Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1349

"You are too impatient."

Ryan shook his head helplessly, and she quickly stepped forward and took Qiye's other arm.

The three of them took the elevator directly to the cinema on the top floor.

Because they had asked Sierra to buy the tickets a long time ago, the three of them did not go to the ticket office to line up, but directly checked in.

In order not to attract attention, Qiye deliberately took the two ladies to choose the last position of the theater.

Qiye was asked to sit in the middle by the two sisters, while Lily and Ryan sat on either side of him like guardians of the left and right.

This is the screening hall of "King Arthur: Legend of the Holy Sword".

Thanks to the reputation of director Guy Ritchie and Charlize Theron.

Coupled with Fox's overwhelming propaganda, and today is the time of the weekend.

Qiye found that the audience in the theater was not small, at least there were a dozen people.

Qiye put the paper tube in her hand to the two beauties and asked, "Do you want to eat popcorn?"

Ryan glanced at the cream and syrup wrapped on it, and shook his head without hesitation.

"Forget it, I'm keeping in shape now, this thing is a woman's natural enemy."

Lily grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth.

"Hmm...Brother-in-law, you are so bad that you use this kind of thing to seduce me! I know that this kind of thing is the easiest to gain weight."

Having said that, Lily's hand and mouth are not slow.

In a short while, the top layer of popcorn all went into Lily's stomach.

[Since you are afraid of getting fat, eat less...]

The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched slightly.

Lily's exaggerated way of eating made Ryan frowned slightly.

"Lily, it's enough. This is not good enough to eat. You are an actor, and you have to stay in shape!"


Lily obeyed her sister's warning, and she regretted taking away her popcorn hand.

Qiye collected the popcorn and gave Ryan a bottle of water.

"Actually you can indulge occasionally."

Ryan took the mineral water and replied: "Indulgence is fine, but getting fat can be troublesome."

Qiye glanced at the slim waist of her own woman.

He actually wanted to say that a little fleshy feel was actually good, but with Lily sitting next to him, he still gave up his flirting behavior.

Ryan opened the cap, took a sip, and asked.

"Why do we want to increase the box office of Fox's movie? And, I thought this movie should be made by us. Why did it become a 20th Century Fox project?"

Qiye threw a popcorn into his mouth, and he folded his legs and said comfortably: "The story of King Arthur does not have copyright issues. Anyone can adapt it. When Fate first became popular, the narrative film of the servants in it was made again. More than this one."

Lily tilted her head: "How did I hear that the script for this project was bought by Fox?"

"Because someone in Hollywood was selling King Arthur's movie project at the time, I thought I could try to adapt it, so I asked Shion to buy it back. In the end, Fox was ahead of it."

It should have been a very annoying thing, but Qiye's face was full of smiles.

Ryan and Lily, who were familiar with his character, knew immediately that this guy was messing up again.

"So, you deliberately let Fox buy it?"

Ryan immediately popped out a word [I want to catch it].

But the problem is, Ryan doesn't know why Qiye is so unoptimistic about this project.

After all, if Qiye really believes that the role of King Arthur has no commercial value, then Altria should not be created.

Facts have proved that this decision is very correct.

So Ryan posed this question to Qiye.

And Qiye also answered her.

"It is really difficult to see the success or failure of a project when it is not formed." Qiye explained, "After all, the people who run the project are different, and it is likely to lead to completely different results."

"Similarly, if people make all kinds of wrong decisions during operation, they can make the film project lead to failure."

"But brother-in-law, how did you influence Fox's judgment?" Lily's eyes were full of confusion.

Qiye blinked her eyes pretentiously: "If you understand the other person's character, you only need to make a little misleading at the critical moment."

In fact, I just used the future to know that this is a street movie.

But Qiye wouldn't say it.

"You really deserve to be brother-in-law!"

Lily didn't suspect him, she looked at Qiye with admiration.

Ryan glanced at the shadow hall: "It seems that you succeeded. The movie attendance rate is average."

Qiye nodded slightly.

Although there are more people than he expected.

But for a big summer movie, on the weekend night of the first week, there were only a dozen viewers in a movie theater.

This is indeed not a good sign for "Legend of the Holy Sword".

After all, the number of commercial movie audiences these years will only decrease day by day.

If this movie can have the reputation of "Titanic" or "Madoka", maybe it can be counterattack.

But Qiye didn't think the other party had this strength.

"Now, let's watch a movie."

At this time, the classic movie title of Ji Fox lit up on the screen of the theater, and Ryan put on the 3D glasses and said.

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