Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1334

Seriously, Shion had never seen Lucas so angry.

"These guys!! I have never seen such a brazen person!!"

Although Lucas acted like a crazy old lion, Shion, who was sitting across from him, was not afraid.

Because she knew that the fire was not directed at her.

She just quietly listened to Lucas's dissatisfaction with Fox and News Corporation in various words.

I have to say that a cultural person is a cultural person, and the Lucasian articles did not use "F**k" and "Sh**t".

This surprised Shion a little.

Although she would not think that there are only these two words for cursing in English, she can still keep away from using these two common words even when she is angry.

It can be seen that Lucas's cultural cultivation is indeed good, and he does not swear.

"Do they think I am bullied when I am old?!"

Lucas finally stopped after violently cursing.

"No, they are just getting used to being domineering." Shion said empathetically, "I and Qiye have been under their surveillance for a long time."

"You two young people have such good tempers, I won't be so used to them!"

Lucas said angrily, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes filled with cold anger.

"I will never make them feel better!! I want to drive their family out of Hollywood!!!"

"I hope you'll calm down, George."

Ziyuan quickly admonished.

It's not that she doesn't believe that Lucas has this ability.

On the contrary, Shion knew that Lucas could do this.

Lucas can become the overlord of Hollywood, he has more than just Lucasfilm.

Lucasfilm is just Lucas's industrial assets in Hollywood, but he can have such a huge influence in Hollywood, of course, there are many hidden assets-such as contacts.

Lucas spends a lot of money every year on his alma mater, the University of Southern California.

Part of the money will be used to update equipment and teaching software to help students in the film department of the school better learn how to make movies.

The other part is funding capable film graduates to work hard in Hollywood.

Lucas did not only do this for a year or two, but for decades.

It can be said that the University of Southern California, the nation's number one film university, has endured the favor of Lucas for decades.

It’s not an exaggeration for a film student from USC to say that he is a disciple of Lucas.

The identity of alumni is very important to the entertainment industry, but it is not only a network but also a resource.

These film students who graduated from USC have become a force that cannot be ignored in Hollywood after decades of development.

It's like Qiye desperately at the beginning, even if it takes a loan, she has to go to Shangdong Art University.

For a relatively closed circle like movies, attending a prestigious school is the most convenient way for ordinary people like him without background to integrate into it.

The same is true of Southern California. Counting all kinds of ties, this group can influence nearly a quarter of Hollywood practitioners.

If these people really boycott the Murdoch family, it is not impossible for them to be cleared of the film industry.

But it was just cleared out.

Outside the Hollywood movie circle, Southern California's influence will be much smaller.

For Shion, who has made various preliminary preparations, simply driving the Murdoch family out is not what she wants to see.

She wanted the Murdoch family to never turn over.

So Shion would prevent Lucas from going to the Murdoch family to settle accounts now.

Because the time is not yet ripe.

George Lucas asked with some confusion: "Shion, I didn't expect you to stop me."

"Fox has always been the publisher of the "Star Wars" series. If you want to take full control of this series, just acquiring Lucasfilm is not enough."

"Relax, George. I have considered this issue."

Shion said confidently: "On this point, Jiufeng already has a comprehensive plan."


Lucas raised his eyebrows with interest.

"If all goes well, Jiufeng can not only get all the copyrights of "Star Wars", but also solve all kinds of copyright issues left by Marvel at one time."

"Tell me."

Lucas certainly knew that Jiufeng had trouble with Fox because of the copyright issues of "Fantastic Four" and "X-Men".

Ziyuan didn't sell Guanzi either, and said directly: "Jiufeng is going to buy Fox."

As long as the company is bought, there will naturally be no copyright issues.

Lucas opened his mouth slightly, and he looked at Shion in disbelief.

"I remember [See Moon] is seeking a seat in the MPAA."

Lucas suddenly mentioned an unrelated thing.


Shion nodded.

"Then you want to buy Fox who owns the MPAA seat?" Lucas continued to ask.

"Jiufeng is not the only shareholder of [See Moon]."

Shion's words sounded like he was answering the wrong question, but Lucas laughed.

"Shion, your ambition is really big."

After the laugh, Lucas pointed to Shion and commented.

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