity and then played something like crying, making trouble and hanging himself.

Of course Qiye would not be polite.

Don't say no, this happens almost every year in Hollywood.

After introducing herself, Rachel stood quietly in front of the camera and waited for her post.

Zhijian Qiye did not speak directly, so he gestured to the side, "Miss McAdams, you can leave. We will notify your agent as soon as possible of the audition result."

"Thank you!"

Rachel McAdams exited the audition room politely.

After the other party left, Qiye found out the actress's information and handed it directly to Zhizhi.

"Do you think she is a suitable follower? Is it Queen Mary or Malda?" Zhizhi asked curiously.

After shook his head, Qiye said, "No, I think she is more suitable for Maeve."

Qiye's fascination in front of the camera left an impression on Qiye.

Not only the audition just now, but also the previous performance of the actor in "Detective Sherlock Holmes".

The seduction of Downey in the hotel really showed the allure of a woman to a man.

"North American Mythology?"

Weaving thought for a while before reacting, and then she smiled bitterly: "Senior, did you prepare too early? Will they agree?"

Tell the actor, we have taken a fancy to you, but the film about you will not start until two or three years later.

Now you sign the actor contract first.

Do we think that the other party will agree to such nonsense.

"It's just preparation in advance." Qiye smiled slightly, "And who said that this actor is useless now? Give this to Kevin Fitch, this time the lady shouldn't refuse."

Marvel is currently preparing the second stage of the movie, and "Doctor Strange" is one of them.

For this reason, Kevin Fitch some time ago also asked Qiye which actor to find to be the heroine of "Doctor Strange".

Didn't you find it?

In the memory of Qiye, the previous life was relatively conservative, and the second stage was basically composed of sequel movies.

I don't know if it is backed by the wealthy Jiufeng, this time Marvel will be more radical in its approach.

They plan to introduce the concept of magic in the second stage, and plan to make "Doctor Strange" the beginning of the second stage.

Qiye is still happy to see Marvel's approach.

In the second stage of Marvel's previous life, because of the suppression of the Marvel Creation Committee, it was very conservative in all aspects.

Obviously it should be a stage of expanding the territory and linking the previous and the next, but it is very restrained everywhere.

In the end, except for "Captain America 2" and "Guardians of the Galaxy", the evaluation of the second stage is generally not high.

"Thor 2" has even been called the most mediocre movie in Marvel movies.

In Qiye's life, because of the early throwing of the Creative Committee into the trash can, Kevin Fitch gained the dominance of the Marvel Cinematic Universe earlier.

This filmmaker with a very dangerous hairline is naturally more imaginative and enterprising than the old antiques of the Creative Committee.

Fitch hopes to take advantage of the popularity of "Reunion 1" to bring "Doctor Strange" and use "Doctor Strange" to introduce the concept of magic and pave the way for the future of "Iron Man 3."

According to the idea that Fitch submitted to Qiye, "Iron Man 3" will be the villain of Iron Man and Doctor Strange [Mandalin].

The technological geniuses in the Marvel world and the magic geniuses deal with the super villains together. This mode of in-depth interaction of Marvel characters will help create the concept that the MCU is a world.

Of course, there is no doubt.

This villain named [Mandalin], he absolutely and must be a white man.

Don't mention the original comics.

Even Gu Yi can change from a white-bearded grandfather to a bald white woman, so why can't it?


pS: It's finally April.

I wrote 27w in March.

If you remember correctly, February seems to be more than 28w?

We will continue to work hard this month._(:з∠)_

Chapter 732: Building the Chaldean Magic Workshop

In fact, if possible, Qiye would like to change the role of "Iron Man 3" to Dr. Dum.

The other party is also the big villain of technology and magic double repair, and the popularity in the comics is much higher than that of [Mandarin].

Unfortunately, the copyright of this character is vested in the Fantastic Four.

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