Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1379

In just 23 days, the North American box office of "Avengers" exceeded US$500 million, and the global box office was approaching US$1.3 billion.

For superhero movies, box office sales are always just a prelude.

Those peripherals are the bulk of movie profits.

From comics to toys to all kinds of daily necessities.

Jiufeng Entertainment spent $500 million in Marvel's pocket.

And now, just relying on the first month's income of a movie in "The Avengers", all this money has been earned back.

This made Qiye very happy, even with a smile on her sleeping face.

At the same time, Jiufeng Entertainment is also very satisfied with the performance of "Reunion".

Since last year's "Little Circle", Jiufeng's stock price has soared all the way, and now there is a monster-level movie of "Reunion", which is simply not too comfortable.

On the other hand, the negotiations between Jiufeng Entertainment and Lucas Pictures officially ended, and it was announced that Jiufeng would wholly acquire Lucas Pictures.

Affected by these two good news, Jiufeng Entertainment's stock price once again jumped to a new height.

Correspondingly, the entry of [See Moon] proposed by Jiufeng Entertainment into the MPAA has also become smooth.

If the series of events that happened between Fox and News Corp in June were a vicious circle, one thing is worse than the other.

Then the Jiufeng Group in July is completely the other way around, and it is good one after another.

It even gave Shion the extravagant question of which one should have fun first.

But soon, Shion had no such troubles.

After a series of blows, the already exhausted old Murdoch finally found the door.

Of course, the media emperor did not come to fight, but to negotiate.

To be precise, it is more accurate to surrender.

After experiencing such negative news, even if it was as strong as News Corp., it was finally unable to support it.

Up to now, the anti-News Corp forces still attacked it from all aspects.

This not only made News Corporation's media stinks, but also completely lost its ability to control the situation.

As the emperor of the media, the old Murdoch is indeed good enough, but he can't stand the toss at all when he is old.

After he came forward, News Corp's situation not only did not improve, it became worse.

The old Murdoch is old, but his mind is not confused yet.

He knew very well that if News Corp. passed this barrier, the first thing he had to do was to stop outside attacks on News Corp.

This is also the reason why the old Murdoch came to visit this time.

Only when the leader, Jiufeng, stops his attack on News Corp, can he take the next step and slowly revitalize News Corp.

Shion knew the purpose of old Murdoch's coming to find himself.

If the old Murdoch is willing to pay the price that makes her satisfied, she doesn't mind letting News Corp.

After all, after experiencing such turbulence, it will definitely become very difficult for News Corporation to rise again.

After all, for media professionals, word of mouth is the most important thing.

If the reputation is bad, the credibility of the media is naturally gone.

Of course, what Shion let go was only News Corp.

As for James Murdoch, Shion felt that he should squat in jail and pick up soap for two years.

"I heard that Qiye wanted to give him two pieces of soap filled with essential oils?"

Shion, who was leaning on the boss's chair, said to himself softly.

"Would you like me to give him two pieces of soap with Kaisalu? Give him more choices?"


pS: Michan hates online classes, above.(▼ dishes▼)

Chapter 759 I'm Younger Than You

Fortunately for the old Murdoch, Jiufeng Ziyuan was in New York during this time.

This prevents him from flying all the way to the west coast, or simply crossing the Pacific Ocean to Japan.

After all, the old Murdoch is really old, and he can't afford to go through a long journey to negotiate a lot of energy.

Although in name, Murdoch came to visit Ziyuan on the grounds of private greetings, but in fact everyone knows what is going on.

So after receiving the old Murdoch into his boss's office, Iioka left wittily.

He is not interested in hearing the specific process of the negotiations between these two bigwigs.

As the executor, Iioka only needs to complete the work that Shion ordered.

When Iioka closed the door and only Shion and Murdoch were left in the entire office, the atmosphere gradually stagnated.

Old Murdoch sat in the armchair, looking directly at Shion.

It stands to reason that Shion, as the old Murdoch, should receive each other at home.

But Shion paid tribute to this exchange in the office.

This convinced the old Murdoch that Shion may have the sincerity of negotiation, but the negotiation process will definitely not be easy.

Therefore, Old Murdoch did not go around in circles, and said directly: "I apologize for James' eavesdropping on you. If I know..."

"If you knew he was eavesdropping on me, would you stop him?"

Shion said in a mocking tone: "If you say so, then he is eavesdropping on ordinary people, doesn't it matter?"

Old Murdoch looked at Shion with a gloomy expression.

In just two decades, News Corp. has grown from a place where birds do not shit into a world-class entertainment media group.

Outsiders think this is a miracle, but as the founder of the group, how could old Murdoch not know how he did it?

He did not know many things, but a word of ignorance did not explain everything.

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