Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1331

Originally, Qiye planned to let Lily perform motion capture and dubbing of Fu Fu.

But after learning about the shooting time required for motion capture, Qiye had to give up this plan.

Because this will take up a lot of Lily's time, unless she doesn't accept invitations from other film companies in the next few years, otherwise there is not enough time.

But for a superstar like Lily, this is obviously very uneconomical.

And Qiye's second choice was Andy Serkins, the king of motion capture, but after an audition, he found that it was totally impossible.

Because although Andy Serkins has good motion capture acting skills, his cuteness skills are not good enough.

Although he can express the animal's demeanor vividly, he always feels a bit wrong when he wants to roll on the floor.

In the end, Qiye could only choose Ah Fu who had experience in motion capture for QB, and Lily only needed to dub in the later stage.

Qiye believes that fans can accept this, after all, Ah Fu is very talented in selling cuteness.

At the same time, as Fufu's design was finalized, another work that preceded the shooting began-that was the production of visual effects.

FGO has designed too many movies. In order to ensure that all movies have similar textures in special effects, Qiye needs a visual effects director to lead the entire visual effects team.

Otherwise, FGO has a film and a style, I believe no one can stand it.

Besides, directors like Qiye always hope that movie special effects can reach the highest level in the industry.

But for FGO, when the project is officially launched, the production time of each movie is limited.

Therefore, a uniform and well-equipped special effects team must take priority over film creation.

Fortunately, in recent years, the special effects team of Jiufeng, under his leadership, has long been technically the top level in the industry.

In addition, Weta Studio, which has reached a close partnership with Jiufeng Entertainment.

Qiye is not at all a problem in producing special effects, but now he needs a leader who can lead the team.

But Qiye watched several of them and were not very satisfied. In the end, George Lucas recommended his employee Roger Gate to Qiye.

This old man has worked as a visual effects supervisor for the Harry Potter series and the Pirates of the Caribbean series.

Judging from the movies he has taken over, Qiye is completely satisfied with the ability of the bald guy.

So he was hired directly after the first interview.

However, Qiye's move caught Fox's attention.

As a capable player of the Light & Magic Industry, Roger Gate can be regarded as a direct line of Lucas.

The other party is deeply involved in the core project of Jiufeng Entertainment, which makes Fox a little worried.

After all, with the current relationship between Jiufeng and Light and Magic Industries, it shouldn't be enough to let Roger Gate take charge of the entire project.

You should know that in the production of special effects for the Fate series, Jiufeng has always cooperated with Weta Studio.

In other words, Roger Gate's current situation is that Light and Magic loaned him to Jiufeng.

This unusual behavior made Fox faintly uneasy.

So they stepped up their monitoring of Qiye, and seemed to hope that this part of the channel would learn something.

Originally, Qiye had planned to suppress it, but he was troubled by the crazy offensive of News Corporation's paparazzi.

So after discussing with Shion, he released the news that Jiufeng would acquire Lucasfilm through other channels.

Anyway, the outside world will know about this sooner or later, and it is better to reveal it first while the initiative is in your hands.

And when the outside world was shocked by the acquisition of Jiufeng itself, the 20th Century Fox directly exploded.

"Fuck! Jiufeng Ziyuan! You dead woman dare to touch my things!!"

In the office, Murdoch slammed his pen on the report.


pS1: The school finally issued a notice saying that online classes will start this weekend.

After all this time, Mijiang thought the school had forgotten us.

Hey, there will be less time on weekends in the future.


pS2: I said this in the morning, there are only 2 changes today.

Yesterday I had insomnia due to unknown reasons, went to bed at 3 o'clock, and was woken up at 8 o'clock.

Although I had a sleep during the day, the whole person was still groggy.

The old saying is right, not sleeping for a day, not waking up for ten days._(:з∠)_

Chapter 736

James Murdoch is very angry now, as angry as knowing that he will become the head of the "back and forth attack" between Stalin and Churchill.

He waved his hands vigorously and yelled.

"Why no one knows about this! Why do you guys don't know about Lucas' retirement!!!"

In the office, everyone was silent and afraid to speak out.

They are afraid that once they speak, they will become victims in the next moment.


Little Murdoch pointed to the reporter of the New York Post next to him.

"How on earth did you train those people under you!! Don't tell me you taught them how to eat with a knife and fork!!!"

Little Murdoch gasped hard, and he asked angrily: "Why! You wouldn't even be able to inquire about Lucas' retirement!!"

"very sorry!"

The other party lowered his head and dared not speak.

He is really not to blame for this, most of his energy is now focusing on the senior level of Jiufeng and Warner.

There are paparazzi who collect other information, but it is too difficult to get this kind of information without a specific target.

After all, there are so many people in Hollywood, so there is no such kind of human and material resources for everyone to monitor.

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