Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1329

Although I wanted to share it with others, because of the confidentiality agreement, the staff member could only put this kind of gossip in his stomach.

After this round of auditions, Qiye didn't immediately make a decision to choose who to play Gudav.

Instead, the materials of several key actors were packaged and sent to North America.

Although Qiye has a lot of power in choosing actors, it is not entirely unequivocal.

Besides, Qiye also needs other people to help herself.

What if they see something they haven't seen?

There is always nothing wrong with discussing with everyone.

Qiye felt that if someone had made it clear to Disney that the heroine of "The Little Mermaid" chose black people, it would be a bad idea.

Maybe Disney's bigwigs will reconsider that choice?

Of course, it is also possible that someone has tried hard, but this opinion was not adopted in the end.

As long as you think about many things, you can actually see many problems.

Since there can be black mermaid princesses, can we turn Wakanda into a white country in Europe?

Why do black people call "black power", which means justice, cooking and freedom?

White people calling "white power" is evil, despotism and discrimination?

So, the double standard is really undesirable.

Of course, when Qiye was looking for a male lead in Japan, the members of the North American casting team were not idle.

After several auditions and discussions with Qiye, two more role actors in "The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon" were finalized.

Queen Mary was handed over to the model named Mary that Qiye met on the last Victoria's Secret show.

The other finalized role is Elizabeth Xiaolong, played by "Luna Lovegood" in the HP series.

If it wasn't for a more suitable candidate, Qiye would have wanted the actor to play Queen Mary. After all, the little girl's skin and hair color are quite in line with the cake's personality.

The main reason for the actor's failure was because the model named Mary was closer in image and had nothing to do with her being not French.

Anyway, from the pedigree, Queen Mary should be an Austrian.

Having said that, in fact, we really have to distinguish according to the status and affiliation. The Longniang family should be regarded as the running dogs of the cake queen.

Do you think these two women only know each other slightly and are not familiar with each other?

No no no.

He is the Habsburg licking dog, okay!

Qiye did not leave Japan immediately after sending the actor information to the United States. He went to Lin Bao to confirm the preparatory status of "Xia Zong Guo".

Of course, he took Sister Serra with him when he went.

Since that incident last time, Nanaya has made up his mind that she will never step into Eomiya Kiritugu's territory alone.

Although Kirito Eomiya is a bit nervous about some things, he is still very active in making movies.

In order to make this movie that cannot be defeated, Keith Eomiya referred to a lot of materials from the Warring States period in Japan.

Even stayed in the drama crew of the Times for two months.

At the same time, Eimiya Kirisu carefully studied the characters and scripts sent by Qiye every day.

In order to clarify the latest movie special effects shooting technology provided by Jiufeng Entertainment, Kiriji took his own photographer to learn the CGI and green screen shooting process.

All in all, in one sentence, Eimiya Kirito strives to be the best in all aspects of this movie.

But at the same time, Kirito Eomiya also said that it took too much energy to make this movie.

It is estimated that Japan can only produce such a movie with such a huge investment.

"I understand what you said in the industrial system in the heavens."

Keishi said somewhat self-deprecatingly: "I am responsible for everything. I am going crazy. If I'm in a Hollywood crew, I don't have to do many things myself."

Qiye could only show a kind smile on this, and sat a little further away from Qiye.

Because Keiji's hand has been holding on the mace that Qiye remembers fresh.

"Boy, come here, I'll give you a buff" clearly written on his face.


pS1: The Dragon Niang family is a descendant of Habsburg, and the cake is a serious daughter of the Habsburg dynasty.

So Long Niang is a cake running dog and there is nothing wrong with it.╮(╯▽╰)╭


pS2: Those named Qing Ji, have you forgotten that there is "Xia Zong Guo"?_


pS3: I didn't go to bed until 3 o'clock when I had insomnia yesterday... There is a high probability that I won't change it tonight.

Well, it will not be updated, not updated.

Then... Mijiang goes back to the bed to make up for a rest.o(╥﹏╥)o

Chapter 735

In the end, until the end of the meeting, Keishi didn't buff Qiye's head.

I don't know if it's because the other party didn't mean it, or seeing Sister Serra standing by her side is not easy to start.

Qiye personally thinks that the probability is the latter.

While Qiye was preparing for the FGO project, Jiufeng Entertainment also signed promotional cooperation agreements with some companies.

For example, at the end of March, Jiufeng launched an APP in cooperation with Google and Apple.

A series of small apps related to Fate are listed in the APP store of the two.

From e-books of movie novels to mobile phone skins to special alarms, it can be said to cover many types.

Of course, it's not just that. The moon MOBA game operated by [See Moon] also released the commemorative skins of the two series of FZ and FSN.

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