Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1342

Especially when working with big directors like Kiryu Nanya, the Los Angeles Police Department is very welcome.

Originally, they also asked Qiye whether in addition to closing the road and maintaining order, he would also like to have special equipment such as dragon police, SAT squad, and explosion-proof vehicles.

It is a pity that the scene shot in Qiye is the end of the world. It is Fuyuki City where there is no living person except for the main character team.

He really didn't need this kind of modern police force.

As a director, Qiye is not the first to arrive on set, but it is also very busy.

Although compared to the many big scenes he has commanded, the encounter by the river can only be regarded as a small scene.

But as the coordinator of the scene, Qiye still strives to do everything to its best.

The actors had already put on makeup and costumes in a huge trailer.

Compared to ordinary people who can do it simply, the three servant actors are much harder.

Fortunately, Cú Chulainn's clothes are at best cumbersome and not a big problem.

But the tights on Yumi and Scarlett are a bit troublesome.

To make the tights look beautiful and to be able to move freely when filming, the two "babies" of talcum powder and lubricant are absolutely essential.

Otherwise, Yumi's skin will be worn out by clothes before the shooting starts.

After all, the tights of these followers are similar to those of superheroes, and completely different from those of athletes.

Athlete's tights always consider the practicality of sports first, but the first element of the tights of costumes is all the visual effect on the body, and the second is the convenience when filming.

The two sets of Matthew and Sister R are pretty good. The widow sister's clothes that Scarlett wore in "Reunion" are thick, tight and airtight.

According to Scarlett’s own memories, she always added thick cushions on her chest and bottom to create enough space between her body and her clothes.

At the same time, use a large can of talcum powder to keep your body comfortable.

Otherwise, she won't be able to wear that suit for a long time and she will be covered with prickly heat all over her body, which is really terrible for the female star.


pS: Sorry for the late update of this chapter, as compensation was done twice._(:з∠)_

Chapter 741 Stand-in and Actor [Add 35/40]

"So, this suit is better."

Out of the locker room, Scarlett Johansson complained to the others.

"I heard that the earliest Batman clothes seem to be unable to turn their necks." Yumi whispered.

"Yes, Black Widow's clothes are already modified versions of superhero tights for generations."

Scarlett shook her arm: "But it's really uncomfortable even if you wear it like this, not to mention the inconvenience of activities and various minor problems."

Scarlett rubbed her neck and said helplessly: "I don't know what the audience thinks. That kind of clothes is not convenient for activities, so how can it be used [BEEP——!]."


Yumi and Ilia blushed immediately when they heard such explicit words popping out of Scarlett's mouth.

"Hey, Scarlett." Qiye reminded when he saw this, "Don't bring bad kids."

"They are all 20 years old and are not young anymore~" Scarlett smiled at Qiye, "Don't you think it would be nice to let them step into women earlier? Ah, our great director."

Speaking of Scarlett licked her lips with the tip of her tongue, she looked like a female hooligan.

"Sorry, I am a serious person."

Qiye waved his hands and replied.

Yumi and Ilia showed a disappointed look on their faces when they saw that Qiye did not express anything.

"Sister Scarlett, don't bring such one! Obviously I should have come first."

Lily, who was following Qiye, waved her little pink fist, and glared at Yumi with hostile eyes.

Yumi and Ilia stared back at almost the same time.


Qiye knocked a hand knife on Lily's head.

Lily looked at Qiye with tearful eyes: "Brother-in-law! You knock on my head like this all day, aren't you afraid that I can't grow!"

"Stop wordy, don't talk if you have a small chest."

Qiye pushed the blonde girl with a ponytail to it again.

"Brother-in-law, your breasts are not too big!"

Lily really wanted to take a bite from Qiye.

Qiye ignored her, he directly talked to Scarlett and others about the things that need to be paid attention to when waiting for the filming.

Lily feels a bit bored, and it is not her turn to make a film yet, so she can only observe others around the set by herself.

She looked to the other side of the road, the set was basically set up, and the whole ground had become pitted and stained black.

The road in the camera is blocked by a chain of props.

Several staff members were busy working under the command of Ryogi, and Qiye’s assistant, Barrie, was discussing something with Shonan.

Lily turned her head back.

At this time, Qiye has finished the precautions for the next scene, and asked the actors to practice walking on the set according to his requirements.

There is basically nothing wrong with Kenshi and Ilia, they only need to move a few steps as required.

But the other actors who will play the servants are different, especially Scarlett.

Because there are a lot of flying moves in this scene, she needs to make all kinds of flashes and moves on Via.

That's not enough, in order to ensure that all difficult movements can be successfully completed, she also needs to exchange identities with her double from time to time.

This made Lily want to laugh very much, because Scarlett had to use more than one substitute in this scene, but four or five.

Of course this is not the point. The point is that these doubles are all men.

These men are similar to Scarlett Johansson both in height and body shape.

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