Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1343

I don't know when the audience is salivating for all kinds of seductive fighting actions against the sexy Medusa while waiting for the movie.

If you know that most of these actions are done by a man stuffing various pads under a tight uniform, how would it feel?

Lily thinks those people should be disillusioned.

In fact, it is not just Scarlett Johansson, Lily herself and Yumi also have many male substitutes.

In fact, there are female doubles, but their job is completely different from that of male doubles.

The scene was all set up quickly, and Qiye finally confessed a few words with the actors, and the filming began immediately.

The first shot was the shot of Medusa falling from the sky.

Although the overall framework of the FGO prologue filmed by Qiye is a reference to the special chapter of the FGO version of the previous life for more than an hour.

But there are still changes in many places.

The most changed part is naturally the action scenes.

Although the production quality of the special chapters of the last life cannot be said to be poor, if you look closely, you can still feel the problem of limited budget.

Especially in the fighting scene, although it is not bad, the feeling of insufficient funding is very obvious.

Qiye naturally wanted to improve this part when she started.

Having filmed countless action movies, he naturally knows what kind of slave fighting is what audiences want to see.

Compared with Medusa's stupid appearance by the river in the animation, a gorgeous and stunning appearance is naturally what the audience want to see most.

However, for this kind of dangling jumps or other dangerous actions of the same type, Qiye does not let the actors come on stage to shoot in person, but are all done by stunt doubles.

The degree of dedication of Jackie Chan and Tom's work without being a substitute is admirable, but for Qiye it is unnecessary trouble.

Those two big stars will go to the battle in person, except for them as action superstars, the other is because they themselves are the biggest selling point of the movie.

But the biggest selling point in FGO has never been the actors themselves, but the characters in the story.

No one cares whether Medusa or Matthew’s actors have adopted a double.

Not to mention that Scarlett and Yumi were not professional action actors.

Even if the actors wanted to play in person, Qiye wouldn't allow it.

You should know that the FGO series shooting schedules are all linked together.

If there is a problem with an actor in the middle, which causes the filming plan to be postponed, it is not just one movie that eventually goes wrong.

Qiye still remembers Benny fractured his legs in an accident.

He didn't want this to happen again.

There is also the issue of insurance. Like Qiye’s filming, the crew paid tens of millions of dollars for the personal safety insurance purchased by the actors.

In this case, if the representative of the insurance company in the crew sees Qiye letting the actors shoot dangerous scenes, he may be able to fight Qiye directly.

And those actors who insist on playing in person will also be blacklisted by insurance companies.

Big Brother Jackie is because he likes himself too much. Not only does his body suffer from injuries, but he can't find the insurance company in the end.

In fact, Qiye's worries are correct.

When shooting Medusa and Matthew's hand-to-hand shot, a little accident happened.

One of Scarlett's stunt doubles shot Medusa's backflip landing. When he landed on one foot from mid-air, he jumped a little too far, which resulted in his foot being broken.

Not only the whole ankle was swollen, but from the screams of the other party during the examination by the crew of the doctor, it was very likely that the other party had injured a bone.

So the crew immediately sent a special car to take him to a nearby hospital for treatment.

However, the filming of the crew did not stop, and it continued to operate.

Qiye prepared more than one substitute for Scarlett, and naturally the next actor would replace it.

As for the injured actor, there will naturally be someone from the crew to deal with it.

For the actors who were injured in an accident, Qiye will certainly give enough money to compensate.

The insurance company will not care about the crew because of the injury of a stand-in.

After all, the amount of compensation for the stunt actor's injury and the actor himself are completely two concepts.

The former only costs hundreds of thousands of dollars at most, while the latter starts at millions of dollars.

When shooting action shots, Scarlett spent most of the time watching.

Most of the stunts are done by stunt actors without showing their faces.

All Scarlett had to do was to take the next frontal shot afterwards.

Show your face to the camera, say a few lines, and show off that proud figure.

Qiye will edit these shots together in the later stage to ensure that the audience is completely flawless when watching in the theater.



The metal knocking sounded one after another, and the ground under the feet of the two followers cracked one by one.

Hidden behind Yumi Yumi's shield, Inugai and Illya put their hand guards in front to block the strong wind that blew up when the followers were fighting.

The strong wind and splashing sand made them unable to raise their heads, and they were the first to feel the power of the followers when they first encountered inhuman combat.


An arrogant laugh came from Scarlett's mouth.

Obviously it was just a slender hook gun, but its attack was like a sledgehammer.

Even though Yumi blocked every attack from the opponent, she was still shocked by the opponent.

"Matthew!! Be careful!!"

Inuji, who played Lixiang, shouted at the school girl who stood in front of him.

Yumi tried to make a counterattack by waving the prop shield, but was easily bounced off by the opponent.

A photographer with a camera has been following behind the two combatants to shoot.

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