Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1341

This is the end of the day's work, and when Qiye is packing her workbench, Yumi quietly finds it.

"Big brother, do you have time?"

She stood opposite Qiye, with a charming smile on her face: "Shall we have dinner together?"

"Forget it today."

Qiye hesitated, but he still refused the other party's invitation.

It's okay if the whole crew is having dinner together, but if it's just him and Yumi, then forget it.

Although News Corp’s lackeys now focus most of their attention on Lucas.

But Qiye is not without reporters watching.

Just in case, Qiye didn't plan to provide them with materials.


Yumi looked a little lost, and she kicked something gently with her feet on the ground.

"what happened?"

Yumi's reaction made Nanaya feel a little strange.

"Huh~ Big brother, you are going to have dinner with Sister Zhi!"

Yumi made a face at Nanya, and then ran away.

"What is this girl doing?"

Qiye tilted her head and thought for a long time without understanding what medicine was sold in Yumi's gourd.

"Kukuku, brother-in-law, your performance is very good~~"

When Qiye didn't know it, Lily also came to him. She put a hand on Qiye's shoulder and praised with a smile: "Brother-in-law, you did a good job, I'm very happy."


Qiye gave Lily a hand knife.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing! I'm just complimenting you. Stay away from women other than your sister, isn't this what you should do?"


Qiye was hit by a hand knife again.

"Um... I want to tell my sister that you are bullying me!" Lily made two tears in the corner of her eyes with her saliva, and said with tears.


Only the hand knife answered Lily.

"Big brother-in-law, bully!"


Afterwards, Qiye discovered that Lily's forehead was very flexible, and it would be addictive to use it to exercise hand knives.


After two weeks of indoor filming in the studio, the prologue crew finally completed the indoor shot of the school.

Because the indoor scenes of other scenes need to be rebuilt by the set group.

So Qiye turned to the streets of Los Angeles while the set set was setting up the scene, and first started shooting some of the location scenes.

According to Qiye's filming plan, he intends to finish all the scenes in Fuyuki City by August.

Then he took the crew to the Chaldean Magic Workshop in New York, and took one to two months to film the rest of the scene.

According to Qiye’s estimation, the prologue film should enter the post-production stage in October.

According to the current overall plan, Jiufeng Entertainment and Qiye set the schedule for the prologue to be the Memorial Day holiday for the Soldiers in the summer of May next year.

In this case, the post-production time is relatively a bit more generous.

It's just that this abundance is relative after all.

The FGO prologue will use a lot of CGI generation technology, if this part of the production is to keep improving, how much time is not enough.

After all, the biggest selling point of the Fate series and the biggest attribute of popcorn movies have always been gorgeous visual effects.

Besides, there will be various followers in the movie, and many action scenes are simply not something ordinary people can complete.

If you don't need a green screen to produce, even Qiye can't produce the effect you want.

Although it was moved outdoors, the crew did not go to the streets of Los Angeles to film.

The peculiar city of Winterwood is a no-man's land, and it is impossible for Qiye to shoot in that kind of bustling street.

There are too many people, even the cost of the scenery is very high.

The outdoor street scene chosen by the crew is on the edge of a river, where there is sparsely populated and there is enough space to arrange the green screen and studio.

On the other hand, this place can also restore the scene on the side of the Fuyuki City Bridge as much as possible.

Although only part of it is restored, the vision still needs to rely on green screen CG.

But from the perspective of cost performance, this is already the most ideal solution.

On an ordinary workday morning, when the sun just rises.

The members of the crew came to the shooting location and started busy.

At the same time, the Los Angeles Police Department also sent several police cars to help seal the roads and maintain order.

Although it is not a prosperous section, there will still be vehicles passing here.

Without the permission of the Los Angeles government, the crew naturally dare not close the channel at will.

Fortunately, the crew reached an agreement with the Los Angeles Police Department early in the morning, and the police were also happy to assist in the filming.

Don't think that Hollywood cooperates closely with the Pentagon. Many other government departments, such as municipal governments, FBI and even Wall Street, will have Hollywood liaison offices or similar offices.

These departments are specifically responsible for handling business dealings with Hollywood.

After all, Hollywood movies are a very good channel for publicity, a platform to present themselves to the world.

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