Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1364

Because he was afraid that Fox's stock price would fall again, he really couldn't bear the loss.

Of course, the transaction belongs to the transaction, and Mr. Kryen wouldn't smile at this woman because he paid a good price.

"Then that's it, goodbye."

Mr. Corrian walked out of the room and closed the door heavily.

He had already guessed how Jiufeng would take the next step, but these had nothing to do with him.

"Really a grumpy old man."

Shion played with his nails lightly and smiled contemptuously on his face.

"Should we continue to acquire Fox shares next?"

Iioka, who was standing behind Shion, asked in a low voice.

Ziyuan shook his head: "I don't need it for the time being. The shares we have now have reached the critical point for disclosure to the shareholders meeting."

During this period of time, Shion took advantage of the plunge in Fox's stock price and tried to acquire some shares.

Of course, in order to fear that the Murdoch family would be alarmed, Ziyuan adopted the method of individual acquisition.

She, Qiye, Siji, Zhizhi and Weiting sisters, they all bought part of Fox's stock in their own name.

Although everyone is buying under the line, the number is not large, and they are all under the standard of the number of shares held to the general meeting of shareholders.

But everyone added together is a lot.

But Shion is currently planning to stop temporarily.

"The next point is to get the Lucasfilm acquisition as soon as possible. As for Fox, you can wait and talk later. It's not yet the bottom line."

Ziyuan said quietly, her tone full of confidence.

"Ok, I see."

Iioka nodded, and he always supported Shion's decision 100%.

Currently, the negotiations between Jiufeng and Lucasfilm have reached the final stage.

After several months of negotiations, the two parties finally agreed that the transaction will be sold at a total price of US$4.2 billion.

Although it was a little higher than Shion's initial expectations, it was still within an acceptable range.

Lucasfilm is a little dissatisfied here, some people always think the price can be higher.

But in any case, only the Jiufeng family has the money to buy Lucasfilm in Hollywood.

Fox was out because of the recent scandal, and Warner was still struggling with News Corp. at all.

Several other Hollywood companies have not been very effective lately, and even if they want to buy, they are all powerless.

Disney really wants to buy Lucasfilm, but their price can't rise up to 3.5 billion US dollars.

Because of Qiye's butterfly effect, the time to acquire Lucasfilm was much earlier than in his previous life.

Disney at this time simply couldn't come up with that much money.

In short, this acquisition is quite satisfactory to both buyers and sellers.

Jiufeng not only owns the "Star Wars", the top film history IP in the western world, but also incorporates the special effects team of Light and Magic Industries, which is extremely technically capable, under his command.

Of course, Lucasfilm still has many miscellaneous assets, such as Lucas' animation, comics and games departments.

These departments were established by Lucas for the production of "Star Wars", but they were of little use to Jiufeng.

Jiufeng himself has the best game department in the world, and the comics department is even more tasteless in front of Marvel.

In this way, the animation department does not seem to overlap with Jiufeng's existing industry.

But don't forget, Jiufeng has already begun to acquire Fox.

If it goes well, Fox’s Blue Sky Animation Studio will be included in Jiufeng.

Lucasfilm's animation department is far inferior to this animation studio that has produced "Ice Age" in terms of technology and creativity.

Of course, due to the acquisition agreement between Jiufeng and Lucasfilm, although Jiufeng will abolish these departments, it will not lay off employees in the department.

These people will be assigned to all other departments of the same type in Jiufeng.

Among these employees, the happiest ones are those in the gaming department.

For all game makers in Europe and the United States, the game department of Jiufeng is their holy place.

Just like the status of Jerusalem in the hearts of religious believers, the game department of Jiufeng will always be the first choice of European and American game staff.

In their eyes, there are only two game companies, one is Jiufeng, and the other is the other.

In addition to self-employed to make independent games, otherwise the game department of Jiufeng is their most yearning company, and all other game companies are spare tires.

Therefore, when Jiufeng announced the handling of Lucasfilm's staff, all the players in the game industry in Europe and the United States looked at Lucasfilm's game department colleagues with envy and hatred.

In terms of skills and abilities, these people absolutely cannot enter Jiufeng.

But now, because of their luck, they can actually become a member of Jiufeng.

How can this not make them jealous!


pS: It's also very interesting. Lao Ren is obviously a Japanese game company, but the business foundation and basics have always been in Europe and America.╮(╯▽╰)╭

In the past, for European and American game players, the first choice is the old one, and the next level is Blizzard.

But Blizzard's show operations in the past two years have caused it to drop a lot of points, and I don't know if the choice of practitioners will change.

Chapter 752 Actors Can't Talk Nonsense [Add 38/40]

In addition to taking advantage of the fire to rob Fox shares and purchase Lucasfilm, another thing Shion is busy with is to find a way to get [See Moon] into the MPAA.

As the world's largest streaming media platform, [See Moon] has actually tried to apply for MPAA qualification from a long time ago.

However, the organization’s co-operability is the same as that of permanent members of the United Nations, and its internal members have a veto on whether new members should join.

[See Moon] has already settled five of the six members, but only one remains.

Before 2010, every application of [See Moon] was rejected because Fox voted against it.

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