Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1360

But anyone with a discerning eye knows that these are completely two properties.

The announcer on the screen continued to tell the speech.

"After interrogation, the man confessed to his behavior. The reason he invaded Lily Waiting's apartment was that he was instructed by others."

"The suspect admitted that he had accepted the commission from an editor of the "New York Post" to invade Miss Lily Waiting's apartment!"

"At present, the police have detained the editors involved and conducted further interrogations. The specific results..."


Little Murdoch waved his hand: "You now find a way to quickly contact Will and let him take care of everything."

This was the only way out that Murdoch found after thinking about it all morning.

This will cause oneself to bleed once, after all, this crime is not light.

But only in this way can I get out of here as soon as possible.

Murdoch and News Corp have encountered this situation more than once.

A similar thing happened in the "News of the World" back then, and it was also done with a scapegoat.

However, Murdoch found that his secretary and assistant did not move at all.


Little Murdoch expressed a puzzled voice.

The secretary looked back at Murdoch and then tuned the TV to NBC TV.

"At present, the British royal family has reported to the police that "News of the World" illegally obtained royal information."

Another announcer is broadcasting another news related to News Corp.

"In 2006, the story of Crown Prince William's knee injury was exposed by News of the World. Only a few cronies knew about this incident. Where did the media come from..."


Little Murdoch hammered the table hard.

His most worried thing happened.

Needless to say, this incident must be inseparable from a certain green-haired woman.

But this is not over yet.

The secretary switched the TV station to Disney's ABC TV station.

Similarly, news is also broadcast here.

"In 2002, a 13-year-old girl, Millie Dowler, disappeared. It was not until 6 months later that her body was found."

"After the incident, the police verified that the "News of the World" employee hacked into the girl's mobile phone voice mailbox. Due to too many messages, the employee also deleted some messages to leave room for receiving new messages.

"But this behavior made the girl's parents and the police mistakenly believe that the girl is still alive, leading to the wrong direction of the investigation!"

"I can't help asking, why can media like this still exist in this world?!"


Little Murdoch was speechless at this time.

Obviously it was a sunny day, but little Murdoch froze as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his hands and feet trembling coldly.

Then, the secretary switched to CBS TV station.

"According to the latest news, Brown (the former British Prime Minister) has been tapped by News Corp for more than 10 years."

"Brown's youngest son, Frege, was diagnosed with a hereditary disease at birth and died easily.

"In 2006, when the child was only 4 months old, the "Sun" made the young Frege's condition public and used it to attack the former British Prime Minister!"

"According to rumors, the "Sun" called Brown triumphantly before disclosing the condition."

"And shortly after this incident, "The Sun" editor Brooks was promoted to CEO of International News Corporation."

"Just ask, who can tolerate this behavior!!"

The three major television stations in the U.S. fired on News Corp at the same time. Such a large amount of information made little Murdoch confused.

Finally, the secretary stopped the TV on CNN TV.

This time, little Murdoch did not hear anything about old adult accounts.

But what the announcer said made him almost vomit blood.

"The British police have stated that they consider what has happened, the current situation, and what may happen next to destabilize social order."

"They will investigate all the senior officials of News Corporation and detain those who have been identified as participating in the wiretapping case."

Cang Dang.

Little Murdoch sank back into his sofa chair.

His hair was unruly, and he was panting slightly, and he seemed to be ten years old in an instant.

Little Murdoch pointed his finger at the tabletop and said in a trembling voice: " father...NOW————!!!"


The secretary was terrified. She didn't even dare to use the phone in Little Murdoch's office. Instead, she rushed out of the office and went to the corridor to call the old Murdoch's phone with her mobile phone.

Little Murdoch didn't bother to care about her, he looked at his assistant with trembling lips.

"What do you think is the probability of this incident involving me."

What Fox, what News Corporation, what the heir to the media empire, he has no idea.

Little Murdoch now has only one thought: he must not be caught by the police.

The assistant looked at his boss. He was originally high-spirited, but now he looks like a tiger with his teeth extracted.

He let out a roar, but he was even more stern.

"Then it depends on what kind of goal Jiufeng Shion wants to achieve." The assistant said, "According to the current situation, all the forces against us are linked by her..."

Little Murdoch happily answered: "If that woman can stop in time, they will be headless!! Hurry up! Call that woman quickly!! Be sure to contact her soon!!!"

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